Chapter 36 - Yes Tilly

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Troye's POV

Oh, my God. Tyler wanted me back. I sat speechless. Tyler started talking, "Oh, God. I'm sorry, Troye. I just- I'm sorry," he stuttered.
"No!" I almost shouted. "Don't be sorry! Yes, Tilly. I'd love to be your boyfriend," I replied, a grin stretching from ear to ear. Tyler smiled almost instantly. "Oh, and Tilly?"
"I love you, too."

We hung up soon after and I texted Zoey. "Tyler just asked me out again :)," I texted, still smiling as I sent the message. I didn't get a reply so I assumed she must be out with Alfie. I texted my best friend, Kayla, and she told me to go to her house. Laughing at her drama queen way, I grabbed my phone and walked down the street to her driveway. She opened the door before I even knocked and pulled me inside.
"Kayla..." I whined.
"This is so exciting!" she said, smiling. I felt myself smile along with her.
"Wow," I joked. "My best friend is the biggest Troyler shipper I know... What was I thinking?"
"Shuttup," she said, swatting my arm.
I felt my smile waver and hoped she didn't see. No such luck.
"What?" Kayla asked.
"Nothing," I said, smiling again.
"Troye..." she warned.
I gave up with smiling. "It's just I'm never going to see him anyways so..."
"Well, you guys Skype all the time, right?"
"Yeah, but..." Kayla nodded in understanding. Suddenly, she stood up and ran to her laptop. "What're you doing?" I asked.
"You'll see," she winked.

Tyler's POV

Someone was knocking on my door.
"Hang on!" I said, running to open the door. "Oh, hey, Connor!"
"Hey, Tyler." He gave me a hug. "How ya doin'?"
"Good, actually. Troye and I are back together," I explained.
He smiled. Connor was one of my few close friends that I trusted with all of my heart. He knew almost everything about me.
"So? Details?" Connor winked at me before brushing past me and going into my kitchen.
"I just asked him if he would be my boyfriend again and he said yes." I smiled thinking about how happy I was when he said yes.
Connor looked back at me and smiled too. "Someone's a happy boy!"
"Yeah," I replied dreamily. Connor opened my cupboards as he usually did during his visits and sighed.
"Tyler," he began. My smile dropped. I knew where this was going.
I took a deep breath and answered, "I know, I know." I grabbed my keys and phone before following him to my car. Shopping time.
I probably spent more money on food than anything else. With throwing it all out and Connor just making me buy more, I spent almost double what I would normally have to. We arrived at the market and Connor looked at me.
"Why'd you do it this time?"
"I dunno," I said, ashamed as he always made me feel.
"How long since you last ate?"
"Just a couple days."
He sighed again like I knew he would and dragged me out of the car to our usual place: a small cafe outside the grocery.
He always paid for my meal and I always let him. I knew he would win the argument if I refused. When Connor was satisfied that I had enough food for a bit, we drove home and set up to film a video.

Troye's POV

Kayla was sitting at the computer, looking up God knows what and my pocket buzzed. I pulled out my phone to see two texts from Zoe.
One from earlier, which I must've missed and one from right now.
"New Message at 2:17 PM from Zoe <3: That's great! :) You two were meant for each other!"
"New Message at 4:56 PM from Zoe <3: Can you talk? It's important."
"Troye," Kayla whined. "Are you even listening?"
"Yeah, sorry," I said distractedly, slipping my phone in my pocket and scanning the laptop screen.
"Everything okay?" she asked, looking worried.
"Yeah. What were you saying?"
"Okay, it's not complicated," she laughed. "I saw that some British YouTubers are going to London for a bit just to have some fun and I was thinking you and Tyler could hang with them and then you could visit with each other for a bit!"
"Oh, my God, Kayla," I said excitedly. "You're a genius!"
"I try," she joked.
I sighed, contentedly. "Troyler reunited," I laughed.
"Well, you better call Tyler and see!"
"Right," I said.
I called Tyler and got confirmation.
"They're renting a house together and I thought we could visit with them and each other," I explained.
"Awesome," he squealed. "When do they leave?"
"Uh, hang on."
"When do they leave?" I whispered to Kayla.
She laughed before replying, "On Monday." Four days.
"Oh, four days," I answered.
"Perfect, that's enough time to pack and all."
"You should probably call Zoey or someone to see if we can stay with them though."
"Right," I said.
"Alright, bae. Skype me!"
"Of course Tilly!"
I hung up stood, confused.
"Everything alright?"
"Yeah," I replied. "I just feel like I forgot something."
Kayla shrugged and I dialed Zoey's number.
"Hey," I said, cheerfully.
"Troye," Zoe said, surprised.
"Yep, how're you?"
"Great," she answered.
"What happened to make you so happy?" I asked, literally feeling her happiness through the phone.
"Alfie and I are getting married!"
I feel bad for all of the action chapters so I might put in a bunch of cutesy ones soon. Just a warning. ;) I hope you like it. So yeah. Zalfie is my second OTP (after Troyler obviously) so I thought why not, but trust me. There will be plenty of Troyler feels ;)
QOTC: Who, besides Troyler, is your OTP?
My Tumblr Fan Page: @ily-troyler


AND IDEAS FOR A NEW FANFICTION (that I may or may not be starting ;)) ARE SO VERY WELCOME. If I were to hypothetically make one, it would definitely be Troyler fanfic, just saying! <3
Comment if you want me to make one, please! :)

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