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Holy fuck am I falling for Park Jimin holy shit I am. Bull shit I cant fall in love with my student that would be so wrong!!

Dude you've had sex with him?!
Shut up! It was great sex and I don't regret anything.
Your asking him to move in with you what for? To have more sex with him, i swear to god you only ever think with your dick.
If you had a cock like mine you would think with it too.
I'm your conscience I have the same dick as you.
Yeah but I bet it's smaller.
You take that back you asshole!
Tic tac dick.
Imma make you think about Jimin under neath you while your speaking at the school assembly tomorrow.
You wouldn't.
Try me bitch.
Fine you have a big cock.
That more like it.
Your also a virgin.
I will make you think of your deceased grandmother while you fuck Jimin.
Ok ok ok god your shitty.
Well that just means your shitty too.
You know what I don't have to take this I have an amazing boy friend that's-
Currently staring at you like your psycho cause for the past five minutes you have been talking back to no one?

"Ummmm sorry I've spent to many nights alone in the giant ass house."
"Excuse me for asking but who has a big dick?"
"No one I know of, I was talking about a virgin with a tic tac dick."
"Well I think that virgin is gonna do something you really don't like."

He's damn right get ready for the hardest errection of your life as you speak to hundreds of naive little kids.

"I'm so fucked."
"I thought you were a top."
"Hahahahaha is this what bottoms classify as jokes?"
"Oh you did not jus call me a bottom."
"I remember taht last time you were the one getting dick up your ass."
"Oh Kookie I could dominate you any day."
"I'd like to see you try."
"Your hot when you argue back."

I burst out laughing.
"Bottom all the way."
"That's it you don't get any more of this for the rest of the week."

Jimin says wiggling his ass as he gets up from the couch. I reach out desperately grabbing his forearm and pulling him back down.

"No please Jimin don't resort to such measures I'm sorry you can be what ever you want."

He sighs laying his head on my chest,
"You horny little fucker."

I wanted to mention something about him calling me a fucker which then means I fuck but decided to keep my mouth shut and hug him tighter as he lay on top of me.

"I like this."
"Me too...
It's almost as good as fucking you."
"Alright I'm done."

Jimin gets off me completely and walks up the stairs to my bedroom.
"Are you getting ready for me?"
"Oh my god you know what come cuddle with me once you sort out the issue between your legs."

I chuckle as I watch the door close and jimin fade from view, standing up I walk to the kitchen and look through the fridge trying to find something to eat.
"Looks like we're getting uber eats tonight."

I go back to the living room and was about to grab my phone when I hear a knock at the door, who could that b-
Ohhhhh May was coming over right.

Seems like I forgot.

I walk over to the door and open it seeing a very unwell looking may, there were heavy black bags under her eyes. The whites of her eyes had become red and irritated, her face was pale and her hair was a mess.

I immediately leant in and hugged her,
"May what happened? Where's Jen?"
I heard small sobs as a moist feeling trickling down my neck.

"J-jungkook I-i we-
"Shhh calm down you can tell me once you feel up to it."

I sit May on the couch and notice someone by the door a male.
"Oh is your friend here?"

May shakes her head,
"Who is he then?" I question
"H-he's my b-boyfriend."

I widen my eyes shock evident on my face, I thought May was les. Also I thought she liked Jen. I look towards the door and see a luggage bag. I look back to her but she's looking down at the floor.

Suddenly I see the door of my bedroom open and a tired looking Jimin comes out,
"Jungkook who was at the do-

Jimin runs down the stairs excitedly before stopping moments away from the couch seeing a clearly saddened May, he looks back at me and tilts his head.

Jimin walks up to me and puts his hand on my chest and I grab his hip pulling him closer, May looks up at me and smiles chuckling,
"Ahhh Jungkook!! Why didn't you tell me you and jimin got together!!"

She chuckles again dryly making my chest squeeze at her pained expression, I look back at the door.
"You can come in."

The man nods and walks in pulling the luggage bag with him, his eyes meet Jimin and I feel Jimin tense up in my arms I squeeze him reassuringly but I didn't like the way he was staring either.
"Jungkook I'm going to go get some tea."
"Ok Jiminie." I kiss him on the forehead and he detached his arm and walks into the kitchen.

I bit my lip and try to prevent kicking this guy out of the house after I caught him staring at Jimin ass as he walked away. How could May like someone like that.

I turn back to her and she has tears flowing from her eyes.
"Jungkook I lost her. I left her."
I love waking up to 137 notifications it makes me feel so special thank you guys so much and at one point we were at 1 in jikook were number two now but still!! You guys are amazing I love you so much and I'm sorry I'm not uploading like I used to I AHVE a lot going o at the moment.❤️❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜💜

Kookie for mayo


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