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"Okay" Jax says, still looking a bit stunned after I barged into his room. 

I want to keep my cool during this conversation. I want to give him and the Club the benefit of the doubt. They are my family, after all, and I need to hear the full story. But a part of me knows that the picture Tara painted of that night is the truth, and I am having a hard time keeping my emotions in check. 

"I need you to tell me what happened the night my parents died." I blurt, trying to hide any emotions that are threatening to explode. 

Jax doesn't miss a beat, "B, you know what happened. Your parents were in an car accident." He pauses as if he expects me to accept his answer, like every time before. 

My eyes well with tears once again and I don't have much control anymore. My voice shakes as I speak, "No, Jax, the truth. What really happened?"

"What are you talking about Brooklyn?" I can tell that he is getting upset now, an indicator being that he used my full name. I am not sure if it is because I am pressing him or because he knows that I am about to find out a long kept secret. 

I don't even try to hold back the tears anymore, instead just letting them fall in streams down my face. "I know that they weren't just in an accident Jax. Please, tell me what happened to my parents." I plead. 

His face noticeably drops, and for the first time since the beginning of the conversation I see his confidence waver. He rubs his hands through his hair, another tell tale sign that he is feeling stressed, and sighs. "Come 'ere" he tells me holding his arms open for me. 

Regardless of the swirling mix of emotions I feel, I melt into his embrace as he hugs me tight. I continue to allow streams of tears fall down my face. Finally, I remove myself from his arms and back away, waiting for him to finally speak. 

He sighs again, "What do you think you know darlin'?"

I need to be careful how I approach my answer because I don't want to involve Tara. "When I was a kid, Gemma never talked to me about that night. She always just said that what is in the past should stay buried and we need to move forward. That wasn't good enough anymore. So I had Juice look up the records and they don't add up"

He almost looks relieved, as if he figures he can continue the lie. No Teller, I know you too well. "It was probably just a mix up in paperwork. They were in an accident, that is the truth." He says with minimal eye contact. 

I knew that I wouldn't get a straight answer, but I am damn well going to get the truth before I leave. I shake my head, "No, I asked around and was told that I need to talk to you or Gemma."

He raises his eyebrow, "You asked around?" 

I nod, and again the tears start. "Yea Jax, I asked around, and heard a much different story, but I want to hear the truth from you. Right now." My voice becomes increasingly loud as I speak to him. I am getting frustrated that he continues to lie, and I can tell that he is by the way that he is acting and speaking. I continue, "I deserve to know what happened to them. You are about to become a dad. If something happened to you, wouldn't you want your kid to know the truth?"

He looks more or less shocked for a moment that I brought up his own paternity, and then a look of defeat passes quickly. "Okay," he sighs, "...okay." He sits on the bed and I can tell that he is struggling with continuing the conversation, but I also know that I have gotten to him. 

"We were in a bad place at the time, with the Mayans. They were looking for retribution for some shit that went down because of our business with the Niners. Your parents, they were more involved with that business than you knew. They wanted to keep you in the dark about that, so that you wouldn't look at them as criminals. That night, the Mayans ambushed them while they were driving by causing an accident, and then took them away from the scene. The club met them out by the border of Charming thinking we could get your parents back, but they were already dead. The Mayans, they did it as a show of force to intimidate the club to stop selling to their opponents in Oakland." Jax finishes and hangs his head down. 

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