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I woke up and immediately looked to the small window. Daylight. Maybe this nightmare is almost over. I became aware that Jax was awake and staring at me, as if to give me a moment to collect my bearings and come back to consciousness.

"I am so, so sorry that bastard did this to you. Trust me when I say he will pay"

"I know Jax, I just..." My thought trailed off as I stared into his eyes. I could see concern, more so than before I got knocked out. He was worried, and this time I think it was more about my head than getting us out of here. Tears welled up in my eyes as pain, exhaustion, and a feeling of defeat came over me. "I'm scared".

He continued to look down at me, staring into my eyes. He bowed his head so that I could nuzzle my face into his neck. I stayed there for what felt like forever as I cried. Jax said nothing and just let me feel everything that I was feeling. That is something else I cherish about him, he doesn't try to fix me he just is there as a support. Once I calmed down and the uncontrolled crying stopped he drew back just enough to say, "Look at me darlin"

I looked up at him and into his ocean of blue eyes. Gorgeous. I could feel my face redden again and this time he definitely noticed. He looked at me and gave me a grin that I had seen countless times before. Wherever Jax went, females noticed him and when he knew that he was being admired, he gave the sheepish of grins. And that grin is what I got while he was staring down at me. There was no doubt that Jax Teller knew how sexy he was, and for the first time in my life, he knew that I was admiring him like so many other women do.

In that moment, I don't know if it was fear or the simple fact that we were in survival mode together, but Jax slowly and carefully leaned toward me, his lips stopping inches before my own. I felt him let out a tiny sigh, almost as if to ask me to close the distance between us. Asking if this was okay, if this was something I wanted to do. My thoughts were racing a mile a minute, but my body took control and I leaned into him the rest of the way. Our lips met, gently at first and barely touching. It was so soft that I wasn't sure that my likely concussed brain wasn't making it up. He deepened it though, making it perfectly clear that I wasn't imagining it. I felt his tongue against my lips, again just barely and seemingly asking to be let in. I have seen Jax with countless women and this gentleness is something I would have never expected from him. I parted my lips and let him explore my mouth with his tongue as I did the same to his. I felt electricity run through my body as we continued to kiss. I went to lift my hands and run my fingers through his hair, forgetting that they were tied together. Something inside me was craving to have more of me touch more of him.

Almost as abruptly as he began, Jax pulled away and inhaled deeply. He then lightly kissed the corner of my mouth and whispered "I know that you are scared but feel me next to you and know that you will be okay. Rest your head and try to relax"

I did as he said and rested my head on his shoulder. What the hell just happened? I thought as I felt my body ease into his side. I didn't speak because I didn't know what to say, but I did know that right now, this was exactly what I needed. Maybe that is why he did it? Yea, I thought, he kissed you because you were on the verge of a mental breakdown and he knew he had to ground you. It meant nothing... did it? Thinking about my own answer to that question, despite the shock of the kiss, it felt...right.

I would have thought that kissing Jax would be end up being weird and awkward because of our relationship. But for some reason, really unknown to me, that kiss seemed real and it felt good. I have had boyfriends before, although trust me when I say it is hard to date when your family is SAMCRO. Some better than others and I was certainly no virgin, but something about this kiss with Jax was different and I don't think it is because we are kidnapped and locked in a basement. As I felt myself drifting off to sleep again, I replayed the feeling of electricity that kiss sent through my body and wondered what the hell that meant exactly.

I was woken up by the feeling of arms around me. I was having a hard time opening my eyes and I thought for sure that it was one of the Mayans moving me away from my safety. I felt myself being carried up the stairs and then felt the heat of the California sun on my skin. Damn that feels nice I thought, still unable to open my eyes. At least if they are going to kill me I was able to feel the sun one last time. I heard the door of a van slide open and felt myself being lifted inside. Whoever was carrying me sat down and laid me across their lap, cradling me in their arms.

"It's okay sweetheart, we are safe now" I heard the person carrying me softly say into my ear.

"Jax?" I spoke with slurred speech

"Yea Darlin, I'm here. We're going to get you to the hospital okay?"

"What the hell happened Jackie Boy?" I heard Chibs ask, seemingly from the driver's seat.

"The assholes knocked me out and then drugged Brooke when they kidnapped us. When we were in the basement one of the bastards kicked her ribs and then punched her head against the wall. I think she has a concussion and some broken ribs". I felt Jax's fingers running through my hair as he told what happened. I was somewhat aware that the van held more members of the MC, but I couldn't distinguish who through the chatter of them discussing the deal that had been made to get us back. I blacked out again to the soothing feeling of Jax holding me tight and stroking my hair.

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