Hottest World Record

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"So Dan...." Annie says while she reads a white sheet of paper that was placed in front of her with all of Bastille's new information on it.

"It's been a little over a year since we last had a little are things on your end?" Dan laughs into the microphone while I awkwardly sit in the corner. Probably the only reason why I'm allowed in his room is because I'm Bastille's manager. I'll keep Dan from leaking any unneeded information. However, I think the only reason why Dan wants me here is for support.

He's not good doing solo interviews. He needs someone he can cling onto for reassurance, like Kyle.

"Yeah. Life's been good...really good. This past year has put a ton of things in perspective, which is a good thing. I've matured in that sense. How have you been?" Both Dan and me are quite articulate. We put things how they are, rather than what they seem.

"I'm good thanks. But we need to talk about these little babies that I'm cradling in my arms. We can't go without mentioning them." And Annie Mac is also holding my children.

Oh my god, Lynx and Luna look so cute from here. I quickly go onto my Instagram stories and take a picture of Annie with Them. It's such a sweet image, the colouring makes it seem soft and pale.

"Yeah, I guess we do." Dan laughs into the mic again. This smile is helpless, he's completely in love with them and could gush about them all day.

Of course I take a picture of him too. I got to think about all of the Bastille fans only following me for Dan.

"For fans at home who might not know...Dan of the Bastille is a daddy now." Dan rolls his eyes backwards.

"They are adorable. What's their names for those who might not know?"

Whenever someone calls him 'daddy' he looks like he wants to smash his head against the wall. I think he takes it in a sexual way...which is amazing. But he needs to know that he is biologically Lynx and Luna's daddy. And they will call him daddy. Probably dada at first. But papà would be nice...

"Well her is Luna. Me and Marzia, my wife...and manager, both really like that name. It's strange but...not completely weird, you know?" Annie nods her head while she pulls funny faces at Luna.

"And this cheeky chap right here? What's his name." I can see Dan trying not to endlessly reach his hand out over the desk and stroke Lynx's cheek.

"Lynx. Like the cat and not the spray...just getting out out there." I thought it sounded cool, but it wasn't until after I named him...Dan told me it's a deodorant. That he uses Lynx Africa on the daily.

I was not impressed by his bad timing.

"I was just saying to Marzia before, because she's here in the studio with us, that Luna and Lynx are such lovely names." Dan makes an 'aw thanks'.

"What's it like being a first time dad? When I had my first it was a nightmare! How are these two in general, though? Do they sleep well and that kind of stuff?" Dan nods his head.

   "Yeah. Me and Mia are really lucky parents. It's not a thing we want to brag about because we know there's some parents struggling with the sleep schedules and getting sleep deprived...but Luna and Lynx sleep through the night. They have yet to even cry..." Annie's eyes widen.

"Wait, did you say they haven't cried?" Dan laughs.

"I mean she's nearly cried a few times, but yeah. When Luna wants something she makes weird noises. The children's ward are completely amazed. As so are we. Her eyes glisten when she's upset and there's a few tears...but both of them have yet to actually cry out" That's also true. Annie looks shocked but very intrigued.

"I mean it's even more reason to check up on then just in case if they need changing or whatever, but we're over the moon."

God, I must look so miserable right now. I think it's because I'm tried. I also have mood swings and when I go toilet I can't stop myself from peeing. Normally I could stop peeing for a couple of seconds, especially if I heard someone in a cubicle next to me. But it's so loose down there that it just gushes out.

The movies don't tell you about that side either. The weird after birth side effects that take a toll on your physical and mental wellbeing.

"How old are they?" Annie asks.

Dan said that Annie is his mate...but what mate doesn't follow you on Instagram? What mate doesn't know about your newborn kids? My cynicism is probably why I don't have any friends. But I'm cool with that. Negativity brought me and Dan together.

Fuck everyone else.

"They're barely a week. So yeah. They're both still brand new." Annie makes a louder 'aw' noise.

"Well Dan and Marzia, your children are absolutely is adorable. They has your eyes Dan, and their mother's pretty face. What sweethearts! Anyway, enough about the kiddos. Tell us all about the hottest world record! 4am, what does it mean to you and why?" Dan nervously laughs before throwing back his shoulders.

"Weirdly enough I wrote the song two years ago, it was more or less a couple of months after Wild World. Which was our sophomore album. Basically it was about my friends. How we're our own family...if that makes sense? Like when we play in other countries and there's no one familiar there to support you...we're all these reserved weirdos. Bastille aren't a family. Like we're friends...but we're the different type. So it's good to see one of your close friends that you essentially grew up with...and let loose. They're your familiar." Annie nods her head while I'm still trying to wrap my mind around what Dan has just said.

I understood none of it.

"But two years later, obviously me and Mia have started a family of our them three are now my main familiars." Dan says whilst smiling at me. God, Dan looks so cute from this angle. I raise my phone upwards and take a picture of him.

Is it wrong to be a fan of my husband?

"It's a really...really...really lovely song and I'm honoured to be the first play for it. It's so different from your other singles like Happier and Pompeii." Typical.

A radio DJ only knows of Dan's most popular songs.

"Thank you so much for playing it at such short notice." Both Dan and Annie laugh in nerves, they're both scared because the record label more or less told her to play it at half past seven. 'No matter what'.

"We're going to play this two times...back to back without any disturbances. It's called 4am by a favourite band of mine called Bastille..." Annie fades her voice into the intro of 4am while Dan stands up out of his chair and quickly hugs Annie, whilst making sure not to squeeze our kids.

I guess it's now finally time to go home.

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