cHrIs "WoOdY" wOoD

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The 'surprise' at the studio was barely a surprise. It was just Bastille announcing to the previous tour crew that they're working on a fourth album. It was sweet, and it does show how much the crew cares about one another.

"So are you going to come on the next tour...considering they'll be older?" Woody asks while we stand in the conversation of the room.

I'm only standing here because I feel like a outcast, and Woody is standing here because his fell out with someone or something? It's weird not to see his own wife or kids here, I wonder if there's trouble in paradise? I hope not. He's a good husband with such a loving wife.

"These will be older, sure, but this one won't be..." I put my hand against my flat stomach while Woody's eyes widen.

"So that's why you've been avoiding all alcohol." I nod my head with a smile.

"I got a feeling that this...or these...might be our last. So this time I'm waiting to tell Dan. He's going to be ecstatic." Woody nods his head.

"It must get exhausting being a 'new' mother again and again? You've barely had your last?" This time me and Dan did have more of a break in between kids. We wanted to wait a year or maybe even two, but I miscalculated my pill dates our family continues to grow by the day.

"It's worth it. I'm twenty four now. And yeah...I happen to like this housewife life." Routines and shit are now 'my thing'. I can't say that Dan is the same. I'm forever waking him up at various points within the day.

"Can you come and check something out...I'd hate for you to leave...this get together and all but..." I smile looking at him.

Woody is a very cute guy. His eyes are so pretty. I know I shouldn't be thinking like this, but if me and Dan wasn't together, or him and Chrissy, then I'd definitely want him as my babe.

"I thought you never would've asked, just give me one minute. I need to give these to Dan." I laugh while Woody nods his head with this smile that I've never seen him do before. Is he flirting with me?


So I quickly give the kids to Dan and excuse myself. I find Woody still waiting by the doors while he points to the bathroom. "Why am I going in here?" I laugh while walking into the bathroom.

"Because I think me and you as the same." The same? I mean...what?

"Okay..." my voice nervously trails off while I look confused. I mean I don't know whether I look confused or not, but I'm guessing I do because he does a belly laugh. This is awkward more than it is weird or anything else.

"Chris..." — my voice trails off as he is uncomfortably close to me — "what-what am I in here for?"

"Dan's been telling me about how you and him overcame issues...but I don't believe you have. His still leaving you on your own." Me and Dan are fine.

"Me and Chrissy know...being having problems. And I've got to the point where I think that she doesn't love me. That she's only telling me that she loves me for the sake of the boys, you know?" I close my eyes as that did sound familiar.

"And what exactly is your point?" I ask while he shrugs.

"You've always been really fucking nice to me and I don't know why..." Woody gets even more closer.

I don't move which makes me almost as bad as him.

"And I just want to say thank you for giving me company and shit when I needed it the most. Being left on my own feels shitty, but you was always there." I want to stop him before this gets cliché.

But I want to...kiss him.

This is wrong. But it feels oh so right. What am I going to do? Chris hold's the side of my cheek. It's in that moment where we both kids. A passionate kiss. It feels weird being with someone else other than Dan...but I can shrug him off.

He'll never know how I fucked a fellow band member in the bathroom of his studio.

He'll never know.

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