Surprise encounter

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I woke up to an empty room, turning over my pink strands fall on top of my face and I'm so so used to having Jen here staring at me while I sleep and brushing the strands away. Waking me up with her warm smile and breakfast in bed.

I sit up and scratch my head while rubbing the tiredness from my eyes. Pushing the blankets off of me I bring my feet to the carpeted floors and stand up putting on the doggy slippers Jen bought for me yesterday.

I walk into the bathroom to do my daily routine, washing my face, brushing my teeth having a shower and well the other thing.

I come out with a towel around my abdomen and a towel wrapped around my hair which is now having a black to pink fade.

The hair dye must've not been that good in order to lose its affect in four days.
"Must've been old or something."

I flick through my closet which is now filled with new clothes, thanks to my sis.

I find this black jumper that reached mid thigh and grab it with a pair of pink jean like pants. It's a pastel pink that matches my hair. So the outfit looks really good since black is my aesthetic.

I go into the bathroom and blow dry my hair before straightening it and adding little curls at the bottom.

I check over myself in the mirror, and remember the five hour long day we spent at the mall yesterday. How I went into every shop that caught my interest and how Jen carried all the bags even though I offered to help. I remember how when we went to the food court she fed me since I was complaining about ruining the manicure she paid for.

I remember the noise the eftpos machine made each time Jen tapped her credit card on it. I remember all the thank you's I said and how I felt so bad, and I remember the countless times she would squish my face together and nuzzle away the guilty pout I had on my lips.

And all those memories are times I'll never forget.

I pick out some pink bow earrings and a pink heart necklace. Wearing the accessories I do a little spin in front of the full body mirror and smile to myself taking a selfie and then sending it to Jen.

I grab my bag and walk out of the apartment smiling to myself. It's currently 7:45am which means Jen is probably still asleep.

Whenever she goes out with friends she'll party hard and drink so she'll be knocked out until the evening. I decided to go have a look around the city and maybe get something for Jen so I feel a little less guilty about how much I made her spend yesterday.

I walked around the buildings taking in the cold air and feeling it fill my lungs. I walk a little bit making a turn, I see a small florist and decide to get some sunflowers and red and yellow roses for our dinner table.
"Maybe I'll make a cute little dinner thing too."

I say taking a flower into my middle and pointer finger gently bringing it down so I can inhale it's intoxicating scent. It was almost like a drug inhaling the rose. Taking a deep breath through my nose I would let a deep breath out through my mouth. Smiling at the flower I went in buying ten roses half yellow and half red, and five sunflowers.

In the nice bouquet I mixed the flowers around a bit arranging them perfectly occasionally lifting a rose up to smell.

Soon as I walk the pavement the rich scent of coffee engulfs me leading my eyes towards a old fashioned coffee shop with plant terrariums hanging by brown rope from the ceiling.

I walk in the coffee scent getting stronger ordering a hot mocha with extra sugar and one hit of espresso I walk out blowing on the drink before taking a sip letting the warm solution glide down my throat warming up my insides.

I decide to head back home and drop these off before getting the groceries when I see a small jewellery selling rose quartz necklaces with rose gold chains. I go in and examine the necklaces but nothing really clicks. I look around the shop and see a custom sign, smiling to myself I walk up greeting the staff member,
"Hello how may I help you?"
"I was wondering if I could get a custom neckless made?"
"Oh yes right this way."
"Ok thank you."
"So what would you like the base material to be?"
"I would like a rose quartz gem with a rose gold chain."
"Ummm is there a possibility I could get a couples one that conjoin?"
"Yes of course how would you like it?"
"I want one necklace to be a heart carved from rose quartz and the other necklace to be an infinite sign once again carved from rose quartz. And the way they conjoin us so that it looks something like this-"

 And the way they conjoin us so that it looks something like this-"

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I show the lady the image and she smiles.
"When would you like that done?"
"Umm is by tomorrow good."
"Yes we'll deliver the necklaces to your address by maybe 7:00pm?"
"Ok thank you."
"Please sign this out and I'll place you order."
"Thank you."

I start filling out the sheet and add my credit card number at the bottom so they can deposit the amount the necklaces will cost before they send them over.

Smiling I hand the sheet to the lady and exit the shop. A wide, toothy smile makes its way to my face when I look at my phone,
"Wow sometimes I really wonder how someone can be so perfect?! -Jen"

I giggle tucking my phone away, and continue walking. I walk past many alleys out of pure paranoia looking into all of them. As I walk past the I think tenth one I look in and spot something.

A little German shepherd curled up in a ball by a dumpster. I walk into the alley and pet the poor thing I see it's collar and read it out loud,
"Jet huh?"
"Your a really pretty boy jet."

The dog looks up to my slightly smiling all of a sudden it winks at me and I laugh,
"Sorry boy I'm not into well boys."

He starts panting and licking my face in which I just laugh at pulling away.

Suddenly I hear footsteps behind me and jet starts wincing.

I turn around quickly and my eyes meet with someone I never thought I'd see again.
"May is that you?!"

That voice it has to be,
Some may and Jen action for you!!!

See you guys next chapter love you muah~❤️

Love you too sis and....

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