"Some Advice"

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I wake up in the morning to the sun glaring in eye and my alarm blaring in my ear. Surprisingly I have slept through the night because even without nightmares typically I am up two or three times at least.
I look to my left and Juice is still peacefully sleeping, one arm lazily laid across my stomach. I smile and kiss him on the corner of his lips.

"Morning" I say softly.
Juice grunts slightly in return, stretching and opening his eyes. "Morning beautiful".
His hand moves to sweep fallen hair out of my face and he kisses me deeply. I stop him, pulling back just a little.

"Thank you for coming last night Juice"
"Of course Brooklyn. How did you sleep?" He asks.
"Perfectly" I respond with a smile and move so that I am hovering over his built frame.

I run my hands through his Mohawk, earning a moan of approval from him. Still dressed in my boy shorts from last night, Juice runs his hands up my bare thighs until he reached the cusp of my ass. I lean down slowly to kiss him which he allows me to do, deepening it when he grabs the back of my head pulling me closer to him.
Juice breaks our kiss and grabs the hem of my tank top pulling it over my head softly, before returning his lips to mine.

"You. Are. Gorgeous." He tells me in between kisses placed on my neck. I decide to take control, moving his hands off of me and make a feeble attempt to hold them above his head with one hand. He could easily break free, although he doesn't which tells me he is enjoying this, and I kiss him passionately.

Letting go of his hands, I slowly work down his chest and stomach, leaving a trail of kisses as I go. I reach his boxers and slowly remove them, licking the outline of his perfectly formed V lines as I do. Juice moves his hips slightly so this my tongue is closer to the area he wants me to focus on. I listen to his silent request and lick slowly up and down his shaft before encasing his girth in my mouth. I continue working him in this way until I felt his warm liquid stream into my mouth. I revel in the noises he makes as he comes and find myself ecstatic that I am the one who can make him feel that way.
"Well that was a very pleasant way to wake up" he smirks and makes a move to return the sentiment.

I stop him by placing a hand on his chest and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Not necessary..." I tell him, "...that was a thank you for staying with me last night". I again kiss him but this time on the lips.

"You never need to thank me for being here for you Brooklyn". Juice stares into my eyes and I feel butterflies take over my stomach. I'm not sure how I fell for him so quickly, but it is clear to me that my feelings go far deeper than the surface.

"How are you such a good guy?" I ask almost immediately regretting it as embarrassment takes over. Juice lets out a light chuckle.

"I'm not" he says simply with a sigh. I want to protest and tell him all the ways that he is, but before I get the chance he chastely kisses the corner of my lips. "You make me want to be better" he half whisper and his mouth meets mine. My eyes close and my hand moves to the back of his neck, wanting to be closer.

Realizing that my alarm went off close to an hour ago, I groan and tell Juice I need to get ready for work. I get ready to take a shower as Juice gets dressed. He shrug on his kutte and approaches me from across the room.

"I'll see you later yea?" He asks
"Of course" I reply with a smirk. He leans down and kisses me in a way that I can feel the passion behind it. He leaves me with one more mega watt smile before leaving.

I take my time in the shower, deciding that I could sweet talk my way out of trouble with Gemma for being late. I decided to throw in a coffee for her as well, just as a way to butter her up a bit more.

Stopping at my normal coffee shop for mine  and Gemma's drinks proved to take longer than expected. There was a new barista who seemed to struggle to make a black coffee. The line moved slow but finally I was able to grab our drinks and head back out into the morning sun.

I approach my car and notice a folded piece of paper stuck under my wiper blade. Immediately thinking it was a ticket I groan in anger, "Stupid slow barista" I mutter to myself. I place the coffees in the car and reach around to grab the piece of paper.

I know as soon as I get a closer look at the thing i realize it's not a ticket, it's not the right kind of paper. My heart rate accelerates a bit, the now mystery note reminding me of the run in with Darby at this very same shop. I look around to try and see if anyone is watching me, but no one stands out.

I slowly begin to unfold the note, not really wanting to reveal what it says. Something about this situation is making me increasingly uneasy. There is no one in my life that would leave a note on my car instead of reaching out to me directly. The piece of paper has been unfolded enough now to see hand written letters through the last folded bit; I open the letter completely.

Some advice. Look deeper into your parents supposed car accident.

Ten words. Simple enough but the meaning behind them was far more daunting. I kept staring at the the word supposed. What did whoever left the note mean by that? Why should I have to look deeper into it? I saw the wreck with my own eyes, no doubt about it my parents were killed in a car wreck. Did this note mean to say that it wasn't an accident?

I am snapped out of my thoughts as a car pulls up beside me with a rather annoyed looking woman inside. "You leaving this parking spot or you just gonna stand there all day?" She asks.

"Uh... yea... I'm just leaving" I stutter out as I work hard to pull my now frozen body back into my car. My mind is moving a thousand miles a minute, wondering what the note may mean, and what I should do about it now. And who left it? On an endless cycle, my mind continues until I pull into the TM lot.

Gemma pokes her head out of the office with a look on her face that let me know I was about to get an earful. I made the decision then to keep the note to myself, for now at least. On the ride here, I had considered showing it to Gemma but I needed more time to process before I did anything else.

"Where the hell have you been?" She grumpily asks as soon as I am out of my car. "Just because your family darling doesn't give you a free pass to show up to work whenever you feel like it"

I allow myself an internal eye roll because I have heard that speech more times than I can count. I reach out my hand to her with her coffee, "But I brought you this" I say with a plastered fake smile.

She takes a sip, "Yea okay" she says as she takes another. "But I know the coffee shop didn't take an extra hour" she states, raising her eye suspiciously.

"On the contrary, there is a new girl there who I don't think knows the difference between coffee and tea" I respond with a slight chuckle and begin tending to my work.

The day drags and Gemma ends up leaving for one errand or another not long after I arrive. Left with thoughts, they drift back to the note and the cycle of questions begin once again.

Someone could easily be trying to deceive me, although what the motive behind that would be, I have no idea. I don't even know who left the note so trying to decipher the reason behind leaving it was next to impossible. By the days end I have over analyzed every possibility when it comes to the damn note and haven't gotten any closer to coming to a conclusion. Except for one, I will take the advice and look into the accident, because one way or another, I owe my parents at least that.

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