Tour Bus Blues

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Kyle holds up my hair while I throw up into the pan of the tour bus toilet. "Should I get Dan?" I shake my head before throwing up more at the poignant stench.

God, I feel like complete shit today.

"Do they hurt? Do you want to go to the doctors?" One other of the crew members says while Kyle annoying tries rubbing my shoulders. I know that it's a real sweet gesture, but in all honesty I want to throw up in peace.

" back..." I helplessly moan as I have the sudden urge to lay down on the floor. My body fucking hurts and there's nothing I can do about it.

"I'm getting Dan." The crew member says sternly. While I shake my head and Kyle nods his.

"Hey, don't cry..." by saying don't cry always makes me want to cry more. It's like a weird reverse psychology thing.

I just can't help crying. God, millions of other girls are going though the same thing as I am going through. They're probably not crying. Some of those girls could be really young and have an excuse to cry, and other women just get shit done. Man up, Mia.

Man the fuck up.

That's when my knight in shining amour runs into the bathroom. I hate everyone being so fucking dramatic. "Are they okay?" Dan immediately couches down besides me and try holding my bump.

Since I'm having one of those days where I want to forget that I'm pregnant, I swipe his hand off of me. The movies never told us about this side of pregnancy. It's the side where you're so grumpy, exhausted, nauseous, and miserable that you try to pretend that your not pregnant.

"Marzia, what's wrong?" Dan says sternly while I shrug my shoulders back.

If I whisper the truth which is 'everything' then he'll go all melodramatic and take me to hospital. If I say nothing then he'll expect me to get better within seconds, that I'm just a attention seeker.

"I want to lie down." I painfully whisper whilst trying not to arch my back.

" you need help standing up?" My stomach is nowhere near big. It's just ever so slightly bigger than a normal pregnancy bump. My kids have a whole lot of growing to do.

I'm now starting to rethink about having six kids. The pain is unbearable.

I nod my head in silence while Dan puts his hand around the side and annoyingly on my bump. I've had morning sickness in the past, but nothing as bad as this. I hope it isn't going to be a new trend on my body. He then makes me stand up which hurts so much. I have to close my eyes and bare it.

My back feels like there's a knife sticking in the middle. Every step make that knife dig in more and more. "Is this normal?" I say holding my back while fearing for the kids.

"Does Rio have on-call doctors?" Another member of the crew calls out loudly, I guess it's if the other guys down the other end of the bus want to chime in.

"There's that British hospital department, they might!" Woody shouts from somewhere beyond the toilet.

"Oh yeah..." Dan's voice trails off.

"Do you want me to call around?" Dick asks while Erika gives me a hug. Legitimately the first time ever. Either it is a hug or she's planning on breaking my back.

"Yeah, if you don't mind." With that nearly quarter of the crew that's on board the tour bus helps me up the steep stairs. It's embarrassing but right at the moment I feel way too weak to think about that.

Dan then moves all his plastic water bottles and...scarf...down the side of his bed and lays me down. Normally we stop for the night and half of the crew sleep in hotels, while the boys sleep in here. But me and Dan...have had some pretty serious arguments lately. So he's been spending a lot of time in the dog house.

I then lay down on the bed while Dan puts a pillow behind my head. "What the fuck is wrong with me." I whisper holding my bump under the covers.

"Shh..." Dan whispers before kissing me on the head. I then I feel myself automatically shut down. The tears fall and my self hate grows.

"But why is this happening?" I need answers. I need morphine or something to stop all these weird various pains.

"You're pregnant with twins, Mia. You're bound to go through shitty days." I close my eyes and pretend I didn't hear the 's' on the end of days. I cannot bare another day like this.

"Dan! A English midwife is coming out in Hal an hour!" Sick shouts up from the bottom of the staircase. I think everyone on the bus is downstairs for our privacy.

Now that does make me feel awful.

"Stay awake yeah..." Dan's voice trails off while he strokes my cheek.

"Everything is going to be fine, darling." How the fuck does he know that? I could be on my death bed. Well my death bunker actually.

"I love you." I helplessly whisper.

"Love you, more." He whispers back with a sweet smile.

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