"We Will See What Happens"

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Juices POV

I was woken up by Chibs shoving my side with his boot. Somehow, I ended up sleeping on the floor with a random, half dressed girl on either side of me. Hell of a night. Chibs instructed me to get to cleaning the clubhouse and so, begrudgingly, I got up and started behind the bar. I felt like absolute shit.

I look up from my cleaning and see Jax exiting the dorm area with Brooke about two feet behind him. Like every other time I have seen her since that first day we met, I can't help by smile a little. There is just something about her. She turned towards the kitchen and I note that she is wearing what I assume to be one of Jax's shirts because it is oversized on her, allowing only the tiniest sliver of her shorts to show below it. A quick pang of jealousy shoots through my stomach, that explains how she is connected to the club.

I turn and bend down to continue cleaning when I hear a cheerful "Morning" from behind me. Not wanting to stand up too quickly, I mumble a "Morning" in response. She comes back moments later with a coffee and for that, I am more than thankful and I tell her so.

"So, you didn't tell me that you were connected to the club too. I thought that you just worked in the office at TM." I had been wondering since I saw her last night how she was connected to the club as well. I wanted to also fish for the reason why I had seen her come out of the Dorms with Jax this morning. Didn't I hear him talking about having a wife?

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me" she replies with a smile. Is she flirting with me? We had been what I would call barely flirting since the day we met. I swear that I can feel a connection between us, but I hadn't planned on acting on it, especially if she is already spoken for. This is a new job and a new life for me, and I knew I needed to focus on my job and the club until I got used to everything.

"Oh?" and I can't help but smile back at her. "Like you being Jax's old lady". The half question half statement sort of slipped out without me meaning for it to but I find myself really wanting to know the answer. She giggles a little delaying her response.

"No, I am not anyone's old lady". I feel my body relax just a little. So maybe there is a chance...But then I find myself with even more questions. I know that I have heard Jax talk about a wife, but if Brooke isn't her than maybe that means...

"Oh. So, you are a Croweater then?". I ask simply. I am not judging her, but I hadn't taken her for the type of girl who just spends her time hanging around and being with all these guys. She laughs even harder now making me instantly regret even considering the idea. Of course she isn't a Croweater.

"Uh no. I am definitely not a Croweater either. And you may want to be careful who you say shit like that about me around." She finally responds. What the hell does that mean, I need to be careful? Oh great, it is day two as a prospect and I have already fucked up with the club. Typical Juice, Typical. I honestly didn't mean to offend her, I am just trying to understand who she is. And now I have the vague picture that she is someone of importance to the club although I am not any clearer as to how. She continues speaking, interrupting my internal break down.

"Listen, you are a Prospect so the rules say that I have to stay away from you. For now. But do your time, get your top rocker, and then we will see what happens." She says confidently and winks as she turns to walk away. Now I am left by myself, completely dumbfounded and a bit turned on by her confidence. 'Do your time and we will see what happens,' what the hell does that mean? I go back to cleaning but can't get Brooke out of my mind. Clearly, she does feel the connection that I believe we have, and she just told me that she is nobody's old lady. But apparently you can't do anything about it until you are a patched in member. Okay, well that's only a year. A year is no time at all. Just don't fuck up and you might have more than just a patch waiting for you on the other end.

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