Chapter 27 - Familiar

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Troye's POV

I awoke to bring shaken.
"Troye, wake up already!"
I groaned, squinting open my eyes.
"We're in Australia," Tyler exclaimed.
"We're still flying."
"I know but we're above Australia. We're landing in an hour!"
"Excited much?" I smirked.
"Maybe," Tyler grinned sheepishly.
I sat up in my seat and leaned over Tyler, looking out the window. Almost home.
Soon, the plane landed and we stepped off the plane. I led the way to the luggage area and picked out Tyler's and my bags.
My mom was waiting for me there.
"Hey!" I said, trying to get her attention.
"Oh, my gosh!! Troye!" She ran over hugging me.
"Hey, mom."
"How are you?"
"I'm well," I said, smiling. "And here's Tyler," I explained, gesturing to him.
"Hey, Tyler! Long time, no see!"
Tyler and Mom hugged before my mom said, "you boys must be starving. Let's go home!"
We walked out of the airport before going into my mom's car. Soon, we arrived home where Tyde was waiting.
"Hey, Tyde!" I greeted him.
"Hey!" he shouted, running and hugging me.
Looking around, I sighed. I was content to be here. I was okay.
Smiling, I grabbed Tyler's hand. For some reason I felt kid of giddy.
"C'mon," I exclaimed, dragging him up the the stairs to my room. We put down our bags and Tyler looked around, inspecting.
"I think something's missing..." he said, quizzically.
"What?" I asked as he walked over and unzipped his bag. Laughing, he put up a One Direction poster right above my pillow by my bed.
"Oh, right," I understood now.
He hopped off the bed and looked at me. "Better. Not great, but better."
"Oh, shush," I shot back, swatting his shoulder.
He grabbed my waist when I came closer and I leaned in kissing him. It was so perfect. We fit together perfectly and came together as if we had choreographed the moment.
"Hey, Troye. Mom wants to know if-"
I pulled away at the sound of Tyde's voice.
"Um," Tyde stopped when he saw me and Tyler so close. Quickly, I separated from Tyler.
"Yeah," Tyde said, uncomfortable. "Are you guys, like, together?"
"Kinda, yeah."
Tyde smiled. He always loved the whole Troyler thing.
"So what did Mom tell you to ask?"
"Oh, she wants you to come down and eat some dinner."
"Okay," I said heading out the door. Tyler, Troye, and I walked downstairs together. We sat down at the table, eating the food my mom had prepared.
"Uh, Troye," my mom called.
"Coming," I said.
I walked to her. She was holding a phone.
"It's for you," she answered, handing me the phone and going back to the kitchen.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hi. Is this Troye Sivan?"
"Yes, who is this?"
"Margarita Shelley from Counseling Services. I believe you spoke to one of our partners in the United States."
"Alright. And you've scheduled an appointment for a Tyler Oakley?"
"Not yet."
"Yes. That's why I'm calling. We have an office in Perth that's open for tomorrow."
"Oh, that works."
"Perfect. What time?"
"How about one?"
"And once again, Tyler is okay with this?"
"He's been made aware of why and where he's going?"
"Okay. See you then. Any questions?"
"Okay, bye!"
I hung up, putting the phone back. My mom entered behind me.
"Is everything okay, Troye?"
"Uh, yeah," I replied, lost in thought.
"Troye, don't lie to me."
I sighed. "It's not me, don't worry."
"Alright. If you want to talk, I'm here."
"Thanks," I answered, giving her a tight hug before going to the kitchen. I must've looked upset because Tyler looked at me oddly.
The night flew by as I was exhausted. Soon, Tyler and I were in bed and he looked at me.
"Who was calling earlier?"
"No one."
"The counseling people?"
"How'd you know?"
"You seemed dazed afterwards."
Tyler took a deep breath before asking, "When are we going?"
"Tomorrow at one."
We went to bed and I fell asleep almost instantly. It was going to be okay.

