An Idea

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This chapter is a bit short, but I wanted to update because I haven't in a while.
Thank you for reading and enjoy!

I wake up in the morning to my alarm first, but as I come to my senses I am awoken further by a delicious smell wafting into my bedroom. It takes me a minute to fully wake up and realize that Juice spent the night and he must be... cooking? I slowly uncover myself from the warmth of my blanket and find Juices plain black T-Shirt to put on, paired with just my underwear, and make my way down to the kitchen.

Sure enough, there he was in the kitchen, shirtless with his jeans hanging off his hips in just the right way. I notice that there is coffee already made in the coffee pot, and I smell what I discern to be bacon and eggs. Could this man be anymore perfect? Because I entered the room quietly, Juice doesn't notice that I'm awake yet, so I take a minute more to admire him, watching him cook.

The sight reminds me of the first time we met, except the roles are currently reversed. On the first day when he came into TM, he had quietly watched me from behind. This is something we had talked about since; There was just something about you from that first moment, he had told me. And now I have the pleasure to call him mine.

He turns to put a plate on the kitchen island and notices me, smiling widely as he gazed down my body clad in his shirt. "Mornin" he says, continuing to stare.

I wordlessly walk around the island and wrap my arms around his waist, "Morning" I say before meeting my lips to his. The kiss is instantly intense and quickly becomes heated, but Juice is the first to pull away.

"I don't want to burn breakfast" he says with his forehead still resting on mine. I smile and nod, moving around to the other side of the island and sitting on a stool.

"You didn't have to cook breakfast, you must have been up so early". By the aroma, the bacon was almost done cooking.

"I know I didn't have to,  but I wanted to." He says with his back still turned, "I thought you could use a nice, home cooked meal" he continues with a turn of his head showing a smirk sprawling across his face.

I roll my eyes but chuckle in response, we both know that I am a terrible cook, save for a few things. "Hey!" I exclaim in jest, "I can cook eggs okay".

He laughs as he portions eggs onto two plates, followed by bacon. "Well I hope that these are better than okay" he says with a wink.

The breakfast turned out amazing and I thanked juice afterwards in the bedroom. I may not be able to cook but I do appreciate good food. We ended up showering together before both of us needed to head to work. I didn't want to have to wait for Juice after I was done working so he took his bike and I took my car in.

Work ended up being slow so I decided to take a break from the office and hang out in the clubhouse for a while. It's quiet with only Tig and Piney talking at the bar and Juice who was sitting at a table with his laptop.

I decide it's been a while since I have had a drink and head to the bar to serve myself.

"Hey Brookie" Tig says with a smile.

"Hey Tig" returning his smile, "what's up today, it's so quiet around here"

"Clay and Jax are out at the warehouse and Chibs is running the garage today. Everything is just slow. I'm not complaining though" he explains as he tips his drink towards me before taking a sip.

I nod and turn towards Piney, with two shot glasses in hand. Per usual, he has a bottle of tequila placed within arms reach. I pour two shots and offer him one which he gladly takes. I down mine easily, wincing only slightly at the burn as it slides down my throat. Deciding that is not quite enough, I pour myself some in a glass before adding some lemonade, instant makeshift faux margarita!

"So you and Juicy huh? I've gotta say, I didn't think the kid had it in him" Tig says, chuckling to himself.

"Have what exactly?" I ask.

"The balls to make a move on a real woman like you" Tig says with his typically flirty undertone.

I roll my eyes but smirk, "You're just mad because no real woman will look your way" I tease him.

He dramatically puts his hands to his chest, "Your words hurt darlin." He says before chuckling, making me laugh too.

I make my way over to Juice, sitting down next to him. "Hey you" he says quietly so that only I can hear him.

"Hey" I smile. "What are you working on?"

"Just looking into some guys for Clay, nothing too exciting". I love the way he talks about his work and the club. Despite saying what he was doing is dull, he still talked about it with pride and a certain degree of excitement. I smile at him.

"It sounds cooler than anything I know how to do" I tell him. He smiles and his pride shines through brighter. He definitely doesn't get complemented too often from the guys around here, even though I know they appreciate the skill set he brings.

"I seriously doubt that" he smiles even wider at me and I feel his hand run up my thigh under the table. I squirm a little as the simple action causes my body to instantly react. Remembering that we are in the clubhouse, and not alone, he removes his hand but not before giving one last squeeze.

"Slow day in the office?" He asks as if a moment ago he had not lit me on fire.

I sigh, partially because of the loss of his touch, "Yea, really slow". My thoughts run back over our conversation and suddenly like a truck it hits me and I have no idea why I didn't think about this before.

Juice looks like he is about to say something but I start talking again before he gets the chance, "So your like what? Hacking into some databases for information?"

He raises his eyebrow at my sudden curiosity but answers with the same pride he held earlier, "Yea exactly. Juvenile stuff really. Currently looking at some old police records."

"So you can do that? Break into police records? What other kinds of records?"

"All kinds, hospitals, courts, and it's actually pretty easy. Except federal records, those are way harder but I've done some of that too."

I look around the room and see that Tig has left the room, probably to go outside for a cigarette, and Piney looked to be dozing off. I leaned in closer to Juice for good measure and whispered, "I need to talk to you about something really important. Can you come over to my house tonight?"

He pauses before answering and tilts his head looking at me concerned, "Of course Brooklyn, is everything okay?"

I smile to reassure him, "Everything is fine. We will talk about it later though okay?"

"Yeah okay" he says. I raise from my seat and lean down to kiss his full lips before returning to the office. I felt a mix of fear and excitement knowing that Juice might be able to help me. I might be able to find out something about my parents after all.

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