Baby Bump

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"How was your day off then?" Dan asks whilst massaging my shoulders. I don't know how we got into the position where he is my masseuse...but obviously I'm not going to tell him to stop. I'm enjoying some relaxation time, all day I've been on my feet in the French heat. I'll blame Dan for making me walk around dainty little backstreets and expensive handmade sweet shops...even though I'm totally stuffed now.

A smile stumbles onto my face, quicker than how Dan usually stumbles from left to right in his Good Grief routine. "My day off has been ridiculously hot and sickly sweet, thank you very much for asking." I turn my head towards him while he stops rubbing my shoulders. Of course he smiles which makes my lovesick self smile too.

Cupid clearly shot at me and Dan multiple times, or so it seems.

"How was your day off?" I ask whilst Dan collapses down onto his knees, before laying besides me. His arm supports his head while he leans onto his side, I do the same as him only that I use a spare hotel pillow for support and comfort.

From this angle he looks like a young teenager, he has puffy cheeks and a innocent smile. It's fucking weird...but still mildly adorable.

"It was okay. My girlfriend is shit at posing for photos though." My jaw drops open while Dan leans across and kisses me, but I can't help pulling away from him.

We like to play with each other I's boring not being a tease. "Are you kidding me? It was okay?! I walked around hours for your tourist wannabe ass." I poke Dan's chest fairly hard, although he does nothing but laugh.

"And I love you for that...honestly I do." I don't need to know what Dan loves me for, but I guess it's always good to know.

With that I push my body next to Dan's, only that I'm now laying flat on my back. "I aspire that in the future...we'll get to go away on a romantic holiday for longer than one day." I whisper under my breath. The only reason why I'm whisper is that I'm so tired.

"We will do." Dan whispers back as he nuzzles his nose against mine. I smile as I close my eyes. Every second I feel myself wanting to drift off into a sugarplum slumber, but I know I can't. Dan's wide awake and happy, I think he is expecting something off of me...but I have a much better idea than fucking.

"Talk to them..." my voice trails off.

The other night I had a mass panic attack when I stupidly 'realised' what if my kids don't know I love I went onto Google and fell down a worm hole. Let's say out of curiosity the topic changed real fast. I learnt about how to cope with the constant nausea and other things, praise be for those other mothers advice. I then noticed on every forum that women encourages their partner to talk to the baby. Something of which Dan hasn't done...yet.

It's not only a bonding thing, apparently, but it's to help the babies to not be freaked out by this random guys presence when they arrive.


"They have little ears now...which means they can hear. I want you to be careful what you no swearing, or saying really dark stuff." Dan rolls his eyes looking like I've lost my mind. I know I shouldn't expect Dan to join my bandwagon and talk to our babies...but I just want him to have a connection to them.

Dan's a terrific father.

I guess the greatest achievement in my pregnancy so far was getting Dan to regularly hold my bump. At first he always used to tell me 'why are you rubbing your stomach', but then one day without me asking him...he just did. That was really nice and unexpected. Of course I cried for hours on end about it.

"Talking to my unborn kids...bit weird, eh?" Goddamnit.

"Millions of expectant dad's do it. And I think it's adorable." With that Dan shrugs his shoulders back.

"Isn't it a bit forced? I'm sure they can hear me right now. Or like when I go on stage...the poor bastards have no choice but to listen to me sing." I thought pessimistic Dan disappeared away into the night?

"I felt this weird twinge the other day at the show. It was when you was singing Million Pieces...I think they liked it." Dan shakes his head, although I can tell that he wants that to be true. Dan's a really stubborn guy who doubts himself nearly all of the time.

"Twinge?" I nod my head whilst holding the very bottom of my bump gently.

"It felt like a flutter, I can't describe it..." — my voice trails off as I sit up a bit and roll up my night dress — "right here." I whisper pointing to the left side of my stomach. With that Dan smiles. The shy kind.

"So...I won't look like a complete knob if I talk to your stomach?" I shake my head, feeling a wide smile creep onto my face.

"They can hear you, honest." Either that or the 'twinge' was completely coincidental and a bit of trapped wind or whatever. Dan nods his head before blushing bright red.

"What do I say?" He whispers whilst putting his hand on top of my hand.

"Anything at all..."

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