Marital Issues

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"I cannot fucking believe you." I say as soon as Dan locks the front door.

I know that have to get this off of my chest sooner rather than later.

"Huh?" Dan pretends to be oblivious even though the silence, my silence, was apparent while we was walking home. I chose to ignore Dan and keep my head bowed down, it wasn't all that awkward since I could smile and make funny faces at my little ones.

I just let Dan talk to himself about random shit that pissed him off...he's a pretty boring guy that needs to change the tune for once in his life.

"Never do that again." Of course I'm still angry about Dan bribing those fans with merchandise and free tickets. That's not professional at all. I know the record label will have a baby when they hear about this.

"Babe, not to throw a spanner in the works or anything...but what the actual fuck are you going on about?" Dan crosses his arms and leans with his back against the wall.

Just like his stupid song...I know that he feels guilty. He just has a really weird way of showing it at times.

"Those girls! It's child labour what you did..." Dan laughs. The kind of laugh where it's okay to get away with a pig like snort. Even though I'm so not in the mood to see him this happy.

"Mia." His voice gently trails off.

"Get a grip." He is walking on extremely thin ice right fucking now. I can' with him. Nothing I say will make him see my side, he can be very stubborn when he wants to be. It's one of his features that I don't like about him.

"All I asked was for them to come up with a few edits. I didn't ask them to fucking manage our entire discography!" I take my newborns out of the pram and hold them vertically, it's hard to do when I have both of my hands full. I love feeling little breaths pressing against my bare shoulder though. It's so sweet and innocent.

"Why are you shouting?" I angrily hiss back. I hate when Dan talks loudly in front of them. There's no need whatsoever.

"I'm not fucking shouting" Dan almost laughs in disbelief, he's probably coming up with reasons why I'm acting so...different.

"Stop raising your voice then. It's hurting their ears." Confused, Dan takes two steps back. He knows that he should give me some space.

"Is this all because you didn't want to go to the broadcasting house with me? I know you wasn't happy in there. You're face looked like thunder."

For a second or two I close my eyes. I don't open them straight away. Instead of doing anything...I fake a smile...before then opening them. But Dan knows that there's something wrong, no matter how wide my pretty smile can get.

"No. It's not because I didn't want to be human version of a gag...for your mouth" — Dan immaturely smiles for a second, but then he sees that I'm very serious — "it's because of those children." Dan rolls his eyes back.

I know it's stupid but I've always felt maternal of those younger than me. I want everyone to be happy and have fun. Not worry about whether a edit looks too shit to post.

"Seriously, what the fuck would you do if Luna came home with a promotional task from a band she devotes her life to?" Dan goes to shrug...but he stops himself.

"I would ask her about why the band was paying her, or giving her free stuff. If they really made her happy I would fucking encourage her." In disbelief I shake my head.

"What a biased answer from a biased man. This is just...I don't have anything to say to you. Go online and thank those girls, invite them and their parents to lunch or something nice. Don't just give them free shit." Without those girls none of the fans would've known about the Radio 1 show or the single.

It's kind of a big deal.

"You're being overdramatic." I have to laugh. I being overdramatic? He just got two teenage do his work. So that's why I sarcastically laugh whilst walking through to the living room, where put Luna down. Lynx is still awake so I continue cradling him.

The other reason why I'm really pissed off is merely because of the fact that I don't like walking in public with Dan. I don't like not being able to kiss or hug him in public without some preteen taking secret photos of us on her parents iPhone.

I like fans. I really respect them. I just don't like the older ones who think they're 'more entitled' to invade our privacy.

"Babe..." Dan says while I shake my head.

"Just...leave me alone Dan." Something between us has changed and I don't know what it is exactly. Before I was pregnant we went through a rough patch...but when I found out that we was going to be parents me and Dan shaped up. We matured...but it isn't going to last.

"Mia, please." I shake my head.

Maybe it's because I'm his manager, but because of our relationship he never listens to me. "Just go away." I snap while he nods his head in agreement.

Dan then leaves the room in silence while I bury my head into Lynx's chest.

Strangely enough they both start crying the exact moment that I do.

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