Back To Work

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This morning we rejoined with the group. Though the lot of them was sad to see the sight of me and Dan.

After the quick and bittersweet reunion I then had a quick one-to-one meeting with Dick about 'being professional'. A couple of weeks ago me and Dan broke the news that we're going to be parents, no one was impressed to say the least. Dick then said that we'd have to fill form out and shit...considering that I am one of Bastille's many managers who got knocked up by my client. So this morning Dick told me about my new contract and if there was anything bad to happen to us as a couple...then I'm basically trapped here.

But nothing will ever come between me and my boy. Nothing.

"Seriously?" I mumble under my breath while looking at all of the wire hazards. I know that this venue is a lot more smaller than the ones we've been used to for the past couple of years...but this isn't an excuse to leave wires on the floor like snakes.

"What's up?" Woody asks while he sits on the stairs which lead to the stage.

I point to the wires. Woody then makes a 'yeah' sound while he bites into his muffin. The venue is obviously owned by a Bastille mega fan. They left each of the noticeable crew members a distinctive muffin. The rest of the crew got plain ones has 00:15 written in icing on top. It's a sweet gesture nether the less.

I got a red rose. I don't know why everyone associates me with a single red rose but I suppose it's sweet.

"I forgot how hard it was setting up in a venue like this..." I laugh whilst looking around. I think Bastille have played here before? Obviously I wasn't their manager then. But I was with them when they did their Chaos Planet set...and that was amazingly intimate. We wasn't expecting that many people to turn up. I remember that the venue got overcrowded and was near enough boiling.

Woody then points at my bump. "How's Dan one and Dan two doing?" So funny.

Instinctively I hold my bump with both of my hands. I'm the most maternal as they come. "They're really good. I feel like they're growing so quickly." Every day I feel heavier than the day before. I don't really care though. I know that after they're born my fast metabolism will shape me up again.

"Chrissy was like that with our two. Have you got any names in mind?" Admittedly, I shrug my shoulders back.

I am still in awe by Dan's list.

"It's only early days and Dan have a few. I think we're waiting until they're born..." Woody nods his head with a gentle smile. It's nice to know that he obviously does give a shit about mine and Dan's family. Not all of the crew are complete bastards in that sense...

Most of these arseholes think I'm only with Dan for the money, or stupid like that. Either that or they think I'm wasting my precious youth. I know that I'm the youngest person to have major involvement with Bastille, but I couldn't care less. I'm good at doing my job...and I just happen to be head over heels with the lead singer.

I have his babies in my belly right now to prove the love, respect, trust, and faith, that I have for my partner.

I really couldn't be bothered about the money anyway. We're both get a shit load of cash for our jobs, and we was brought up and raised with money. There are days where I feel like I don't want to escape wealth...just do things the old traditional way.

"Have you two moved into a place together yet?" Wow, Woody sure is being supportive. He's never this supportive, it makes me wander if Dan flakes go then. I know he wanted them to loosen up on me.

It's not our faults that we love each just happened. Yes, I'm fully aware that what we are doing is unprofessional. I know that Virgin Records is ashamed and disgusted by my behaviour. I get it. But what I don't get is the band not being supportive of Dan, it's not like I'm a mega fan or a teenager. I'm neither of those things. It's just so weird...

I guess I really have never fitted in with this lot. It's kinda making me sad thinking about hormones are killing me.

"We're waiting to find time off so we can go house hunting. We want to get three houses. One in London, one in Italy, and then one in South Africa..." Woody nods his head with a smile.

"Call me up when you're about to look, yeah? I rent out properties. If Bastille was to ever go tits up...I have another source of income." I never knew he was a landlord, I would've asked him much sooner for his advice.

"I'm afraid me and Dan have left it too long, you know? I doubt we'll be able to settle down before these are born."

Once again Woody nods his head. "Look, I'll sort something out okay. Get a house where there isn't a long waiting chain. Try buying them on properties that are new or newly empty. It'll save you waiting around." I have no idea what that means but I cherish the information...or at least try to.

That's when I feel a arm wrap around my waist. "Hey babe." I smile knowing that it's my man child back from...wherever he went.

"What are you two talking about then?" Do I really have to explain again...

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