Patch in Party

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It wasn't long until the club had voted Juice in as a Prospect. They had unanimously decided that they could benefit from his hacking and computer skills, as well as the upgrades he could provide to the clubhouse's surveillance system. He put a lot of work in at TM and I think the guys appreciated his work ethic as well.

He quickly became a friend to me. I hadn't been very good at making friends since my parents passed. I tend to be shy and when I am around new people; I make myself as unapproachable as I can. But with Juice, for some reason, it was different. I enjoyed his company, and although we kept the conversation light, I found myself being drawn to him.

On the day that Juice was accepted as a Prospect, the club threw a party. Like they need an excuse for a party anyways. Over the years I had taken up tending the bar at the parties or sometimes just on any regular night as well. I was able to bar tend when I wanted to, and if I wanted to partake in the party, one of the Croweaters would take over. I really enjoyed tending the bar, it was relaxing to me and gave me something to do around the guys on most nights.

"So, office worker by day and bartender by night eh?" Juice half slurred to me from across the bar. Since our initial meeting, I saw him just about every day at TM. Although we had developed a friendly relationship, we hadn't had one personal conversation, so I wasn't surprised when he seemed like I was an unexpected sight behind the bar. He probably has no idea of my connection to the club.

I chuckled at him as I could tell that he was feeling the many Captain and Coke's I had served him tonight. "Oh, you know, I do what I can to be useful" I said with a grin.

"I am sure you are more than useful sweetie" he says to me, followed by a wink as he turned and walked away. Obviously, his rum gave him some courage because for the time I have known him, not once has he so blatantly flirted with me. I have felt more like a middle school girl with a crush around him; the flirtations between us were subtle but I felt a connection to him, and I think he felt it too. Not that I know anything REAL about him, but that is beside the point.

There is a rule about dating Prospects, for me anyway, and that rule is I can't. So, Gemma says at least. She had noticed the subtle flirting between the two of us, and the way that I stared at his ass as he walked around the garage and was quick to tell me not to go there. You don't want to get involved with a Prospect Brooke. If he doesn't get his top rocker, it will end badly for everyone. She was right. If I was with him as a Prospect, and he didn't get patched in I would have to choose between him and the club. Or depending on how the ties were cut, I wouldn't have the choice to be with him at all. But that can't stop me from looking, because God, he is good to look at.

Jax approached the bar and snapped me out of my thoughts. "Where'd you go off to just now?" he asked.

"Oh, um, nowhere. Just tired I guess"

"Yea, sure darlin. You done back there yet? You look like you could use some fun" He said with a grin and a wink.

"Yea I can be" I replied with a smile. "Give me a few"

I found a girl to take over and poured myself a few shots of tequila before finding Jax sitting on a picnic table outside. I took a seat at the table with him, Tig, and Chibs. The cool night air felt nice after being inside for so long. It was the middle of summer and even the nights were warm enough for shorts and tank tops. After spending some time outside with Jax and the others, Jax whispered in my ear, "I am about done with this party. Wanna come inside with me?" I nodded with a smile and followed him back to the dorms. Jax and Wendy were in one of their "off" cycles which lead to him seeking me out for comfort every few days.

The next morning, I was woken up by Jax shuffling around the dorm room getting ready. "Morning Darlin'" He said to me as I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I took a moment to thank my last night self for not drinking too much because I didn't feel half bad this morning. Coffee was my only thought and so I put on the shorts I was wearing last night and one of Jax's T-Shirts and went to go make some. Jax and I left the dorm at the same time, him making his way outside of the clubhouse, to smoke a cigarette I would guess, and I heading towards the kitchen. I made my coffee and made my way to bar where I noticed Juice was cleaning the mess left from the previous night.

"Morning!" I said cheerily now that I was ingesting my truest love.

His back was turned to me and I heard a slight moan come from him followed by a lazy "Morning". I chuckled because I knew that he was probably feeling like death but being the new prospect, I am sure one of the guys had woken him to start cleaning. I went back to the kitchen to grab him a cup of coffee.

"Thanks for this" he said as he stopped cleaning to begin sipping on the liquid.

"Of course" I respond with a smile.

"So you didn't tell me that you were connected to the club too. I thought that you just worked in the office at TM."

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me" I said with a smile.

"Oh?" he said returning my grin, "Like you being Jax's old lady?"

I laugh at this for two reasons, One because I get why he would think seeing Jax and I last night and this morning together, and Two because I could detect a hind of jealousy behind his words. "No, I am not anyone's old lady" I tell him.

I could see him think about what I had just disclosed, "Oh. So, you are a Croweater then?" he asked with a feign of surprise in his tone.

I laugh even harder at this. I do not have an issue with the girls who consider themselves Croweaters, most were nice enough and they were certainly helpful to have around. "Uh no. I am definitely not a Croweater either. And you may want to be careful who you say shit like that about me around"

He was confused now I could tell, and I found that amusing. His drunken confidence from last night when he blatantly flirted with me popped into my mind and I decided to have some fun with him.

I leaned over the bar and said in a low voice, "Listen, you are a Prospect so the rules say that I have to stay away from you. For now. But do your time, get your top rocker, and then we will see what happens". To finalize making my statement, I give him a wink and walk out of the clubhouse with my coffee. That should peak some curiosity from him, I think which makes me smile.

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