The Writing Room

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I yawn whilst pushing my body into the wooden door. I do that only because my arms are full of shit, not actual shit, but some of which will probably end up in the bin.

I stop to say hello to one fan...and then they all bombard me. Typical.

My arms literally hurt carrying this stuff. To make matters worse, I think a fan got Kyle a new pair of trainers, I only know because of the long rectuanglar shape of the box. It's suprisingly very heavy and digs into my skin because of the position I'm holding it in. However, if I let go now everything is going to fall and...I really don't want to waste even more time picking it all up. Bending over sounds like my idea of hell right now.

I then peep through the crack of the door and see that Dan isn't the middle of a recording session. Thank god. My arms are totally killing me. I need somewhere to dump this stuff as soon as possible before my arms give up.

"Babe..." My voice lightly trails off while I walk into the room, closing the door behind me. Dan then turns around in slow motion while sitting his desk chair, he isn't startled or anything and he looks totally unbothered by my random appearance. I can't help but crack a smile...only because Dan looks like one of those bad guys in a superhero movie.

"You okay?" He points towards all of the gifts in my arms, either that or my belly...which I'm guessing is the latter.

Dan obviously knows by my flustered face that I'm clearly not okay. But still, he doesn't bother helping like a normal boyfriend would. Instead, he remians seated with a massive wide smile placed upon his adorable rectangluar face. I shake my head and dump the things on the table besides Dan.

"Hope you don't need that space" I laugh getting my own back on his lazy ass.

"Well actually..." Dan's voice playfully trails off while I kiss him on the cheek, as soon as I pull back from the innocent kiss Dan reveals a soft dimpled smile.

Dan Smith is a very irresistible human being.

I like to think that Dan's smile is contagious. If he smiles...then I smile...then both of us end up helplessly smiling. I know we must seem really cliché, but in all honesty what exactly is wrong being that type of couple? It just shows how much that we mean to one another...some people need to chill the fuck out. I guess that's why we don't 'romance' in public.

"Careful." He whispers holding the side of my waist while I plant myself down on Dan's lap so that I'm face-to-face with him.

"I always am." I reply with a smirk while Dan rolls his eyes. So we're not always careful...

"What are you working on?" I ask in curoisty while getting comfortable.

Dan then looks away from me for a couple of seconds, I guess he's looking torwards his new lyrics? I know Dan is secretive about what he writes, so he's probably finding the lyrics he likes the most to show me. He reminds me of a proud father showing off his newborn...only that Dan's technically childless for the next several months.

"This." He replies with a smile handing me his lyric book.

The lyric book isn't an actual book, it's more of a coverless notebook with a few random words scribbled down on random pages. The last page is my absolute favouruite, Dan's doodles are everything. I'm not being biased because majoirty of them are my name in all different types of fonts and ink...but Dan's a great artist. His doodles are so beautiful and weird. Though he keeps that talent private.

"That's depressing." I laugh looking at the single line...

There must be something in the kool aid

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