Roof top lovers

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It was snack time and finally I had the chance to have some time to think, I ran to the roof top hopping to just relax.

I ran from Jen and Tae before they could come looking for me, and yes Jen did show up but at second period. She looked so wrecked which doesn't make sense cause May would've not let her come today.

So I took out my packed lunch and tried to make use of the 30 mins I had. Closing my eyes I started singing to myself about well whatever I wanted,
"Sometimes its so hard to breath
Their words they cut too deep
And it hurts
I know,
I shouldn't let them affect me
I should stay strong and fight these insecurities
But I can't do it on my own.
And I need someone to call home."

"And if you let me
I'll try fix this, baby,
don't let those words reach,
deeper than my own~
And you can call me home."
The person finishes off booping my nose from the back so I was like who the hell are you? In my head.

I wipe the tears away with my sleeve and turn to face whoever was singing, their voice was so amazing.

"Jungkook! Wow what aren't you good at."
I chuckle to myself.
"It appears keeping you happy."
I suddenly turn to him and look him in the eyes
"What do you mean your probably the only ray of sunshine I have left."
"Jimin what was that song about."
"I-I was thinking about my parents."
"Oh. What happened to them."
"It's not what happened to them that affects me for all I care the ground can open up and swallow them whole."
"Wow know I'm really interested in what they did."
"They kicked me out of the house and practically disowned me cause-
"I got an errection for the priest during church." I laugh nervously

Suddenly I turn to him and he looks like he's going to explode, he then burst out laughing and I hit on the chest repeatedly telling him to shut up!

"Ok ok ok I'm sorry but really popping a boner for the priest in church!"
He starts laughing again.
"Hey it's not funny I got kicked out of my house for that!"
"Ok ok ok your right how about I tell you my getting kicked out story?"
"Ok then spill."
"Well while I was at church an old lady- no a blind old lady was trying to get past me but I didn't notice she was blind and remained seated while pushing my feet out of her way. So while she was walking past with her walking stick she couldn't see where she was placing the damn thing and stabbed it into my foot! And I said oh my god cause it hurt like a bitch, and my parents fucking pulled me out of the church and gave me a lecture and then my mum started crying and my dad hugged her and stuff and I was kicked out."
"Ok wow."
"I know right."
"So looks like we both have very Christian parents."
"And we are gay."
"Yep I mean I hope so, we've been dating for like almost a half day."
"Wow and it somehow feels like it's been more than that."
"Maybe since that day you ran into me we kinda knew something would happen."
"Or maybe it was when you played with my nipple in that closet....
But I like yours better."
"Hey Jimin."
"How do you afford your house."
"The way we met indirectly. When I was sin and you were bunny."
"Oh what if I said that I didn't want you doing that job anymore."
"Well then I would say where do I live."
"Well I would reply with...
With me."
"Then I would reply to your reply with how are we going to sleep."
"I would reply to your reply about my reply with we wouldn't have sex that much."
"Then I would reply to your reply about my reply replying to your reply that...
When should I move in?"

His face lit up and I giggled as he lifted me up and kissed me spinning us around,
"Jungkook! We're still at school people can see us!"
"I don't care! I don't care about any of that while your in my arms!"

He placed me back down and hugged me closer, I know it's rash I know this is impulsive. But this us it feels so...
It being moving in with him and all.

I cuddled closer to him fed him a few of my pastries watching him eat them happily,
"Baby you need to eat too."
"I like seeing you enjoy them better."
"Here let me feed you."

He takes one and puts it in between his lips, and I look at him with a questioning smile. He then smirks and winks leaning closer to me, he places the pastry against my lips and I immediately know what he wants.

I open my mouth slightly as he pushes the baked good in, taking a bite our lips brush against each other's and it was the most ethereal feeling in the world.

I chew on the pastry the chocolatey flavour invading my senses as we maintain intense eye contact hoping this moment could last forever.

As soon as I'm done he attacks my lips with a tender kiss pushing me down to lay back flat against the roofs surface.

His hands venture to my waist gripping it tightly making me whimper against his lips. His hand reaches for the hem of my jumper when,

I push him off and laugh at his annoyed look, so I reach over to him and plant short sweet kisses all over his nose and lips.

His frown immediately softens and I stand up waving to him as I leave the roof, sending a flying kiss his way before closing the door behind me.


i has no idea I would make them live together honest the angst was meant to come but I can't do it so here is what I have!!

Love you guys and here are some very special people who read these segments and I just wanted to say thank you soo much it means a lot I purple you guys with all the purples in the world!!
Thank you all so much for leaving a purple heart in the comments of yesterday's chapter it meant a lot to me you guys made my day!!💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️
*ill update this list as time goes on and new people read!

Kookie for mayo~
Hey gurl gonna make some Jen story time tomorrow as well as some dramaaaaa~ we live dont we!! Cant wait for saturday all I can do is scream into my pillow and hope the days go by faster!! Anyways love you more than this world itself!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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