Typical Guy

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As soon as the tour bus is within eye distance, I spot a giant man-child literally bursting out of the door like The Incredible Hulk. Not to mention he begins sprinting towards me like Usain Bolt! I would laugh but Dan's running skills have improved a lot, so he is no longer a ridiculous runner. Which is a shame.

I stand still for a second instead of meeting him halfway. He knew I was having my dinner. I love him, but he can be such a typical guy sometimes. Dan probably ignored everything I said over the phone and made his own verdict that I was in need of assistance or whatever.

"What's this for?" I then laugh as he literally dives his body into mine and hugs me tightly for thirty seconds. I hear him make an 'ow' noise as my eyes widen. I totally forgot about his backache!

I guess I was right about the adrenaline...it's starting to wear off and he's going to regret everything.

"It was completely and utterly shit without you." I do nothing except telling him though the radio that he isn't going to get to fuck me if he fucks the gig up. I would've thought Dan would be having a field day with me not there bugging him...obviously I'm wrong.

"How comes?" I laugh leaning back whilst holding the side of Dan's pink raincoat. Honestly I have no idea what his fashion sense is anymore. I leave Dan to it when we're at home or whatever. However, my man-child is attached to this particular coat and refuses to put anything else on when he goes on stage. The pink raincoat has became a vital part of the 4am routine with the sofa. Sometimes he wears it until the end, sometimes he takes it off.

"I dunno...it just wasn't the same. I really fucking hated it."

I'm in awe. Dan then brushes his hand against mine. His hands are hot and clammy, Dan himself is almost bright red and sweaty, but I ignore that. Instead our fingers intertwine while we look into each other's eyes.

"Did you get nostalgia?" I curiously ask while Dan looks completely mystified.

Not knowing what to say Dan looks around. I can't help but laugh. Maybe I should elaborate just a little more for his sake. "Nostalgia from the time before I became your manager?" Dan then smiles, a completely pretty smile.

Over the past few years I've noticed that there's various of types of smiles Dan does. Not just obvious ones like being fake or whatever. Sometimes he unknowingly reveals his long dimples, or he reveals his one crooked tooth. However this time, Dan's smile is even cuter because his cheeks have all of a sudden gone puffy.

"The dark ages." Oh my god Daniel.

"Why are you laughing, huh?"

"I'm laughing because you're being so...so...melodramatic."

"But it's true!"

I shake my head looking at Dan. He can be so stubborn...but I love him. I really love him. "I don't want to be reminded of the time before I found you..." he quietly whispers as our faces draw near once again.

"Why?" I whisper looking slightly up at him. I fell like the whole wide world towers above me sometimes.

"Because life was shit for me then. You know that..." — I know that Dan's as unhappy before he met me, but he's never gone into specific detail of his depression — "anyway we better go inside, the lads will be wondering where we are." I nod my head while resting my head on Dan's shoulder while we slowly turn and walk towards the tour bus. But every slowly...

"Did you seriously eat the pizza though?" I must be the first Italian person to hate pizza. I just don't get what all of the fuss is about. It's greasy hot bread with tomato cheese stuck on top...it's not really my thing.

"No. I ate three pieces and then ordered a gelato." That makes Dan laugh.

"You and ice cream..." I shrug my shoulders backwards.

"I have a sweet tooth. You know that!" It's true, give me any dessert that has even the slightest amount of sugar in and I'll love it.

"Didn't they have any tiramisu?" I nod my head, which makes Dan look shocked that I turned down my favorite dish.

"It has coffee in it...so I'm being careful of that intake and stuff." I look down to see my small bump poke against my tight white lace dress. I rest my palm on it, despite probably looking like a weirdo, I doubt anyone other than me and Dan can even see it.

"You're a great fucking mum." I nod my head.

I know I probably seem really selfish...but I don't care. "I know" I say with a smile while Dan laughs.

"The hotel room has a kitchen inside of it, so I'll grab a lasagna kit and make us some if you want?" It's definitely not a patch on the one mamma makes...but Dan is my home away from home.

"I fucking love you." I whisper as I stand up on my tiptoes and kiss Dan on his soft luscious pink lips. 

I don't deserve him.

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