Are You Alright

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Third Person(POV)

It had been an hour since Jen and Jimin had their talk. Jungkook had come back after discussing to the doctor about her condition and receiving the medical certificate. It has said a lot, explained a lot.

Patient name: Jennifer Kennedy
Age: 18
D.O.B: 16. May. 2001
Height: 6,1
Weight: 45 kg
illnesses: clinical depression, anorexia, drug induced insomnia
Number: ************

Jen was asleep again, it had seemed as though it was a first for her. Jimin had his hand clasped tightly in hers thumb tracing over the bones that would stick out.

"Hey baby."
"Hey Kook." The blonde male looked drained, there was so much going on in him, Jungkook could see it all through his eyes. The sadness, regret, the hurt.

The taller male walked up to the shorter squatting by the chair, he placed a hand on the others thigh and handed him the medical report.

Slowly the younger eyes widened hand reaching to cover his mouth as tears welled up in his eyes. He couldn't believe what he was reading. He looked back at the pale figure resting in bed and sobbed.

Her collar bones looked like mountains against the valleys of her ribcage. Her pale skin looked almost see through as the net work of veins ran against it. Her arms looked as if they were clawed by a bear. Stitches holding paper thin skin together.

Her eyes were deep set, dark circles sticking out prominently. She looked so broken, so delicate, so unlike herself.

Jimin hung his head low as he sobbed medical report scrunched slightly in his hand as he held it. It was too much to bear, all this pain and all the suffering, it was making him feel like he was going to collapse. He felt all the weight in the world rest on his shoulders every time he looked at her.

Me blamed himself, thinking that if he paid more attention to his ailing friend he would be able to see her suffering. Maybe then he could've helped her, could've talked with her. Made she sure was alright, maybe he could've saved her.

He felt so so tired, of these reacting thoughts, no matter how many times Jungkook has told him it wasn't his fault he just couldn't believe it. He was her best friend and if he didn't see it than who could? She had no one for so long.

He had tried sleeping earlier, but everytime he would let down his guard he found himself in that same room standing in front of a bloodied bathtub his best friend bleeding out, pulse faint and skin pale.

So he just held her hand, specifically keeping a thumb at her pulse to make sure her heart was still beating.

"A-are you ok?" Jungkook asked cautiously not wanting to over step.

Jimin closed his eyes counting the amount of heart beats he felt, it was enough. She was alright.

"I am."

He had fallen asleep, it was almost three am and he woke up earlier yesterday so he didn't have a choice. But his hand was still hanging loosely in hers.

I smile at their contact, they really were really close. And I felt like I got to experience a new side of Jimin. The caring one, not the one who drops pencils on purpose to bend over in those really tiny jeans. Or the one that stripe teased really well. Or the one that wrote his number on my vein so it would be close to my heart.

I had seen the romantic, the sexy and the domestic Jimin. And now I'm seeing the best friend side, the desperate side of him. Now I know how he'll act of anything like this happens to me. I feel happier knowing he has this side. Cause at the beginning I felt that what ever we had wasn't going far.

I was his teacher, we couldn't have anything serious. And I'm not going to lie, he was hot. And for a decent amount of time, that was the reason I went after him, the reason I even bothered. But after seeing this side, knowing that when worst comes to worst he'll be right by my side. It makes me feel something, more than just lust. I think that maybe it could be love.

"Hey you still up? You should get some sleep too you know." Jen said yawning and squeezing Jimins hand.

"Uh yeah, I really can't sleep on the floor, and I just called up saying I couldn't make it too work. Said that one of my friends needs me at hospital."

"One of your friends eh? Since I'm one of your friends mind telling another one of your friends say maybe Mrs Young that I'm not horrible at science I just can't test right? You know maybe?" Jen said laughing.

"I'll see what I can do. But no promises." I reply grinning at her.

"Hey uh you feeling alright?" I say furrowing my eyebrows.

"Been better, but these past few days, this is probably the best I've felt." She said looking down at Jimin who was snoring quietly.

"I was looking into your medication, it said one of them caused illusions? I talked to your psychologist and she said that 'she' was telling you all these things. Jen was 'she' the one that made you do this?"

"Kook, it's ok. I know you know who she is just use her name. It's not her fault I conjured her up. Cause I'm so damn clingy and desperate."

"Ok then what did May tell you."

She reached out for her glass of water taking a sip before placing it down. Looking at me, straight into my eyes.

"She told me to prove my love, and by that she meant that if I truely loved her; I had to let her go. And I had to step out of the way completely. And Kook, I really truely love her. For so many years. And now she's happy without me."

"she's not. And even if she was you still had so much to live for. You have Jimin and me."

"I believe that the main goal in life is to find your soul mate, and be with them no matter what. I believe that the only reason we're here is to find the missing piece of our puzzle. And be happy with them for the rest of our lives. Kook I found mine years ago, and then I lost her. She found someone else that I guess fits better. And me, I have no one else to fit into. Some of us were meant to be dejected, some of us where made wrong and we were never meant to fit into any one else. And I guess I just have to accept that."

"She loves you, I know my best friend. At uni you have no idea how much she talked about you. It was Jen this Jen that. Jen she is in love with you. She just can't see it, cause she's clinging onto the past. She's in such a need for a proper ending to her old relationship that she circled back. She loves you I promise you that. She just doesn't know it."

"Kook please, please don't give me false hope. Cause I'm a few years down the road I'll circle back to this. I know I will. She'll leave me for him and. If I don't let go know. Im not sure I'll know how to deal with it."

Five hours later~

Me and Jimin had just finished our breakfast and were going home. After the talk me an Jen had last night I was set on proving to May that they were meant to be. I wasn't going to push her towards Jen I was just going to push her away from Aiden. Cause even if what Jen said was right, and May and her weren't for each other. I sure as hell knew that Aiden wasn't Mays missing piece. That's crusty ass bartender we saw at the coffee shop has more of a chance.

Kookie for mayo~
Hi future bestie ❤️💘💜

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