A Bit of Background

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A/N:This is the first Fan Fiction I have ever attempted so bear with me! I have posted this on another writing site but have chose to move it to Wattpad, so the first twelve chapters are currently finished and I will be releasing upcoming chapters soon. 

 As for time frame, the TV series begins when Jax is 30. At the beginning of this story he is 25. I hope you enjoy and please post any feedback!

Emptiness. That is the only word I can think of to describe how I felt. My parents, the two people in the world that I held the dearest, gone. It happened too fast. One minute I was a simple fifteen-year-old, straight A student on the dance team, and the next I was an empty shell of myself. I had no family, none close enough to take me in at least. My parents, although socialites with many friends, both had difficult pasts with each of their families, causing us to lose touch long ago. I have vague memories of vacationing in Florida with my dad's family, and of visiting my mom's in Southern California, but those feel like ancient history because for so long it had been just my parents and me. And then it was just me.

I grew up in Charming. My dad was a local business owner and my mom was a doctor at St. Thomas. Both were successful professionals and well known throughout the community. It was also well known that my dad and Clay Morrow, President of the Sons of Anarchy, were childhood friends and remained close as they grew into men and into different professional directions. As far back as I can remember I remember being close with the Sons, specifically Clay, Gemma and Jax. They were the closest thing to family I had outside of my parents. This is why, at the age of fifteen when my world fell apart, the couple took me into their home and into their lives.

It has taken me a year to truly experience the grieving process in its entirety and I am a different person coming out on the other side. I am no longer a Straight A student and honestly, I could care less about school. I used to dream about continuing my education and becoming a doctor, just like my mom. That dream is pushed so far back in my mind that I can barely recognize that version of myself. I am a senior now, my eighteenth birthday is in a week, and I am ready to be done with school and done with every one of my peers. With the exception of my best friend, Ava, I have lost most of my other friends. I guess this is because of who I have turned into since my parents died, but honestly, I could care less because I didn't have the energy to pretend everything has been okay. I spend my time either at school, or working in the office at Teller Morrow.

"Brooke, you're going to be late for school again if you don't get your ass out of bed", I heard Gemma yell up the stairs as I rolled over to check the time on my phone.

I don't know why she is yelling, I still have time. Gemma had become not only a maternal figure in my life, but also a best friend. She looks after me as fiercely as she does Jax, her own son, but she has never tried to replace my own mother. She has expected me to accept The Sons as my family, which I have done completely and am grateful that they have accepted me in return. If Gemma is the queen of SAMCRO, I guess you could say I am the Princess. The men are as loyal to me as they are to each other and Gemma, and I show the same respect in return. This is my family, my life now, and I would not trade it for anything because they are all I have.

"Brooklyn!". Great, she full named me.

"I am up and I will be down in five minutes". I got dressed and made my way downstairs. Breakfast in the Teller-Morrow household was typically rushed during the week, mostly because I could never get myself down in time to enjoy it. I grabbed a granola bar, told Gemma I would see her at TM after school, and headed out the door to my car. My parents car actually, the one that was not in the accident. A bitter sweet gift on my sixteenth birthday and a daily reminder of them.

After my parents died I became the sole heir to everything, the house, their car, and their fortune. My dad came from a wealthy family and had more money than I could imagine in the bank, waiting for me to turn eighteen. I have thought about what to do after I graduate many times over the past two years. I have access to money and opportunity, but I couldn't picture my life without SAMCRO anymore. It was like in the past few years the lifestyle and the family have imprinted on me and I can no longer see myself leaving. Any past dreams are distant memories and the only thing I can picture myself doing is continuing to work at the garage. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving the only family I have, now, of losing another family, I care about each of them too much.

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