Tyler's POV

I lay around all night, tossing and turning. Troye thought that everything was going to be okay. Maybe it was. I was going to try. But I was terrified. What if I was so screwed up that I couldn't be fixed. I wanted to feel and remember, but I couldn't. What was wrong with me?
Troye was fast asleep so I slipped out of bed and walked down the hall. I didn't know his house very well so I leaned against the wall, looking at the doors. Suddenly one opened and Tyde appeared. I held my breath, pressing into the shadows.
He walked out of a bathroom and across the hall into his room. When the door shut, I inched towards the bathroom. I could feel my heart beating.
I closed the door before turning on the light. I turned the lock and sat on the floor. I cried, fear sitting in the pit if my stomach. I couldn't do this. I walked back to Troye's room falling asleep finally.

I awoke the next morning to see Troye at his desk on his laptop.
Rolling over, I said good morning.
"Hey, sleepy-head!" Troye said, walking over. "You should get up. We leave in less than two hours."
"Oh," I replied. "I'll get ready."
I forced myself out of bed and go to the shower. "Hey," I said before I left. "Yeah?"
"Can I borrow a towel?"
"Oh, yeah! Here," Troye said, walking to his closet. He pulled out a maroon towel and I headed to the shower. I ran the water and quickly rinsed off.
I got dressed to see that it'd only been 15 minutes. I sat on the floor and put my head against the wall. I couldn't do it. I sat there, numb to the world. Slowly, I pulled open the cabinet. Just where I thought they'd be. I reached to the back and grabbed a blade. I held it on my thigh. The coolness was familiar. No, I thought. Put it back. You're stronger than this. I squeezed my hand holding the blade.
A knock startled me.
"Tyler? We have to leave in 30 minutes!"
I looked at the blade, lifting it off my leg. Familiar. I guess the knock had made me jump because there was a cut. Oh, well. It was an accident.
I got up and finished getting ready before grabbing a granola bar and some tea. Troye made sure I ate and I guess this was payback for the whole knife thing... We headed to the car and the building was only ten minutes away. We arrived in silence.
"I'll wait in the waiting room," Troye said softly.
"I love you."
"I love you, too," I answered, leaning in kissing him softly. "No matter what. I know that for sure."
I got out of the car as Troye followed. We checked in and quickly a young woman appeared.
"Tyler Oakley?"
I stood and walked over, glancing at Troye once more before walking away.

We sat across from each other. Me on a small plush chair and her at her desk, twirling slightly as she spoke.
"Well my name is Dr. Hanley."
"Hey, I'm Tyler."
"I've heard. So, Tyler. What's going on?"
"Um, not much."
"Do you know why you're here?"
"Kinda. Yeah."
"Okay. You're not from Australia, right?"
Finally something that had a real answer. "No, I'm from California. In the US."
"Cool! It's warm there, too?"
"Nice. I've always wanted to go there."
"Yeah," I said awkwardly.
"So, how do you know Troye?"
"He- he's my boyfriend."
"Okay. How long have you two been dating?"
"1 and 1/2 months," I answered. Seems like longer, I thought.
She continued talking but I began to think. What was going to happen when I had to go back to L.A.? We couldn't keep going back and forth...
The italics that follow are a flashback from Tyler's POV. And large group of words in italics is a flashforward or flashback in the POV of whoever's POV you're currently reading. Does that make sense? No? Okay. :p

(Tyler's POV)

"See?" I said, spinning Troye in his gorgeous tux. "Miracles can happen."
"Daddy! How do I look?" Two year old Jack stood proudly before Troye with a knotted, mangled tie. "Tilly let me do my tie myself!"
Troye laughed and began to attempt to fix the destroyed mess.
"Finn!" I called. "We leave soon!"
I took a breath. Tonight was the night. Maybe today Troye would officially become my fiancée...
So, just so we're clear. The flashforward is over now. ;)

(Still Tyler's POV)

"Huh?" I looked up. I'd been daydreaming again.
"Are you okay?" Dr. Hanley asked gently.
"Yeah," I said, blinking.
"What were you thinking about?"
"What about him?"
"Well we live on totally different continents and so at some point I'll have to leave him..."
"One day at a time," she smiled.
"Right," I answered.
"Well, you can go. I'll call for another appointment."
I walked out and into the waiting room. "Tyler!" Troye said. "How was it?"
I looked at him and gave him a hug. "Thank you."
"Anytime," he whispered.
I was never going to leave Troye no matter what. I needed him.
So, yeah. This chapter took forever to write so I'm so sorry!! <3 don't hate me. I hope you like it :/ and yes, the kids were named after Jack and Finn Harries. :p I hope you like the twist!

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