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We ate breakfast and I got practically praised by Jungkook for my cooking skills, which I simply giggled to thanking him for the compliments.

I grabbed my books and bag walking to the front entrance. I sat on the wooden couch bench thing I had on the porch waiting for Jungkook who needed to use the bathroom.

I heard steps coming so I got up and held my bag getting ready to go. Jungkook walked past me smiling. I locked the door and he got the car started.

I walked up to the car and opened the passengers seat door climbing in, I immediately was hit by Jungkook strong cologne the smell of him reeked in the car and honestly I loved it.

I closed my eyes taking in deep breath cause the car smelt so damn good.
"Does it smell nice?" I hear him say no cockiness just curiosity.
"Yeah it smells like a new car, like fresh leather." I say turning my head to the side still taking in the smell like it was a drug.
"I've never gotten complimented on the smell of my car before." He said chuckling
"Yeah you probably get complimented on the Greek god like body you have under those clothes." I say between long breaths, I was breathing in the smell like it was the only gas I needed, screw oxygen.

He laughed and put his hand on the gear the other on the steering wheel pulling out of the driveway. He then put his hand on my thigh and put the other on the steering wheel. I bit my lip staring out the window thinking hard, hard enough for my eyebrows to furrow and it seems like he noticed.

"Got something on your mind?"
He said with eyes glancing at me once before looking back at the road,
"Well since there's only fifteen minutes before you go back to being my teacher I might as well say it. When you do that thing where you drive the car so effortlessly with one hand having your other on my thigh it drives me insane do you know how hot it is?!" I say looking at him like he had just insulted my mother.

He laughed squeezing my thigh and I just went back to looking out the window, I mean I didn't lie to him I just didn't tell him the whole truth. The reason I was thinking so hard was that I was trying to focus on not getting a boner since my thighs were really sensitive, they were like my sweet spots so basically if you touch them let alone man handle them I'll become jelly in your hands.

"I swear if I was a normal student you would be dating me right now." he said in a low voice
"You would've asked me out if I were a teacher."
"I would've asked you out the minute I saw you but those books have me a no go."
"Why~." I said whining
"What do you mean why."
"Why didn't you go I wanted you to go!- I said throwing my hand up I then then dropped them back down falling into my seat taking a long breath- I knew books would be the downfall of my life."
He laughed again squeezing my thigh in the process and I swear I sold my soul to the devil in order to stay solid.

"We're here."
He let go of my thigh and I swear that made me more disappointed then when I got a participation on naplan.

"Oh ok thanks for the ride Mr Jeon."
"Anytime Park." He said with a smile as he drive off to the staff Carpark leaving me at the drop off zone.

I rushed in and saw yoongi and hoseok surrounding taehyung like he was a precious baby.
"Hey tae, hopie hyung and yoongi hyung."
"Hey Jiminie!!" Squealed tae childishly it's like he goes into baby mode whenever he is around these two.
"Hi chim!" Hope said standing up to give me a hug meanwhile yoongi snatches tae and gets him in his lap.
"Hey Jimin." Yoongi said playing with tae's hair as the other blushed

I smiled at them once again, heading to my locker to put my bag away since there was only ten minutes till the bell.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Jen.
"Hey boo!" She said happily hugging me
"Hey sis." I said hugging her back
"So who was this morning anything happen between you and Jungkook!?" She said in her gossipy voice.
"Well there was this one thing."
I started telling her the whole story of how I found out what heaven on earth really meant and how we talked like he was one of my clients.
"Lucky you didn't have work yesterday I mean sis wouldn't have scored if you did!"
"I know right I do have work today tho." I said pouting.
"Awww c'mon has no one caught your eye!"
"Well last week I saw this one guy he was really attractive don't know if he'll show up this time tho I mean it might be a once in a while kinda thing coming out to a place as well unusual as where I work."
"True I'll see you in-" she trailed off
"I have maths, art and sex ed today."I said already knowing where she's going with this.
"I have history, art and sex ed yas bitch!"
"Wow that excited for history?" i said sarcastically
"No I have two classes with you today." She said faking being offended. I just giggled extra happily.
"Who put crack in your Cheerios this morning." She said leaning against a locker

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