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From the kitchen I could hear Mays sobs and her words, I felt my chest tighten no wonder Jen was like that today. I quickly start to boil the water and rummage around the shelves trying to find the ingredients, I find them and grab sugar and tea bags.

As I bend down to get the cups I feel eyes on my I slowly stand straight and place the mugs on the counter I turn back around to see a shadow move. I take a few steps and look through the door frame. And that man was there he was the closest it couldn't be Jungkook cause he was comforting May and May was crying heavily.

I try to hurry and get back to my boyfriends protective arms. I quickly pour the hot water and accidentally spill some on my hand. I hiss in pain and turn on the tap running cold water onto my hand. After around two minutes I go back to making the tea the stinging in my hand making it harder to finish quickly.

I mix the tea around and put all the cups on a tray and carry it to the table. I set out the coasters and place the cups on top of them.

Leaning over I place my hand on May's thigh and hug her too. Jungkook hugs me and we all share a group hug, Jungkook looks down and he sees my hand,
"Babe what happened."
"I spilled hot water on it."

He lets go of me and reaches out, softly holding my hand he then brings it up to his lip and gently kisses it. I blush turning away as he chuckles leaning in and kissing my cheek.

I turn to look back at him but he wasn't looking at me, but behind be with a scowl. I slowly turn around and see Aiden standing behind me eyebrows furrowed at Kookie's display.

We turn back to May who had placed her tea cup down and sighed heavily.
"May what happened." Jungkook said cautiously
"Aiden can we have some time alone." May said looking at her boyfriend

The guy nodded leaving through the front door and I had an overwhelming urge o stand up and-

-lock the door. That perv wasn't gonna look at my Jiminie like that. If I had my way that dog would be locked outside and not fed for weeks. But right now I had to be there for May she needed me and as her best friend I had to support her, even if it meant suppressing my murderous rage.

Jimin reaches out holding May's hand giving her a warm smile that makes my heart melt.
Ok now it's just torturous rage.

"May dont worry we won't judge you, your safe with us."

May sighs deeply once again nodding.
"Well I saw Aiden on the street today and we spoke and I realise I still have feelings for him-
"Wait what there have been no Aidens in your life except for..
Omg is this guy the six year old that cheated on you!?" I say shook. or shall I say jungshook..
Ok I'll stop now.

"May I know I said I wouldn't judge but... how can you still have feelings for a guy you had a crush on when you were six? And he cheated on you, I mean at the age of six you probably got loved confused with that feeling of wanting a barbie." Jimin says and I nod my head.

"May I'm 20 and I haven't fell in love yet." I say but somehow and for some reason I don't believe myself.

"Look I get it you guys don't think I'm in love with him but I am I mean I went back to him. My heart melted for him, and that has to mean something."

"Look I understand May I know how your first crush is always the most difficult to move on from and that probably is just it. Not love just-

"What desperation? I'm telling you guys he is the one the universe brought us back together, it's destiny!"

"No it's coincidence, and it's manipulation he used to get you to feel like this again." Jimin says gesturing at her.

"He did not manipulate me."

"I bet he said things like this was fate I bet that while universe thing came from his mouth!"

"So what if it did! It's beautiful."

"May can't you see that your just trying desperately to fulfil your true love dream... of fate and the universe and the one true pair thing.  But May what if you already found it found your love."

"What do you mean."

"I'm talking about Jen, she loves you and I know you feel something different for her too."

"No we're just bestest friends."

"That's not even a word."

"Platonic soulmates."

Jimin says grabbing into May's hand that has been toying with her promise ring.

"Stop trying to fool yourself. Now tell us why Jen didn't talk you out of this!"

"Well she did but-
"Let me guess Aiden manipulates you?!"

"I guess."
"So what did you do after."
"I umm I walked out cause-
"Your head was filled with Aidan's bs."

May sighs again. And I bust into their conversation.

"Wait so you thought you fell in love with this guy and brought him home to which Jen disagreed cause she probably loves you. And you left cause you were too suborn to cooperate. And now your here to get help from me cause—

"Cause I dont know if Jen will take me back."

"She definitely will but why did you bring him home you already know Jen hates him."

"Well he's homeless and broke so I-

"May you should know better than that. Broke and homeless is an immediate red flag."

"I know Alright I just want to lay low get everything together see if this Aiden thing turns out well and if it doesn't then I'll talk to Jen. But I will talk to her again either way I can't live life without her weather she wants me or not."

"Ok May I support you but where will you live?"

"I'm not sure about that one yet."

"You can live with us." I say looking at Jimin who nods.

"Thank you so much jungkookie!" May jumps up hugging me tightly. I pat her back and start to rethink.

Jimins gonna be living with me at the same time that jerk is gonna. I just have to keep him away from Jimin.

I know I sound protective as fuck right now but I'm not risking anything. Better safe then sorry.

Safe being protective as fuck and keeping my baby locked away while sorry is letting that ass get his hands on him.

But I'll make sure that if I'm ever sorry.

That dick will be hospitalised.
Hi I'm finally back and wow 51K views?!!! You guys are the best!! And we're holding number two in jikook!!! I'm soo happy! I'm sorry that I haven't been able to reply back to your comments but I have seen them I love the conversations in the comment sections!! Keep it up guys I love the interactions.

Also I feel like a owe you guys an extra something so imma get a surprise uploaded today!! Be ready it's gonna be five mins tops!

Anyways love you guys muahh~❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✊🏾❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Kookie for mayo~
I'm back boo!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✊🏾😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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