Baby Names

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Both of us sit cross legged on our bed holding our breakfast bowls full of the lasagne. It's not the most ideal place to eat, but it's cozy and comfortable. It definitely beats sitting in that three star restaurant.

"This is so good..." I nervously laugh as I shove the cheesy pasta into my mouth. I don't even take a breather.

I know I shouldn't really be 'eating for two' this early on in the pregnancy...but sometimes I've got to treat myself. This is my 'off' day anyway, I might as well enjoy it while I can.

I suppose tomorrow everything will go to go back to normal...

"It's crispier around the edges this time." Dan says while he scoops the mince meat onto his fork.

I nod my head in agreement, even though I don't really care if Dan forgot to cover the entire pasta sheet with the mince meat and sauce. I don't want to say anything, since Dan put so much effort into going out and buying the ingredients and cooking it, but it looks horrible considering it's in a bowel and not on a's so delicious though.

Dan then digs his fork into his lasagne and settles the bowl in between his legs, he then pulls the latest iPhone out of his pocket. "What are you doing?" I ask in boredom, I'm only bored because we don't have much to talk about. But that's a good thing.

"Last night while I was...yeah..." — more or less every night this week the guys got drunk — "I wrote something down on my notes, I was meaning to tell you sooner. But yeah, when I woke up this morning I went on my notes to write something down and I saw this..." he then turns his phone around and shows me a list of names for both boys and girls.

"Aw...Dan." I put the bowl in between my legs and then take the phone, while I suck the sauce off of my other thumb like a baby. It's such a sweet list of really sweet...

There's two columns. One says 'girl' and the other says 'boy'. Under the top row are the names, three girls, and three boys. They're all in alphabetical order. Avery and Alexander, Luna and Lynx, Natalia and Nate.

Nothing else is on the page, apart from the time that he lasted edited it which was half eleven last night. I guess drunk Dan wasn't in the mood to party with his friends? I don't blame him, that atmosphere gets so boring after a little while. I'd rather read a book than wake up with a hangover for the thousandth time!

"I guess my drunk subconscious is better at naming our kid than me being sober." That's so true!

I never knew finding the perfect name could be so hard. I guess we should wait until the baby is born...maybe then it'll be easier after seeing their adorable face? But then again I love these.

"Luna and Lynx are cute." I say while handing Dan's phone back over to him.

Dan nods his head with a smile. "I thought the same."

"Dan..." my voice trails off.


"Is it bad I want six kids...with these names?" Dan cracks a smile before shrugging his shoulders backwards. I mean, I'm nervous to hear his reaction.

"Six kids? Wow..." Dan laughs while I find myself shrugging like it's not a big deal. I have a big family. I'm the youngest out of nine siblings, though mamma and papà are too old now. Most families in my village are like that. Six is probably classed as pathetic to them's my favorite number.

"I've always wanted to be this suburban housewife...with a big family" I smile at how stupid my dream probably seems to Dan. However, a smile grows on his face.

"Seriously?" He asks as I look the other way in embarrassment before nodding my head. 

I then look at Dan, not really sure what reaction to suspect. But surprisingly he doesn't look or seem freaked out. "Don't tell anyone but...I've always wanted a big family. I had my heart set on four kids though..." just when I couldn't think he couldn't get more perfect!

We really was made for each other...

There's a split moment of silence before Dan nods his head slowly but surely. I can tell that he has this newfound energy within him which is nice to know. I don't think his back is hurting anymore, but then again he is a great liar.

"Let's do it." Huh? Let's do what?

"Huh?" I say while Dan puts down his phone and then points towards me. That's weird...but okay.

"Let's have six kids..." I mean I don't think it works like he okay?

"Seriously?" I have to ask whether this is a joke, I know Dan sometimes can be an asshole and blatantly lie.

"Fuck yeah." Oh my god. Is he drunk...or has he been drinking? Isn't it nearly impossible to have sextuplets? I don't want like six at a time, god no. I don't think I can even cope with twins. Not while I'm working full time...oh my god. I cannot even think what work would think of me coming and going. Maybe it's for the best if we just stick to having one baby for now.

"It's only if you want to go through six physically demanding pregnancies..." oh, maybe he does understand after all. I thought he meant having fucking sextuplets, how embarrassing is that! I hate to be the one who misunderstands, it happens quite a lot.

With that I crack a smile. I's my dream to have six kids so it's fine by me, I'm just not sure whether Dan is being serious or not. "I'll be the one asking you that question after we have this one." I whisper grabbing Dan's warm hand and placing it on my slight bump, he smiles in awe before leaning forward and kisses me.

I think we've just planned out our future!

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