Cute Tourists

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— Two Months Later —

"Stand a bit to your left..." Dan's voice trails off as I roll my eyes backwards. He literally just told me to stand more to my right! Whatever. I be a good girl and do as he says and step sideways doubt he'll tell me to stand more to my left again.

"Nah." He shakes his head as he lowers his phone.

"What do you mean nah?" I try to mimic his British accent...but fail. Of course Dan bursts out laughing, as does the mother and daughter team standing next to us.

"You're nowhere near The Louvre, babe." I'm meant to be doing that famous photo where you pinch the top of The Louvre...but obviously it isn't working. I simply shake my head.

"Jesus..." my voice trails off before I try reciting the pose again. I don't get what I'm doing wrong? On the slap of the pavement it says to stand here and extend my arm out...I'm literally doing that and nothing is happening apparently.

"Marz-" I cut Dan off with a scolding look.

"Put your fucking glasses on or something!" Everyone waiting to take the same picture cracks a smile, even those who're trying to not make it obvious that they're waiting.

Dan shakes his head with a smile. "I was just going to say that you're holding your arm up in the wrong direction." What a complete and utter bastard. I mean...what a total jerk. No wonder why he was giggling the entire time...I should've called him out sooner. Dammit.

"Just take the picture." I growl while pointing in the opposite direction.

Dan then takes the picture surprisingly on the first try before stepping to the side for the mother and daughter duo. I do the same and skip over to Dan where he flicks through the camera roll. It's true that he deliberately took about fifteen troll photos of me holding onto nothing.

"I hate you..." I whisper with a nervous laugh while I push him away from me. Dan then puts his arm around my waist and holds onto the side of my baby bump.

My baby bump is totally adorable. It's so surreal to have these tiny souls living inside of me, slowly piecing together, day by day. Me and Dan are both obsessed to watching it grow. It's so sweet.

Last week, when I had my seventeen week scan, we found out the babies gender. A beautiful baby boy. Dan's blue teary eyes widened in sheer happiness. Meanwhile, this hormonal train wreck burst out crying. Everything was amazing, but that was before the midwife stopped our celebration short.

Barely twelve seconds later we then found out that he isn't entirely alone in my his little sister seemed to be camera shy for the previous scans I had. The hospital sincerely apologised afterwards, and told us that not being able to identify twins is more common than we'd think.

In all honesty me and Dan didn't mind. We was genuinely thrilled with the surprise.

"Why don't you go and stand up against that wall?" Dan then points to a pretty peach wall.

"Why would I want to do that?"

Dan rolls his eyes at my feisty stubbornness. "I need a new lock screen. This picture is very outdated...and illegal." He holds up his phone revealing a blurry, but yet professional looking, photo of me spinning around just in front of the Eiffel Tower at nighttime. I'm holding a rose and in a dark red silk dress.

I believe it was the night where Dan declares his love for me. I guess by the looks of this photo, and having no memories of Dan taking it, we must've got blind drunk.

"I'm not in that type of photograph mood, you know?"

Dan comically shakes his head. Of course he wouldn't understand. "I'm in the mood to take goofy photos...not being someone's wallpaper."

"You look really fucking pretty babe. Come on, please." Dan whines like a spoilt six year old who can't get their own way. How can I ever say no to this ridiculously weird human being?

"I look like a mess." I say as I walk towards the peachy wall. I guess it'll be an aesthetically pleasing picture for Dan.

The peach wall reminds me of Italy. More specifically...the house where I grew up. I miss that place so much. We still have yet to tell my parents about the babies, though Dan's mother is over la lune!

"You're glowing, Mia. Honest..." That compliment is really starting to get on my nerves. Everyone compliments me on how clear my skin looks, or how I'm 'glowing'. It pisses me off big time.

"If that was the case...surely I would legitimately glow when the lights go out?" Dan, who was holding his phone up to his face, decides to lower it.

"Touché." The bastard then does his weird ass laugh where he pushes his upper body forwards helplessly.

God, I can only hope that our babies don't inherit it.

"But honestly babe, you're really fucking..." Dan's voice trails off while I stare at him almost emotionless. Nothing he is going to say will make me feel any better.

Instead of twiddling my thumbs and patiently waiting for Dan to continue...I force him. "I'm really fucking what?" I then laugh. I'm rather shit at receiving compliments.

"Sexy." My eyes widen.

I don't know why but since the babies have became a thing both me and Dan have been a little...horny. I feel like shit but want to rip Dan's clothes off all of the time. I don't particularly want to google the symptoms as to why that is, but I'm guessing it has something to do with my hormones? Though doesn't explain why Dan is being a perv, morning, noon, day, and night. Maybe he has a fetish for pregnant women or whatever? I doubt it though since he keeps referring our children to Aliens from Alien.

"Just take the goddamn picture." I roll my eyes. For the first time my entire fucking pregnancy I don't feel horny. I feel tired and grouchy.

Dan then raises his phone up again while I pose. Although, I don't look directly at the camera. I stare at The Louvre in the distance. That museum is very overrated. Thanks for nothing Queen Beyoncé.

"Did you get it?" I ask quickly looking at Dan.

"Yeah...I got it." Dan says with a massive helpless smile as he shows me the grainy picture. What the fuck is up with Dan and this filter? I've noticed just after Christmas that Dan was using it on Instagram. God, he looks so proud of himself.

It's a very pretty picture though...

It's a very pretty picture though

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