Big News

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I spent my next day off up in the attic of my family home. As I sift through old family photos and documents, I don't really know if the motivation is to look for some kind of clue, or to feel nostalgic. So far I have fought back tears twice and threw a box in frustration, but have not found any sort of indication that my parents were living some kind of a double life or anything. I sigh and decide to give it a rest for the day because I am hungry and getting nowhere.

Finally the rest of the week had gone by and today was the day that the guys would be back. Apparently there was a small incident with a rival motorcycle club in Nevada which had delayed them by a day. Juice didn't give me specific details, but ensured me that everyone was whole and the situation was handled.

I'm currently at the TM office, sweating because the weather went from a mild sixty five degrees yesterday to eighty five today and I didn't get the memo until I left the house so I'm over dressed. I get annoyed when I'm too hot. I half sigh half grumble to myself just as Gemma enters the office.

"What's up with you?" She asked, one eye raised.

"Did you know we are out of paper clips?" I ask seriously, "Not to mention that it is so fucking hot"

She looks at me with an expression between annoyed and amused. "Okay so why don't you go buy some? And stop at home to change on the way?" She suggested.

"Yeah okay" I answer and gather my things to head out. Just as I am doing so, I hear the familiar thunder of motorcycles coming around the corner and pulling into the TM lot. Reminding me of love sick teenager, my heart flutters when I see Juice's Dyna pulls in. Internal eye roll. I stop before heading to my car, watching the guys get off their bikes one by one.

It had become a habit of mine to check off each member in my mind when they return from a run. It lessens my anxiety to see each of them with my own eyes and confirm that no one was injured or lost. Juice removes his helmet and immediately makes eye contact with me. He smirks and starts walking towards me rather quickly.

When he reaches me I barely have a second to process that he is in fact wearing his top rocker before his lips find mine. I freeze for a moment in shock before I am able to react and return his kiss. After a moment his lips pull away from mine but our foreheads remain resting on one another's. My senses begin to return and I hear Tig and Chibs whistling and making comments in the background. It makes me smirk.

"I missed a lot while you were gone huh?" I whisper to him, our foreheads still touching.

He smiles and backs up a few inches. "I got my top rocker" he beams, obviously overjoyed.

"I see that" I smile widely, "Congratulations!"

"And these fools..." I motion to Tig, Chibs, and Bobby who were still standing outside of the clubhouse, "...they already knew I assume?"

"It seems as though we are not quite as sneaky as we thought" He shrugged, "Or maybe they are just not as oblivious".

I chuckle, "Probably both". I tip toe and plant a kiss on his cheek. "I'm happy that we don't have to hide anymore" I say quietly, even though our previous audience had since disappeared.

"Me too Brooklyn" he smiles and kisses me again, this time on the lips. "Were you getting ready to go somewhere?"

"Ugh, yes. To change because the fucking weather can't make up its mind and I'm too hot. And also to get paper clips"

"Paper clips huh? Sounds interesting" he says with a playful grin. "I have to hack into some database for the club, but maybe later we can get something to eat. You know, together. Or something"

I can't help but to grin. Juice had never been so visibly nervous around me before. It was quite cute. "Are you asking me on a date?"

"Maybe? I mean if you would want to go on a date with me."

"Of course" I smile reassuringly. "Dinner tonight then?"

"Dinner tonight" he replies sounding much more like himself. Leaning forward he kisses me on the forehead before heading into the clubhouse.

I head home first to change and get side tracked by left over pizza when I hear a knock at the door. Odd, I think to myself. No one ever comes here during the middle of the day. I tentatively answer the door, relieved to see Jax on the other side.

"Hey B. Can I come in?"

"Yea of course! Want some pizza?" I offer as we enter the kitchen.

"Sure why not?" He says, grabbing a slice.

"It's funny you're here randomly" I say with a raised eyebrow. "I actually had something I wanted to mention to you".

"I actually have something to tell you too. And if what you have to tell me is about Juice, I already know. I think everyone does Darlin'"He says with a smirk.

I chuckle, "Yea I know. But no, that's not what I wanted to tell you. Although now I'm curious about what you need to tell me, so you first."

"Alright. I haven't told anyone yet, not even Gemma. But I wanted you to hear it from me and not from anyone else." He pauses, giving me a few seconds to imagine in my mind what he might be getting at. I hate to be left hanging "Wendy is pregnant."

Well that wasn't even on the list if things I'd imagine him to say. I realize that my silence probably lasted a bit longer than socially acceptable when I see Jax shift uncomfortably.

"Congratulations Jax!" I engulf him in a hug. "How are you feeling about it?"

"I have no idea B. I mean I'm scared for sure. How the hell am I supposed to be a dad? And Wendy.. who knows how long she'll manage to stay clean for this time. I mean she's good right now but..." he trails, obviously in thought.

"I have no doubt you'll be a great dad Jax. Your caring and super over protective. Besides, you'll have all of us to help out with the little peanut." I say with a smile thinking of having a new little baby in the family.

"Yeah?" He asks and I'm not sure which statement he is questioning.

"Of course" I answer because I know both are true.

This time Jax makes the move to enclose me in a hug. "Thank you B. It feels good to tell someone! I've known since before we left on the run."

"I'm so happy for you Jax. And Wendy! I'll have to give her a call and congratulate her."

"She'll like that. So what did you have to tell me anyways?" Jax didn't like to be left hanging either.

Welp. This upcoming conversation just got significantly more awkward.

"Oh. Yea." I stall. Especially after the news he just shared, I knew this bit of information could change so much for him.

"Tara is back in town."

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