Family Affair

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Nine Months Later...

"And what would you like to name them?" The midwife says while I uncomfortably try to sit up in bed.

"Alexander and Avery!" Dan excitedly says for me while cradling them both in his arms. I on the other hand close my eyes. I'm never going through birth ever again.

Although, I'm blessed that I had three back-to-back twin pregnancies. At least we have our six kids we have always wanted. "Wow, normally I get parents asking me for name help. You guys are prepared." We're always prepares when it comes to our kids.

"We have four kids at home so...yeah..." Dan nervously laughs while he looks down and smiles at them endlessly.

He's a great father.

"Oh my...six kids. I could that." The midwife awkwardly laughs as I suck it up and nod my head. It's hard, but...whatever. Sleep is overrated and being miserable for the next eighteen years is the new trend, so I'm going to blend in perfectly.

I mean...I'm not miserable when me and Chris meet up at a hotel or whatever. But I doubt that is going to happen any time soon. I need to concentrate on going to the gym more.

"Yeah they're definitely our last." Dan laughs while the midwife nods her head.

The thing is with Alex and Avery is that they're the only identical twins we have. But Avery is an hour older than her brother. Their birth was...complicated. The doctors thought my baby boy was a goner, but he's a little warrior.

"Can I hold?" I ask nodding my head towards Alex. Dan nods his head as he bends down slightly besides me and let's me take Alex out of his arms.

Alex's body is tiny. When I kiss him on his head he is so...fuzzy and soft and warm. "How old are you?" The midwife asks me looking curious.

"Twenty five. It was my birthday a couple days before theirs." Luna and Lynx was born on Dan's birthday, Natalia and Nate was born a week after theirs...but these two are born around mine.

"Twenty five and six old are they?" The midwife is shocked and genuinely curious.

"These two are a few days old, then the other twins are one years old and...then the oldest twins are two." The midwife gasps as I laugh.

"I least they'll be around the same age gap growing up. So that's nice." I nod my head.

"At the moment our oldest, Luna and Lynx...are in their terrible twos and they just want to bite everyone and everything." I caught a mildly disturbing scene the other week.

While I was filling up my hospital bag, for the first and last time ever, I caught Luna biting Lynx's arm hard. Lynx laughed and then bit Luna. They did that for an hour straight before Luna managed to actually draw blood.

I can't take them anywhere without them wearing long sleeved tops. I don't want people presuming the worst about their weirdo marks. I wish I could give them a bone or something to gnaw on. I know they're in pain and teething but...there's nothing to help them.

"Have you heard of this gel which numbs the gums? I mean I wouldn't use it every day on them, but only when they're in pain. I can proscribe you some?" Dan frantically nods his head.

Luna bit Dan on his nose. She's fucking lethal. Then again on his earlobe. That that really hurt him.

"I'll do that in a second, but let me just go and print out the birth certificate and register them." I nod my head while the midwife finally goes out of the room.

That's when my smile fades away while Dan doesn't say anything.

Moments before the midwife came in I asked Dan for a divorce. I know it's not the best idea and I feel horrible for it, but I can't lie anymore.

"So?" I whisper.

"Who will get the kids?" Who will get the kids...oh my god I never even thought of that side.

"Gi has moved out of his room. You can have it. I just...can't be with you anymore in that way. You know this was coming sooner or later..." Dan then nervously laughs.

"Yeah I knew a divorce was inevitable the moment I found out you was fucking Chris." My eyes widen in horror.

"What the fuck!" I almost shout while Alex tosses and turns in my arms.

"I fucking knew the whole time what you was doing. I saw the texts you tried to hide, I saw the way you became like a teenager when you're around him. And're a fucking home wrecker. Not just to our family, but to his. I suggest you tell Chrissy before she finds out."

We was being so careful I don't understand...

"Where are you going?" I ask while the tears roll down my face.

Dan continues to carry Avery. "I'm going to ask my parents to arrange a fucking divorce. The main cause is adultery...on your behalf."


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