Hiding the Truth

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Running is how I have always managed stress, even before my parents passed. Typically I would run along the outskirts of town, near where my old house sits. It now looks like an old and creepy abandoned building, but to me it will always be filled with memories. There is a pond on the outer edge of the property that I spent a lot of time at. I would run there and spend a few minutes soaking up the morning sun rays; that is my definition of tranquility. I was not able to run yet due to my injuries, but I decided to drive out to my old home and make my way to the pond.

I pulled up to my old home and instantly was able to imagine it as it used to be, with beautifully painted sides and a well maintained lawn. The feelings of home flooded me but were quickly subdued by the painful memories that matched how the building looked now, the paint looking dulled and overgrown grass. I parked the car in the driveway, and made my way towards the wooded edge of the property and ventured to the pond. The sun felt amazing on my skin, and again it took me out of the darkness that I have felt since the kidnapping. If I could pick a place to be my happy place, this would be it. A lot has been on my mind lately, with the kidnapping and Jax, but being here helped to quiet my mind and in the moment, it is what I needed most.

I got to TM the following Wednesday after meeting with the counselor at school. I had requested and applied for early graduation and was told everything looks good and that my diploma should be mailed soon. Well that's done. Good riddance, I thought with a sigh of relief.

Gemma was sitting at the office desk, glasses half down her nose, looking over a stack of paperwork. This job wasn't glamorous or particularly interesting, but it made me feel closer the club, to the family. I cherished that feeling and that is why I decided I want to stay. Gemma finally noticed I had entered the room.

"Mornin' sweetheart. How did the meeting go at school?"

"It went well. Everything is all set and my diploma will be sent out in the mail soon. I'm finally done"

"Good for you Brooke. Welcome to the real world now" she said with a raised eyebrow, typical Gemma. I knew that finishing school was important to her, but I also knew that she more or less thought it was waste of time in the long run. I chuckled at her halfhearted attempt at a congratulations.

She took off her glasses and pushed the stack of papers aside. "You got home late the other night, did Jax sleep at the house?" Why is she bringing this up now, its been days!

"Yea he did, he said he didn't want to go back to the clubhouse"

"I heard his bike leave the driveway in the morning, but the guest bedroom looked like it hadn't been touched" She said this half as a question and half as an assumption that I would provide some sort of explanation. Great, she's been sitting on some type of theory.

"Oh yea? He must have slept on the couch then, or maybe he made the bed?"

"You and I both know he didn't make the bed. I don't know why he would have slept on the couch, but maybe you're right" She said this, but I knew that she didn't buy it. I looked away because I didn't want to have to try and lie. I am not sure what she was getting at exactly, but I didn't want to find out. "Some guys from the other charters are coming in tonight" she continued, "I am going to run some errands to get ready, can you keep an eye on the office?"

"Of course Gem, let me know if you need any help for tonight too."

"Thanks sweetheart" She said as she grabbed her purse, put on her sunglasses, and went out the door.

I sighed a deep breath. I don't know why that interaction made me so nervous, or why the thought of Gemma finding out Jax slept in my bed that night made me bubble with anxiety but it did. I am sure she will have a lot to say about it.

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