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Hey guys! First of all, this book has gotten six thousand views, which is insane to me. Thank you for the support!
That being said, I am sorry it has taken so long for me to update. I was uninspired for a few months, but have been reading a lot of Wattpad lately and have been feeling more creative. This chapter is a bit shorter than most others but bear with me while I get my groove back. Enjoy!

After I told Juice about my experience in the basement all those years ago, we sat under the tree and talked some more until my stomach started to growl. I heard Juice let out a small chuckle and look down at me, "Let's go get you some food"
I wanted to protest because I didn't want our time in our spot to end, but my stomach won the battle and we ended up going to my favorite coffee shop. It is Sunday, which thankfully means that I don't have to work today. My body and mind are still exhausted from the night before.

"What are you thinking about?" Juice asks from across our table at the coffee shop.

"Honestly?" I ask with a low giggle, "My bed".

He flashes a full grin, making me swoon a little, before taking a sip of his coffee. "I should see if the guys need any work done today..." he says with a sigh, "...although I would much rather join you". Another smile, another swoon.

As I am about to respond that I would much rather his company as well, my phone chimes indicating that I have a message. I look and it is from Gemma. Reading the message, I scoff. "Gemma's incessant need to know all that is going on is wondering why my car is at TM and I am not".

Juice looks amused and asks, "How was it, growing up with Gemma and Clay?".

"It was really hard after my parents died, and Gemma's way of dealing with feelings probably isn't the most healthy. But I always felt loved ya know?". I smile and continue, "I know that Gemma would do anything to protect me, like I was her own and that has always meant a lot to me. Clay is, well, Clay. I'm not as close to him as I am to Gemma but he took me in without question and that means a lot too. I honestly just don't think he knew what to do with a teenage girl"

Juice laughs, "Yea I could see that. It makes me happy to know that things were okay for you, even after your loss".

"What about you?", I ask, "You've told me a little about your childhood in New York but what else is there to know about adolescent Juice?"

As if on queue, it is his phone that beeps this time. He looks at it and then back to me, "I guess that will have to be a story for another time. Clay texted and they need me at the clubhouse".

"Okay, but you owe me a story time" I say with a smirk as we gather our coffees and leave the shop. Juice stops me at his bike and plants a soft and quick kiss onto my lips before putting his helmet on.
At the TM lot, Juice and I part ways, knowing that our goodbye at the coffee shop will have to suffice for now. As I am about to hop into my car, Gemma approaches and takes her sunglasses off to look me in the eye. "Where were you two all morning?"

I roll my eyes at her bluntness, "Just at the coffee shop getting breakfast and talking". Well I didn't lie.

"Mmhmm" she hums, "I am going to Lodi to the mall today, you wanna come?"

"I'm super tired Gem, I think I'm just gonna go home and rest"

"Yea, okay Darlin'" she says and kisses my cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow morning?"

"Bright and early" I say, mocking cheer. The drive back to my house feels like it takes hours and I collapse onto my bed immediately once inside. I try for about an hour to fall asleep, but can't seem to shut my brain off enough to do so.

"Ugh!" I exasperate out loud and roll onto my back. Admitting defeat, I decide to watch movies on Netflix instead and continue to do so until it gets dark outside. Suddenly, I hear the familiar rumble of a bike coming up my driveway and see the lights begin to shine though my window. My stomach drops a bit because I figure if one of the guys is showing up to my house this late at night, we must be going into lockdown or something.

I look down at myself and realize that I am only wearing a tank top and boy shorts and decide that I should get dressed quickly. After dressing and heading downstairs, I reach the door just as a light knock is heard from the other side.
I open the door to see Juice. He is dressed simply in his jeans and Kutte and I feel the butterflies in my stomach start just at the sight of his small smile that has formed in his lips.

"Hey Brooklyn". God do I love the way my name sounds coming out of his mouth. I realize I didn't return his greeting and he must have too because he continues, "I thought that maybe you'd like some company tonight? I know I'm not Jax like your used to when your struggling, but I can be here so maybe you can sleep better".

My heart drops, but in the best way. I don't know how I've gotten so lucky to find someone as sweet as Juice in this life that I have chosen for myself. I move closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, "I would love the company" I tell him before meeting his lips with mine.

The kiss is slow and sensual and I hope that he can feel my feelings for him through it. We break apart and I whisper "Thank you". He simply smiles at me and tucks a piece of hair that had fallen into my face behind my ear.

Juice shares that the guys had a long day and that he had come right from doing club business so I made him a sandwich. He eats while we talk before heading upstairs to my bedroom. Juice watches as I change back into my previous outfit, making me giggle. I can't help but to yawn as I flip through Netflix to find a movie we will both like.

After a minute, Juice takes the remote and switches off the television. "I can tell you're exhausted Brooklyn. Sleep. I'm right here with you so sleep." He kisses my head and I adjust so that my head is on his chest and my arm is wrapped around his torso. As I begin to drift off almost immediately I can feel him stroking my hair I feel completely comfortable and safe.

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