"What if I Want to Kiss You Again?"

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When I woke up again I was in a hospital bed and the sounds of beeping machines filled the room. I looked down at my arm and saw an IV attached it. I noticed that the endless pain I had felt in the basement was gone so I figured whatever was dripping through the IV was responsible. Thank god for pain meds. I looked over to find Gemma asleep in one of the chairs that was on the other side of the room. Seeing her brought a smile to my face and I knew that I was safe again.

I began to replay the events of the past few days in my head. Being kidnapped, blindfolded and tied up, being kicked and punched, and being scared. Those were the first thoughts I was able to process. Then, like a surprising flash, That kiss!. I replayed the moments leading up to the kiss itself, and the moments after. He was just trying to keep you calm Brooke, you are reading too much into it. It was an innocent, albeit sexy, gesture. But then I remembered the way he was holding me and stoking my hair on the way to the hospital. I don't remember the Mayans letting us go and I don't remember most of the trip to the hospital, but I can still feel Jax's arms around me and his fingers running through my hair. God damn it Brooke, shut it down. Jax would never actually want you, not like that. I mean seriously; he probably looks at me like a little girl. This is ridiculous. I am sitting in a hospital bed, not even knowing the full extent of my injuries, and obsessing over a kiss. A steamy hot kiss...

"Gemma?" I managed to squeak out, although found it difficult to talk

"Brooke, you're awake! Let me get the doctor" she said rushing towards the door.

"Water Gem, can you get me some water?

"Sure sweetheart"

The doctor came in and examined me. She explained that two of my ribs are broken and that I have a small brain bleed from where my head hit the wall after I was punched. She explained that it will likely clear up on its own, but that I would have to stay in the hospital for a few days until they could be sure it was healed. After she left, Gemma came to my bedside and gave me a kiss on the forehead that lingered a bit longer than usual.

"I was scared to death about you. And about Jackson. Thank god it wasn't worse"

"Jax, where is he?" I asked.

"He went out with the club to sort some shit out. Those Mayans are going to regret doing this. I don't think I have ever seen him so riled up before. Whatever they have comin they deserve it. Jax wanted me to let you know that he will be back by after he is done to check on you"

"Okay thank you Gem. Thank you for staying with me"

"Of course, sweetheart. You should get some rest"

She was right, I still felt physically exhausted and the pain meds were making me groggy. I drifted back to sleep. It was morning before I woke up again, and to my surprise, Jax was sitting in one of the chairs looking at his phone. He hadn't noticed me wake up, so I took the opportunity to take him in. My eyes were drawn to his lips and I couldn't stop myself from imagining them meeting mine again. Damn girl, one kiss and he has you hooked. Yea because that is what I need, to have a hopeless crush on Jax Teller.

Like clockwork, because he can always tell when someone is looking at him for too long, he looked up and I swear I saw a gleam in his eye and a smirk that I was not usually greeted with. Its in your head, I thought to myself.

"Mornin sunshine" he said, still through a smirk.

"Uh, hey Jax. You are here early huh?"

"Came last night after I was done taking care of some business. Didn't want to leave you alone after what happened I guess".

I smiled at him because regardless of anything else, I knew he truly cares about me. I don't know if he felt it or if it was just me, but I was overcome with a wave of awkwardness, thinking back to that damn kiss again. If he wasn't going to address the elephant in the room, I guess I would have to.

"Jax, we need to talk about something..." He interrupted before I could finish my thought.

"That kiss..." he trailed.

"Yea that. Look I know I was having a moment and I was about to lose it, so I get why you did it. I just don't want things to be awkward between us now. You did what you had to to calm me down. So I just wanted to say that I know what it was and why it happened" I rambled while looking down at my hands and I could feel the burn on my cheeks increasing.

Jax moved closer to me until he was sitting on the edge of the bed. I could feel the burn of his eyes as he stared at me, but I did not dare to look up at him.

"Look at me Darlin" he almost whispered. He placed his finger under my chin and softly lifted my chin, forcing me to look him in his eyes. "So what your saying is..." he trailed and that stupid, sexy grin spread across his face, "You didn't enjoy it?"

I was left dumbfounded. I had not expected this to be his response to my rambling and I had no idea how to respond. "I...uh... I didn't dislike it"

He chuckled at this and continued to stare into my eyes. "You wouldn't want me to kiss you again?" He slyly asked, keeping up with that grin.

"I just thought that you kissed me because we were in survival mode together or whatever. Heat of the moment type of thing."

For the first time since this interaction began, Jax looked down from my eyes to my lips. Damn that is hot. "What if I wanted to kiss you again?" he asked, still staring at my lips and inching just a little bit closer.

This moment was so similar to the previous moment we shared. It was again as if he was asking my permission for our lips to meet. Except this time my hands were not tied, and I found myself reflexively reaching up to cup behind his ear with my hand. The moment I did this, he acknowledged it as a form of permission and slowly met my lips with his. This kiss was different than the first because I was expecting it and because it was less unsure. He didn't ask permission this time to invade my mouth with his tongue and instead just took control of it, of me. My hand continued to run through his wild blonde hair as my other hand met his arm. He placed his hand on the back of my head, gently pulling my hair back so that the weight of my head rested in his palm. He used this to guide my head back down to the pillow and he pulled his lips away from mine and tucked a stray piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Rest" he whispered into my ear, so I could feel his breath which sent a shiver down my spine. "Now, did you want to keep rambling about why it happened, or do you want to consider the fact that maybe I liked it. A lot."

He remained inches from my ear when he whispered those words to me, but I still was unsure if I had heard him right. Jackson Teller kissed me, twice now, and he enjoyed it? It seemed too unlikely. I have always had a bad habit of over thinking and over analyzing every situation I am in. I could tell by the look on his face that he knew I was doing just that at this moment. He stared at me with a smug grin, raising one eyebrow as if he was waiting for me to answer; knowing that I was likely losing control of my thoughts.

"You liked it?" was all I could come to speak.

He nodded. "And you did too, I can tell. Look, I know you are over thinking this shit right now. You always do. What we went through down there was stressful, especially after that douche bag hit you. That kiss may have started in the heat of the moment, but I would be lyin' if I said it didn't leave me wanting more". He ran his hand through his hair as he said that last part, and if I didn't know him so well I may have thought he was becoming shy.

"Jax I..."

"Shh" he said as he made a motion to the bed asking me to make room for him. I did as he wished and found myself resting my head on his shoulder. "Rest now Darlin, you don't have to say anything else".

Again I found myself feeling overwhelmingly safe and comfortable. I could not get what he had said out of my head. He couldn't stop thinking about the kiss we shared. Neither could I if I am being honest. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about it each time I was awake since the moment it happened. What the hell am I supposed to do with the information that it had the same effect on him. And now, here I am snuggled in a hospital bed with this big, bad, biker boy, watching MASH reruns on TV. Eventually my brain slowed down enough for me to fall back to sleep, still in his arms.

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