4 Hours

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The rest of the day goes by slowly, and I started having doubts. Part of me feels like I am being baited into I'm not sure what. I try to think of who would want to trick me or hurt me. Or maybe there was a truth to it and whoever left the note was trying to help. Neither theory made more sense than the other and my mind raced in a continuous circle.

Finally it is time to leave TM for the day. Since Gemma has been out of the office all day, I took the extra time to make everything is cleaned and locked up. I know Juice hasn't left the Clubhouse yet because his Dyna is still parked in its typical spot. I head over to the building across the lot in search of him.

Juice is still in the spot that I left him in earlier, and is still staring intently at his screen. I walk to him and place my hand on his shoulder, "Hey handsome" I say, smirking.

"Hey" he responds as he runs his hand down his face seemingly a little frustrated. "Clay has me working on this and it has been harder than I expected it to be. I might be a little late coming to see you tonight." He sighs.

I squeeze his arm, "That's fine, no rush." I tell him as I lean down to place a kiss against his temple. I hear him inhale softly and hum in response to my touch. "Thank you for understanding." He whispers.

"Of course." I tell him with a smile. At home, I pull the shoebox from under my dresser to retrieve the note that I had stashed inside. I glance at it, analyzing the message for the hundredth time.
Some advice. Look deeper into your parents supposed car accident.
I shake my head, knowing that obsessing over the words scribbled on the paper was not going to help me any. I decide to order pizzas for Juice and I to share for dinner and take a shower while I wait for the delivery.

I can't help but let my mind wander. I had always felt negatively that I had not been with my parents the night that they crashed. A morbid thought really, but part of me feels guilty that I am still here and they are gone.

I had been at dance rehearsal for a show that was being put on the following evening. I was laughing and performing with my closest friends at the time that they crashed. In fact, the hospital had tried to reach me, but my phone had died. I remember leaving the studio that night with a huge grin on my face, expecting to see my parents waiting for me in the parking lot. Instead, Gemma was there with Clay. I had been confused at first, but happily made my way toward them, expecting them to tell me my parents had been called into their jobs at the last minute. Gemma told me very straightforwardly that my parents had been in an accident and had not survived. I broke down in that moment, in Gemma's arms and in the worst moment of my life, she took me under her wing.

I smile at that last thought while I dried myself with a towel. Whatever information I am able to find, it doesn't change what happened or where life has taken me, I think to myself.

Finally the pizza is delivered, although I still haven't heard from Juice. I contemplate waiting for him to eat, but my stomach growls and I decide to grab a slice. I sit at the kitchen island, eating alone, when I hear my phone chime from the next room.

Text from Juice: Hey. Just leaving the clubhouse now.

I smile that he has let me know he is on his way and finish my pizza happily. Ten minutes later I hear the roar of a motorcycle outside and move to meet Juice at the door. When I open it, he is on the other side, looking exhausted.

I hug him, "Long day?" I ask.

He hugs back and sighs, "Like you wouldn't believe. I don't think I've stared at a screen for that long in years." He kisses my temple and moves further into the house. I begin to think that maybe my sleuthing needs can wait another day as I start to feel bad that he's been at it for so long.

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