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I woke up feeling like I had the worst hangover imaginable, but the first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was blackness. It took me a few moments to become oriented and realize that I was blindfolded, and my hands and feet were tied. I immediately was overcome with extreme anxiety and began to try and free myself from whatever was binding me.

"Brooke, is that you? Are you awake?" I hear Jax say from what sounded like across the room. The instant I heard his voice I began to feel less anxious, like knowing that he was here and okay made the situation seem less dire.

"Jax? Where are we?" I asked, although the words sounded slow and slurred as I spoke them.

"I don't know darlin, I'm blindfolded, are you?"

"Yes" I respond, "And my hands and feet are tied. Have they said anything? Why are we here?" There it was again, that anxiety began bubbling up and threatened to spill over at any moment.

"No, I don't know why they took us. Hell, I don't even know who took us. I woke up maybe half an hour before you did. My head fucking hurts. Whoever they are, these bastards are going to regret this"

I knew he meant it, although I am sure that even if we do get out of here, I will never know exactly how he would make them regret it. I have learned to accept that while I often know vaguely what the club is up to on any given day, I never know any actual details. Jax has recently realized that I am the perfect person for stakeouts; You blend in perfectly to any setting Darlin. Plus, if anyone were to approach you, you can just sweet talk your way into their heart, he said to me before playfully punching me in my arm. I had done a few stakeouts for the club and I loved it because it made me feel even more a part of the family. Plus, the rush of it was exhilarating, even though each time I did it, nothing overly exciting happened.

"I think they drugged me Jax. I felt a sharp stab in my arm and then I blacked out."

"These fuckers are in for a real treat after we get out of here. Its one thing to go after me, but you do not fuck with my family"

That never failed to make my heart flutter just a little bit. Jax, and all the guys, had called me 'family' before, but each time it made me warm inside. I spent a year after my parent's death in a constant state of depression and I had a hard time letting people in. My new family did not let down though, and after a while I was able to accept their love and accept them as family. Now, when they call me family, I feel as though I belong, which is a feeling I lost for a long time.

"Jax, you know how my anxiety gets. I don't know how long I will be able to take it like this, especially with the blindfold on"

Its true. He did know exactly how my anxiety gets. Since I was a kid I struggled with anxiety but since I lost my parents it has been worse than ever. I can't really talk to Gemma about it, she doesn't understand and she won't let me get any outside help. You don't need a therapist sweetie, all you need is your family, is what she says each time the subject comes up. I wasn't surprised by this because Family cures everything is her adopted way of thinking. She is not wrong, I guess, but I knew that I could seriously benefit from some medication at least. Jax was my go to person to help ease my anxiety. He had a way about him that never failed to help me overcome the darkness that anxiety creates for me.

"I will work something out so that we can get these blindfolds off. They obviously want something from SAMCRO, otherwise they would not have been stupid enough to kidnap our VP", said Jax matter-of-factly.

"You really are not in a position to be calling us stupid ese". I heard a voice state as I heard a door swing open. The use of the word 'ese' along with a hint of an accent, tipped me off, and I know it did Jax as well, as to who was behind this kidnapping. The Mayans. SAMCRO and the Mayans have been dueling since what I can assume was a very long time. I know that a war between the two Motor Cycle Clubs caused more than one death years ago and the relationship has grown increasingly tense since. From what I have come to understand at the stem of the disagreement is guns.

"I call them as I see em' ese" Jax retorted in a mocking tone. "What can I help you with gentlemen?", returning to his calm tone with an underlying hint of sarcasm.

"Oh, I don't think we will start with what you can help us with, VP. I would like to see what this pretty young thing can help us with", the man replied with what I imagined as a sly grin on his face. My heart stopped for a moment when I heard what he was implying.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Jax roared.

"What happens will be up to her, and up to you. Little Lady, do you know the phone number to the SAMCRO president?"

"I... Uh.. I..." I could not seem to form sentences. Of course I knew Clay's phone number, but I also knew that Jax and the club would not want me to give the information up. I froze as I heard the man, standing too close, sigh in frustration as if I was some stupid, useless girl.

"Leave her out of this. This is club shit; does it look like she is a member?" Jax said calmly. "You want information you are going to have to deal with me, and only me. And the first thing you are going to do is take these blindfolds off, or you're not getting shit"

The next thing I knew I felt a splitting pain in my side as I let out a cry of pain. Although I could not see what had happened, it felt like a boot came crashing into my side, breaking at least one of my ribs.

"Try again VP, or Little Lady here gets it again" Said the man, who had bent down beside me and I could feel his arm press against my aching side and his breath on my neck. He smelled of old cigars and whisky, the combination making me want to dry heave.

"Alright man! Alright" Jax replied in a more rushed tone now. I could tell although he did not know what exactly had caused me pain, he did not want any further actions to be taken. "I will give you Clays number. But as a gesture of good faith after I do, take these blindfolds off and you'll find that working with us will be much smoother"

"We will see what results we get from the phone call before removing anything. The digits, now" The man, still breathing on my neck, demanded.

I heard Jax give the man Clays number and then I heard the door slam shut. We still did not know what the men were after or what they wanted from Clay. I could barely focus as pain seethed through my right side, and mixed with my own anxiety, I found it hard to breathe.

"Are you okay Brooke? What did they do to you?"

"I think he kicked me and broke a rib, maybe two" I replied. I had broken a rib once before after falling during a tumble in dance class, I knew what the pain felt like. This pain was similar, although I don't remember it hurting quite this much.

"Fucking asshole. We will get out of here okay? I promise."

I believed him. I believed him because I knew that Jax doesn't make promises lightly. And I believed him because I know his brothers are going to do anything they can to get us home. I don't know if I passed out because of the pain or if I managed to drift off to sleep after hearing Jax reassure me. But a welcomed darkness came over me. Welcomed because at least when I was asleep, I was out of the hell of reality in this moment.

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