Chapter 57 - Soon

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Troye's POV

Soon. I hated that word now. I mean, sure, I used it occasionally to tease my viewers, but it wasn't much fun on the other end. Tyler had ran off to God knows where, so I sat down at my desk and pulled up Tumblr. After adding a few posts to my que, answering some questions, and deleting a few hate messages, I say back in my chair.

When did things change? One year ago, I would've been depressed for a whole night because of a little hate, but now I deleted it like it was nothing. It was nothing. It was just a few people saying rude things. In reality, they were just a small part of the group of people who knew who I even was. I found myself amazed that such a little thing had gotten to me so badly. I had people who loved me- people who were way more important than people who thought disrespecting others was the way to make themselves feel better. I smiled softly to myself, opening Twitter and carefully thinking before typing out a message:

"JUST A REMINDER THAT I like you guys a lot and thanks for everything you do for me. Have a kick ass day"

I closed my computer and checked my phone. No message from Tyler. I sighed and left my room. I knocked on Tyde's door.


"Troye?" His door opened and he looked at me, concerned. "What's the Tumblr addict doing out of his room at this hour?"

I smiled at Tyde's casual joke. We'd been on rough ground since- well. I shook my head slightly to stop my thoughts. "Very funny. You wanna grab something to eat or something?"

A few minutes later, we were in the car and driving to Starbucks. Tyde was rather quiet, so I glanced at him. "You alright?"

He nodded. "I missed you, Troye."

Tyler's POV

I felt bad for leaving Troye. I was too paranoid to do anything at his house, but now that I knew he was okay with this new- advancement- I was quite looking forward to going back to my apartment in a couple weeks to prepare for Vidcon.

I was driving, but to where I didn't know. I just needed to get out before I did something, or someone, I didn't mean to. Not yet.

I turned out of Troye's neighborhood and onto a main road. I pulled up to a small Starbucks and sat down in a small booth, letting my thoughts pull me in.

Troye and I would've been dating for one year in the next week. What should I plan? Should I plan anything? I should definitely buy him something nice. Like what? Maybe he was planning something? Maybe he totally forgot. But Troye's too careful to do that. I should just ask him. I'll ask him. But not today. And tomorrow won't work. But why? Just not the right time. Just ask him, it's not even a big deal. Okay. Okay. Okay.

I sat up and walked to the counter, ordering two drinks. I slipped into my car and drove back to Troye's in about five minutes. Walking to his room, I sipped my drink.

He wasn't in his room, surprisingly, so I set the drink on his nightstand and sat at his desk.

I sent him a quick message:

"Hey, where are you bae? xx"

I didn't get a reply after a few minutes so I plugged in my phone to charge and grabbed my laptop. Laying across Troye's bed, I caught up on some social media, finally deciding to tweet something in an attempt to catch Troye's eye.

A simple "<3" with an attached selfie of me on Troye's bed.

I giggled as my followers freaked out in the replies. I looked up at Troye suddenly walked in to the room.

"Tilly," he whined, and I could tell he's seen the tweet. He pulled me up into a hug and kissed my neck. "I was just about to get back!"

"I love you though," I murmured.

"I love you, too."



Hey, there. I wrote this forever ago, and decided I should upload it. I don't really know what happens in it, it's been that long. Whatever. Hope you like it? Someone pleaseeeee leave ideas/summaries of what should or has happened. I'll love you forever.



My Tumblr: @ily-troyler

My Twitter: @melaynee_lenez

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