Chapter 19 - Vidcon

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Tyler's POV

I woke up in an empty bed. Rolling over, I grabbed my phone. One missed call from my manager. One text from my manager.

"Just a reminder that you and Troye Sivan are doing a meet-up on the main stage at noon," the text read.

Sleepily, I answered, "great, see you then!"

Looking at the time, I saw that I had two hours to get ready. I sat up and got out of bed.

"Troye?" I called.

"In here," he said, as he walked into the bedroom. He grabbed my hand and led me to the table where we ate and I saw he had ordered some food.

"Yum!" I said.

We sat and began to eat.

"Oh, yeah. We have a meet-up together at noon," I reminded Troye.


"Do you want to tell them?"

"I mean... Do you?"

"We can wait."

"Okay," Troye agreed. I could see him physically relax.

"We won't tell them until we are both ready."

"Okay," Troye said, smiling.

I leaned over and held his face in my hands. He bit his lip and I leaned in kissing him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I moved my hands to his neck. Soon, we both moved away to get ready.

"Shoot, we only have one hour!" Troye exclaimed.

We both rushed around. We ended up doing our hair at the same time.

"I bet I'll finish my hair before you!" Troye teased, biting his lip again.

We set off and Troye finished way before me.

"Told ya so!" he declared.

Leaning over, I ran my hair through his hair, messing it up. God, he was perfect.

Troye's POV

"Oh, no you don't!" I reached to mess up Tyler's hair in revenge.

Laughing, we both set out to finish getting ready for our fans.

We drove to the place. When we were sitting outside, Tyler looked around before kissing me. He was so romantic. I wish I could show him the love he showed me...

We walked into the building and it was silent. Luckily, we had gotten there a half an hour before the fans. There to greet us was a young man.

"Troye Sivan and Tyler Oakley?"

"Yep!" we answered in unison.

"Come on, I'm your interviewer!" I immediately liked this guy. He had a great, genuine smile. We walked to the room where our meet up would be held.

"This is huge!" Tyler said.

"How many people are planning on coming?" I asked the man, who had introduced himself as Louis.

"Let's just say, this room will be FULL!" He said excitedly. We sat and set up the stage and went over a few questions. Soon, someone came in to signal the start of the fans. Louis was right; the room filled up before they could even say "Troyler". The interview passed in a blur. Suddenly, I heard a question I was not expecting and my face went red.

Tyler's POV

"Is 'Troyler' real?" Louis asked. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Um," I said, glancing at Troye, "you can't ask that."

The fans went crazy and I laughed. Troye still looked flustered so I tried to focus the attention on Louis.


We moved on with the interview and soon, it was over. We went our seperate ways through the huge building.

Troye's POV

As I parted ways with Tyler, Louis came up to me.

"Hey!" he said, catching my attention.

"Hey, Louis! Thanks for the interview."

"Sure. I just wanted to ask you something." He pulled me to the side a bit. "Are you and Tyler really together?"

"Um," I stalled. Would Tyler want me to tell him? "We're close friends," I decided to say. It wasn't a lie, exactly.

"Okay, I just got a more-than-friends vibe," he said, winking. "Well, you probably have places to be." With that, he left.

I ambled along, with no place in mind. Suddenly I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Tyler," I whispered, even though he wasn't there to hear me.

Slowly, I sunk into a nearby room, which was empty, and grabbed my phone.

Dialing Tyler's number, I prayed he would answer.

Tyler's POV

My phone buzzed in my pocket. Hm, I wondered. Why was Troye calling? We had only parted about fifteen minutes ago. Must be important.

"Troye, is everything okay?"

All I heard was breathing. Then a small whisper, "Tyler."

"Yeah, Troye. I'm here. What's going on?"

"I don't- panic."

"What?" I said, hearing the anxiety.

"Attack," I made out between breaths.

Panic attack, I thought.

"Where are you?" I said, calmly.

"I don't know," Troye cried.

"Are you in a room?"


"Okay. Good. How big is it?"


"What's in it?"

"A-a stage and a t-table."

The conference room on the east side. It must be. I started walking quickly.

"Okay, I'll be right there. Keep talking to me. What made you panic, Troye?"




He was cut off.

"Troye?" I said, loudly.

He had hung up. I began running and got to the conference room. I opened the door.

"Troye?" I shouted into the room. I moved up and down the isle looking for him. He had to be here. Suddenly, I stopped. He was there. Laying on the ground was his limp body.

"TROYE!" I ran over to him, shaking him. I lifted him up and he began to shake. I set him on some chairs.

"Troye, can you hear me?"

"Tyler..." his eyes opened. "She was here..."




"In the hall."

"Is that what made you panic?"


"Okay, it's okay," I tried to reassure him.

Suddenly, his eyes closed again and he fell back again. I tried to pull him up as my sight became blurry and I fell into the hard floor. I felt his hand still resting in mine as the world went black.



So, what do you think happened? Please tell me what you guys think, I love getting comments. <3 ily all!

Any ideas are 100% welcome!


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