Chapter 31 - Informant

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Tyler's POV

"What?" No. Jenna was in jail. She couldn't be calling me. No.
"Yeah. I have to talk to you."
"I don't thing that's a good idea."
"Please," I heard her real, childish voice plead with me. "Just five minutes."
"Look Tyler," she said. "I know what I did was wrong. I am really sorry. I- I don't even know what to say. I need you to get back together with Troye."
"What?" So many questions ran through my head. I sat down.
"You love him, he loves you. You need each other more than anything. You miss him, don't you? You didn't want to break up with him. You did it because you didn't know what else to do. But Troye wanted to help you and he need your help in return."
"How did you even know about this?" I asked, dumbfounded at how this girl was still following us from jail.
"I- can't say."
"Jenna, you said you took all the cameras away. How'd you know?!" I was shaking.
"A friend of mine keeps me updated."
"Who?" I was shouting, so I took a deep breath before continuing. "Who is it that is telling you about our every move?"
"They only tell me the important stuff."
"Like when we broke up."
"So who are they?"
"If I tell you, you'll be mad at that person. And I love that person. I can't do anything that would put him in danger."
Him. "He- he's a friend of mine?"
"I guess. But I have to go. My five minutes are up. Just, please. Troye needs you. You need him. Don't let anything get between you two. Goodbye, Ty-"
The line was cut and I sat, confused in a chair.
The girl who had threatened, tormented, attempted to murder, stalked, and been in love with my - ex-boyfriend, was calling saying that we have to get back together. No one knew about this except Sawyer.
I gasped. Sawyer.

Troye's POV

The phone rang and I sat up. I prayed someone else would answer it. The ringing stopped and I laid down again. Ten minutes later, when my door opened, I jumped slightly.
Tyde walked in.
"Troye," he said softly.
"The phone's for you."
"Who is it?" Maybe it was- no, I didn't even dare to hope.
"I dunno," he said. He shrugged and handed me the phone. But I saw a glimpse of worry before he shut the door again behind him.
I took a breath before putting the phone to my ear. "Hello?"
"Hi," a small voice said.
"Who is this?"
Memories swarmed in my head. No, she was in jail. This couldn't be happening. No.
"What? How are you calling? No, why are you calling?"
"I need you and Tyler to get back together."
"Look, I know why you and Tyler broke up but you need each other and he does love you and you love him. So if-"
I cut her off, "how would you know about that?"
"A friend told me," she said sheepishly.
"But- but," I stammered. I had only told one person. And Zoey wouldn't do that... Who was helping Jenna manage to follow us even from jail?
"Listen, I've already talked to Tyler and you guys clearly love each other."
She's talked to Tyler?
"How's Tyler?" I asked.
"See, that's all you care about. Him."
I stayed silent. Jenna may be crazy, but she's smart. "Do you remember what you said to me that night at the hotel when I Skyped you and Tyler?" she continued.
I did. All too well.
"You said," Jenna went on softly, "'I made ten cuts on my arm; two for you, two for my family, two for my subscribers, two for my friends, and two for Tyler. But the only one that wouldn't stop bleeding was the one for Tyler. Not the one for you. Because the possibility of him hating me hurts more than any evil trick you could dream of.'"
"Yeah," I said.
"You need him."
"I know."
"Please just get back together with him."
"I can't. He broke up with me."
My eyes began to sting again.
"Troye, please," Jenna begged.
"Tell me how you knew about me and Tyler."
"I already did. A friend told me."
"I can't tell. The person's a good person and I can't risk your relationship with him."
"Who is he?"
"I can't say. I'm sorry. My time is up. Just please call Tyler. Don't let your friendship be affected by this."
"Goodbye, Jenna." I ended the call and walked to Tyde's room.
"Here's the phone," I said quickly.
"Are you okay?"
I walked back to my room. Who was helping Jenna?
After a while, I gave up. I sat at my desk and opened my laptop.

Tyler's POV

I was so angry. As I paced, my laptop rang. No. I was not answering a Skype call. I was too hyped up. Soon, it stopped, but I barely noticed. It rang again, then a third time. Finally, I picked up.
"Troye?" I asked, surprised to see him on my screen.
"Ty-Tyler. Jenna," he said, nervously.
"She called you, too?" I asked incredulously.
"Yeah. She said she was still watching us."
"Yeah, and I think I know who's helping her."
"Really? Who?" Troye looked up, surprised.
I breathed in. "Sawyer."
"Sawyer? Why?"
"He likes me, I think. And he's the only one who knows we broke up."
"And Zoey," Troye added.
"Oh. But she wouldn't do this."
"Agreed. But Jenna said she 'couldn't risk my relationship with the person'. No offense, but I'm not that close to Sawyer."
"Well, who else would it be?"
"I don't know."
"Who else knows?"
"Just Zoey, Sawyer, and yeah. And my family, but that's it. Unless you told anyone else."
"Nope," I said, casually. Everything felt okay talking to Troye again.
We summarized our conversations with Jenna before ending the call.

Suddenly, I felt very stupid for thinking this whole Jenna thing was over. It had only just begun.
I promise, Jenna's not a bad person now. Comment whether you think it's Sawyer who's informing Jenna. If you don't, who do you think it is? I might ask a question at the end of every chapter, if you'd like me to. :p

If I started another fanfiction, would any of you read it???

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