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The next week, the week before my birthday, came and went like any other week. My birthday fell on a Friday this year, perfect Gemma says, for having a family dinner. Family dinners consisted of SAMCRO in their entirety, as well as some carefully selected Croweaters to help Gemma in the kitchen. I was at the TM office alone to finish up the days paperwork after Gemma had left early to prepare for the dinner. I had gotten up exceptionally late that morning, completely forgetting that my car had gotten a flat tire the night before. Gemma insisted on dropping me off at school and pick me up, promising she would have Jax change the tire tonight after dinner.

 I didn't mind this time alone in the office, especially today. I hadn't liked my birthday since my parents died. Gemma did everything perfect to try and help me celebrate each year, but every year it was just a day to be reminded of what I had lost. "Think about them and the happy moments and move on darling. Think of everything you have gained since then" was what she told me each time she saw me getting depressed again. She was right, I am thankful for the family I have gained, but that doesn't make facing what I have lost any easier, especially on this day.

"Why the sad face Brookie?" someone said from behind me, interrupting my thought. I knew who it was before turning around. Tig was the only person who called me Brookie.

"This day hasn't gotten any easier this year, Tiggy"

"I know sweetheart, but you know we are all here for you. You happy about the dinner tonight?"

"Of course I am! That's why I am taking my time to wallow here before I leave"

"Good girl. Don't want to upset the Queen by being sad on your birthday, Princess. I don't see your car here, need a lift?"

"Nah I'm good. Jax is bringing me over when I'm done here. I'll see you later yea?"

"Wouldn't miss it sweetie" He said, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the office.

Over the past year here, I have gotten to know each member of SAMCRO very well and have developed a different relationship with each one. Tig is flirtatious by nature and that doesn't stop on my account. He flirts with me just as any other woman he is around, but with me it is different; innocent, playful, and coming from a place of platonic love. Chibs has become like a best friend to me and is someone I know I can confide in with anything. Opie is like the big brother I never had, over protective and easy to be around. Bobby, like he is with every member of his family, is so much a paternal figure and more or less my moral compass. Piney is the old man who sneaks me shots of tequila when I need to take my mind off of everything, and like Opie, being around him is just easy. Clay tries his best to be a father figure, although I see that it is hard for him. I am not a SAMCRO prodigy like Jax and I don't think he knows exactly what to do with a teenage girl. Living under his roof though and having him care enough to help Gemma care for me is all I need from him and I am more grateful than I think he knows. I have never looked at Jax like a brother because to be honest I had a massive crush on him since I was ten. With his gorgeous blue eyes and effortlessly perfect blonde hair, how could I not? But since moving in with Gemma he has become my only best friend, aside from Ava. He is compassionate, a trait that Gemma lacks, and listens to me when I breakdown from the pain of loss, probably because he understands what it feels like to lose a parent.

"You ready darlin?" Jax said, interrupting my train of thought. I looked down and realized that I had gotten no work done since Tig left.

As if he read my mind Jax said, "Leave the work, its your birthday! Finish it later and lets go"

"Shoot, I left my helmet at the house. Do you have an extra?" I ask him

"Nah, but you can use mine", he said, handing me his helmet.

We left the clubhouse together and got on Jax's bike. I found a love in riding on the back of a motorcycle and would take a ride from any of the guys as often as I could. I loved the feeling of being in the open and being free. I loved watching the scenery go by as we rode. It was a short distance from the clubhouse to Gemma's, but I was savoring every moment of this feeling.

We stopped at a red light when suddenly, I heard a car quickly approaching us from behind, pulling up a little too close. If Jax noticed, he didn't make any movements to show it, but I caught a glimpse of his hand tighten around the handlebar. Not being able to see much out of my peripherals due to the helmet I was wearing, I didn't see anything until he was directly next but slightly behind Jax. A man wearing all black and a ski mask was suddenly standing slightly behind Jax, and by the time I saw he was there he had lifted his arm, swung it around, and hit Jax in the head with what I believe was the butt of his gun. Jax was knocked out, slumping over the front of his handlebars, and leaving me staring in fear at the man with the gun and another man dressed all in black standing slightly behind him. That was the last thing I remember before I felt a sharp stab in my arm and blacked out.

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