Spooky story

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"Wow... let's end the game on the best note possible!" Jen said smiling like a child that just got a crap ton of lollies
I looked over at jimin and he looked like he had just reached an error.
"Oof looks like Jimin.exe. Has stopped working." May said laughing
"B-bed." Jimin said looking up with puppy eyes at me.

I smirked to myself and said,
"You want it now baby?"
"You asking for us in the bed now or what?"

I fake a disappointed face and sigh heavily and turn back to him with a fake sad expression,
"Ok then. What's the what."
"You want me to be in your bed?!" He said sounding shaky
"Well who wouldn't?" I say cheekily and aww at the blush that illuminates his face moments later.

"Awww you two are so sweet you give me diabetes." Jen said making a sickening smile

"Ok what you guys wanna do now?" Jimin finally said calming himself down
"You guys up for a sleepover." Jen said knowing Jimin wouldn't mind
"Yeah I don't mind." May said
"Yeah I wouldn't mind either but who would drive you guys back?" I said
"I'll get an Uber and you drive Jimin to school since he has maths tomorrow and those books are heavy as fuck, cause mister smarty pants chose advanced mathematics." Jen said emphasising fuck and smarty pants
"I chose art as an elective so I had to make up some how!" Jimin whined but to be honest it was cute
"Ok so what sleep now or-" May trailed off
"Oh let's tell spooky stories!" Jen said excitedly
"Oh ok." I said not sounding too excited since I love scary stories but there seems like there isn't any I haven't heard that are good.

"Ok every one huddle up." Jen said
We all huddled together in a circle and jimin came right up to me practically on me not that I wasn't complaining. I chuckled at how he seemed on edge and decided to calm him down by picking him up and putting him between my legs so that he looked like a tiny bean wrapped in my arms and legs.

I heard him mumble a small thank you and nuzzle further into my chest I replied by patting his hair and squeezing him closer to me.

"Ok May go get snacks I just remembered." Jen said making May run into the kitchen and come back with soda, cups, chips and some left overs that she heated up.
"Ok so now that we have the essentials, snacks, blankets cuddle partners. I'll start!"

We all had our ears perked up as we listened intently,
"On a sunny day where only a few clouds held the sky a small boy sat on a tree, his tree. He liked to sit in the tree and contemplate life, he liked to get all his thoughts in order as he sat on the thick branches. This tree was huge it was wonderfully tall and it's branches extended from every direction. The boy sat and watched people play with their dogs and each other some on the phone too, he smiled to himself ready to get down when he heard rustling from the branch right next to him. The rustling became restless and the boy was intrigued there was no way anyone else could climb up without him noticing so maybe it was a bird and a nest and he loved animals so he parted the leaves and-
Moments later his body came hurling lifelessly to the ground landing with a loud thump, as it landed you could hear his bones crack and see his blood pool the grassy hill. People from around the park ran to the body and called the ambulance, they knew he was dead so they didn't want to roll him over and see his pitiful face so they left the body be. When the paramedics arrived they turned the body over to only blood ooze from the hole left in the boys face! His face was ripped off his mouth was open his eye sockets empty and his tongue ripped off! The paramedics were in shock and deeply disturbed but no one could be prepared for what happened next the boys eyes came falling from the sky as well as the boys tongue landing in the open mouth making splatters of blood drop onto the paramedics shoes. A while later the body was taken from the site and the blood was cleaned leaving the people of the park no form of evidence the incident even happened.
Two years later a little girl was frolicking in the park picking flowers and putting them into her basket when she was satisfied with the flowers she had picked she decided to turn around but suddenly a purple and blue flower popped out from the tall grass that held a large tree somewhere people were told not to go. She didn't have a flower like that so she stepped closer to the grass to pick it up. Two days later her body was seen hanging form the tree when people approached it to remove it the body came falling down and it was the same mouth agape eyes and tongue ripped off but in the mouth and face gone. That place of the park was closed and investigated only to find nothing.
A year later a teenager was walking along the path way holding back tears as she passed the tree. The tree that took her younger brother and sister, she walked thinking to herself about how she would do anything to see there faces one last time. She kept walked until she noticed something by the tree... blood. She ran towards the tree hoping that no one else was harmed but stopped in her tracks once she saw what left the trail, pinned to the trunk of the tree in a circle of red were two skinned faces one of a little girl and the other of a little boy."

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