Their Spot

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Warning: Some smut included  ;D

I lay back down on my towel after playing in the water with Juice for a bit. I am completely satisfied with my decision to come to the beach instead of attending the funeral. Maybe I should feel guilty about skipping my Grandmothers funeral, but in all honesty, I don't. Like I told Juice this morning, I had said my goodbye last night and today would have only prolonged the awkwardness I felt around my "family".

I look over to Juice who is laying next to me with his eyes closed. He is shirtless and has chosen to let his head tattoos show today; I appreciate both of these decisions. I turn onto my back, closing my eyes once again, and letting my mind wander.

Thinking about the time I have spent with Juice this weekend makes me smile. I didn't expect any of this to happen, yet at least, but everything about him draws me to him. Having a regular day today with him at the beach is something that I never got with Jax. Sure, we had down time where we could spend time just the two of us, but nothing as carefree and spontaneous as this. As Juice is just simply laying in the sun, it shows me that he isn't afraid to let his tough exterior down when it is just me and him. I have noticed the small things that he does to show that he cares; like taking my hand yesterday before the wake to calm me down, or the small kisses he has been planting on my head throughout the day. At some point during my racing thoughts, I managed to drift off to sleep in the warm sun.

I have no idea how long I had dozed off for before I felt Juice lightly kissing the corner of my lips to wake me up. "Brooklyn." I open my eyes, and immediately get lost in his big brown orbs. I also notice that the sun is in a considerably different position than it was when I dozed off. He smiles down at me and continues, "We should get going back to the hotel, it is getting late". I agree and we pack up our things.

The next morning, I again wake up in Juice's warm arms and I hesitate to move because of how comfortable I am. But we had decided the night before to get up and on the road early to make it back to Charming at a decent time. I lazily roll out of his arms and stretch my arms and legs to better wake myself up. Suddenly, I feel Juice's arm snake around my exposed stomach and his face nuzzle into my neck. I can feel his warm breath and then suddenly his lips just below my jawline. I turn my head away from him to grant him more access to my neck because damn do I like when he pays attention to it.

I run my hand through his mohawk and tug a little on the front bit, making him moan into my earlobe. His hand begins to wander up my exposed thigh and to the hem of my underwear. Slowly he allows his fingers under the fabric and finds my sweet spot immediately. I open my legs to allow him better access as he moves swiftly from my side to hovering over me, never breaking contact with his hand or his lips. He takes a moment to pull down my panties slowly.

"You are beautiful" he tells me, and his voice is needy. He leans moving his attention from my collar bone back to my lips and kisses me painfully slow. His tongue dances with mine as it explores my mouth. Thankfully, he is still almost completely undressed from last night so I take advantage of that and drag my fingernails down his bare chest. As I do so, his hand leaves my underwear and slowly drags up my stomach to my breast. He cups it fully and squeezes, causing me to moan loudly. I can feel what the noises I am making is doing to him, turning me on even more. I sit up slightly to pull down his boxers, the one item of clothing left separating him from me. As I do so, the bulge filling the fabric springs free and as leans back down to kiss me, I feel him rub against my own exposed skin.

I moan his name quietly causing him to smile as he continues to kiss just under my ear. Slowly, almost painfully so, I feel him position himself at my entrance and push in just a little. I can't tell if he is unsure of himself causing him to be more careful, or if he is just trying to savor this moment knowing that it will likely be the last like it for some time. I find myself greedily wanting more of him so I arch myself up, causing him to enter me more. Brooklyn he moans and that is just about as much as I can take. I reach up to his bare back and dig my nails into him, urging him to go harder. He understands my silent message and picks up the pace.

Juice doesn't stop his thrusts, as he uses both of his large hands to gather my breasts. He brings them together and sensually sucks on both nipples simultaneously. The duel sensations are almost too much for me and it isn't much longer before I feel my walls begin to clench around him. I can tell that he feels it too as his movements are becoming choppier and his breathing is increasing by the second. There is a moment when we make eye contact and that is the end of both of us as we climax together.

As we lay next to each other, he lets out what I assume is a satisfied sigh and turns to face me, smiling. "That was..." he trails.

"Yea I know" I giggle and run my hand through his hair knowing what the simple action does to him. He rubs circles with his finger on my upper thigh. His touch sends electricity through my body that I have never experienced before. After laying together for a few moments more, we get our things together and leave the hotel. The morning sun is already hot, and I am thankful that I am wearing a simple black tank top. Juice hands me my helmet before I jump on to his bike and we make the long journey back up the coast.

Just before we enter Charming, Juice pulls his bike off the main road and onto what I assume is a private one. He parks his bike at the entrance to a clearing. In the distance I see that we are on a hill looking over a field. There is one large tree looming over the crest of the hill and from where we are, the scene looks like a painting. Juice removes his helmet and I follow suit not taking my eyes off the beauty in front of me. I can't believe that I have never been here before.

"I found this place when I was on my way into Charming the first time" he confesses as he holds his hand out to me. I take it and he leads me to the single tree. This new location allows me to take in the field below that is filled with summer flowers and tall grass.

Breaking the silence, Juice turns to me before saying "I wanted to get another few minutes with you before we head back".

I can't contain the smile that takes over my face at his words and his own smile. "It's beautiful" I say, mostly talking about the scenery around us but also talking about his smile that I cannot get enough of. Juice reaches up and tucks a loose hair behind my ear, allowing his fingers to brush the side of my neck before landing on my shoulder. He pulls me into a deep kiss. We stay like this a few moments longer before turning back and spending another few minutes looking over the field.

"We should go, I am sure the guys are expecting us back" he states, his hand at my waist squeezing slightly.

"Yeah, okay." I half sigh and we turn to leave. I don't want to go, don't want this weekend to come to an end. The feelings I have been developing for Juice over the time that I have known him have only intensified after our weekend together. I want to spend more time with him and I want to wake up to him in the morning. As we ride through the streets of Charming I think about how three months is likely going to feel like three years.

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