Chapter 1 - Late

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Troye's POV

I ended the video, winking and saying goodbye, and then walked across the room to turn off my camera. I packed up the tripod and the camera into my already over stuffed bag. Tomorrow, I would head on a plane to England. After staying there for a couple days, I planned to hop on a flight with my British friends and head off to Vidcon. I was ecstatic. I'd already gone for a few years, but it still amazed me to meet all my subscribers. I'd edit the video I just finished tomorrow on the plane. I quickly changed into my boxers and a t-shirt and headed to bed.

Tyler's POV

I was exhausted from the day. I'd been in England for a week and every day Zoe, Alfie, and Marcus had some where to go, someone to see, or something to do. As I showered, I thought about what tomorrow was to bring. Troye was flying in from Australia and I couldn't wait to see him. It had been too long. I thought about Vidcon coming up. Two more days until we left to return to America. Everyone was so excited to meet all their fans, and even some YouTubers. I was sure Zoey had planned a big day for tomorrow, so I hopped into bed, hoping for a good night's sleep.

Troye's POV

My alarm went off with a loud, annoying beeping.
Groaning, I pulled myself out of my deep sleep. I slapped my alarm to shut it off and laid back. I couldn't remember my dream but a wave of peace suddenly washed over me when I thought about it. I sat silently, entranced with the feeling. Looking at the clock, I realize I'd been day dreaming for over twenty minutes.


Tyde walked in looking sleepy, and I imagined my obscene alarm had awaken him as well. "What's wrong now, Troye?"

"I have to leave in like fourty minutes, and I'm not even close to ready," I complained.

"C'mon," Tyde pushed me off the bed. "I'll finish packing for you. Go get ready."

I thanked him and rushed to go shower. As warm water rushed over my face, I tried to plan what else I had to do. When I was done, I jumped out of the shower and threw on my baggiest skinny jeans and a cotton t-shirt. Tyde had finished my packing and I gave him a huge hug goodbye. My mom was waiting downstairs and handed me a disposable thermos of hot cocoa and a granola bar. I gave my family tons of hugs and kisses, promising to call before I ran out to the car. Hopefully, I'd make it to the plane in time.

After all the security, I got to the flight. I boarded and sat down to edit my video. I was finally content, the adrenaline from being late wearing off. When I finished, a young boy walked over to me.

"Hi," he said tentatively.

"Hey," I answered taking out my earbuds.

"I-I don't mean to interrupt anything, but are you- um, Troye Sivan?"

"Yep, that's me," I smiled.

"Wow, I'm a huge fan of your videos! I- Yeah! You're really cool. I just wanted to say 'hi!'" He said.

Laughing, I said, "Thanks, it's really nice to meet you, too!"

We took a picture and he went to sit down. Leaning back, I fell asleep for the rest of the ride.



So, I've never written a fan fiction before but I've read quite a few. Who knows if anyone will read this, but it's a great way to pass time, so why not? :p Comment, Vote, and most importantly Read!


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