Chapter 21 - Arrested

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Troye's POV

I woke up the next morning to a doctor entering the room with Zoey.

"Troye?" Zoey asked.

I sat up. "Guess what?"

"Last night you visited Tyler and he knew who you were?"

"Yeah! Wait, how'd you know?"

"I think you forgot that we were monitoring Tyler 24/7," the doctor said, laughing.

"Why didn't you stop me?" I asked her.

"I thought you might jog his memory. I guess I was right."


"But, Troye. I do need to talk to you about something serious."

Uh oh...

"I'll be right back, with a police officer."

"Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no. We'll explain in a minute."

She left and took Zoe with her. I started to get nervous. After 15 minutes, she returned with another woman.

"Hello," she said. "My name is Detective Benson."

"Hi," I answered warily.

"I just need to talk to you."

"Okay. About what?"

The doctor began to explain.

"We told you that we think you and Tyler inhaled a gas that caused you to lose consciousness. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, but I don't understand why I need to talk to a detective."

The doctor nodded and continued.

"The gas, we discovered, was hydronic cyanide. That's a chemical gas created by mixing sodium cyanide and sulfuric acid. It's used as an execution method in several state prisons, including California's."

"So, what do you mean?" I asked, worried.

"We think that, because the room was not airtight, you and Tyler did not inhale the total of the gas released."

"Wait," I said. I thought about what she had said. "So, whoever made the gas was," I breathed in, "trying to kill us?!"

"Yes," the detective confirmed.

As this sunk in, I whispered, "why?"

"That's where we need your help. Did you and Tyler have any enemies?"

"Not that I can think of... Tyler was so sweet to anyone he ever met an all his fans lo- oh my god!"

"What?" the detective leaned in, interested.


"Who's Jenna?"

"A-a fan. She was crazy..." I began to explain everything.

"Why didn't you call the police?" Benson asked.

"She said she would hurt me. Tyler was worried."

"Oh." The women sat back.

"Can I see him?"

"Let me check if his doctor and the detective are done talking to him," the detective said.

She left and the doctor asked, "Are you sure it was Jenna?"

"No, but it seems like her. She's our only enemy."

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