Best boyfriend ever

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I reached my apartment and sat there with nothing to do but internally scream at what just happened.

Yes I'm his teacher and all but I'm still young and I've missed out on that young dumb love part of my life and maybe now I get to experience it...
With him.

I was in the car and during a red light of course, I texted May to come over so I could share the good news cause I felt like I was going to explode with all this pent up feels inside of me.

I started tapping my foot rapidly on the floor as had a smile permanently plastered on my face as I kept my eyes on the hickeys covering my neck which I could see from the mirror across the room. I looked back it my wrist again and saw the ink on the numbers was wearing out so I took a fine permanent marker and redrew them on.
"That should last for a while."

My phone pings and i instantly pick it up,
"Hey ummm I cant make it now how about after school at around 4:00?"-mayonnaise

"Oh alright I'll tell you then!"-you

"Wow what bomb dropped into your house and exploded glitter?!"-mayonnaise

"I'll tell you when you come over!"-you

"You using explanation marks it's a miracle like you usually such a plain depressed guy while texting."-mayonnaise


"OMG EMOJIS WHO HURT YOU!!!"-mayonnaise

"Omg bye May!!"-you

"Bye stranger..."-mayonnaise


I laugh putting my phone on the couch as I walk up the stairs and go change and shower.

Stripping from my dirty clothes I throw them into the hamper and walk into the shower turning it on and feeling the warm water run down my body I caress all the hickeys smiling like an idiot to myself.

After washing up I notice all the hickeys on my neck would show with a suit so I change my attire and wear a yellow scarf and t shirt instead with some tights skinny jeans.

I make my way down the stairs and it looks like I have-

Under my breath I mumble the Lord's Prayer so there could be clear traffic,
"Our lord who art in heaven hallowed be thy name
They kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
God please...

See why I was kicked out of the house by my very Christian parents?

But thankfully the traffic was clear so when I reached I was five minutes early. So walking out of my car I beat my chest twice with my fist before kissing it and throwing it up to the all mighty man up there.

I make my way into school and step into my office which wasn't locked...
oh yea I forgot to lock it yesterday cause if well I was excited don't judge me!

As I stepped in I saw a small square container on my desk and my eyes immediately started tearing up. I wipe the fresh tears away and step closer to see a post it note on the box.

'Hey Mr Jeon it's Jimin! I thought you wouldn't have time today to make anything so I did! I couldn't find you so that just proved that I was right and you would be late, and the door was unlocked so i just left it here hope you enjoy!!'

I remove the sticky note and put it on my cork board pinning it up and sending a flying kiss to it.

I open the box and ooooo it has two layers!
I open up the first layer and there are pastries they look sweet. I take one of the small ones and bite into it and moan quite loudly.
"Wow I didn't know you would enjoy it that much?"

I turn around and there stood a tiny Jimin in a blue jumper that was a bit big but it covered his neck.

I chuckle walking over to him and pull his zipper down a bit and looking over my little master piece of red mush purple marks scattered around his neck,

I pull away and place my thumb on his lip,
"Say ah."

He opens his mouth and I place the rest of the pastry inside. Planting a quick kiss on his lips straight after.

He blushed cutely while looking down,
"Aish Jungkook!"
"Sorry babe."

He blushes even more and I coo at how cute he looks,
"Have you spoken with May recently?" He questions looking up at me,
"Yes just this morning, why?"
"Did she mention anything about Jen?"
"No what's going on Jiminie?"
"It's just that Jen hasn't picked up the phone and she isn't here yet it's worrying me."
"Baby don't be worried if she doesn't come to school today I'll ask May what's going on ok?"
I kiss his lips once more and he lays his head on my chest.
"Your the best boyfriend ever."

He says kissing me deeply. The kiss becomes heated when,

"Cock blocker." I mumble under my breath
Jimin hits me while giggling as he picks up his books and walks out sending a wink and a flying kiss before he leaves.

I put my hand up and do a grabbing motion pretending to catch the kiss and he giggles even more closing the door behind him.

I smile grabbing all my things and heading to the class room. Holding my signature bunny smile on my face,
"Today's gonna be a good day."
I know it's been a while since I have done a proper author note and I don't know if you guys read these but if you do please leave a Purple Heart in the comment section! Just so I know who are the special people who read till the very end!

Anyways looks like jikook is gonna get involved with the May and Jen drama!!!

Maybe jikook drama is gonna start? Who knows?! Love you all so much see you next chapter byeeee~❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Kookie for mayo~

I can't wait for Saturday like gurl I'm quacking in a k Mary socks right now!!!
Also my god I got 1K reads in a day!! At 12am I hit 16K and now I'm on 17K I cant even thank you so much boo for inspiring me to do this book I love you so much!!! MUAH~~

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