Bait and Catch

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Juice's POV

I walk away from Brooke with a smile on my face. Today was nice, normal almost I think to myself as I enter the Clubhouse. When Clay sees me, he calls for Church. I tell the rest of the guys about the ten or so customers we saw come in and out Darby's, inside for less than two minutes, within the three hours we sat there. It was decided that I would go in undercover later tonight because I was new and unknown to Darby and his men. I would buy the crank as proof that they are selling in Charming and then Clay and the rest of the guys would come in and handle it so that Darby will know not to sell within town lines.

After Church, I head to the bar to grab a beer and Jax follows, grabbing one of his own.

"How did it go today with Brooke? Everything went smooth?" he asks as he sips his beer.

"Yea man, all good. It was quiet and she seemed like she knew what she was doing." I respond. My mind quickly flashes to what Brooke had told me earlier in the day about her and Jax and I feel a pang of jealousy wash over me as I look at the blonde haired, blue eyed man. What I wouldn't give for it to be me with Brooke. Spending the day with her made me realize that I am attracted to not only her physically, but I am also attracted to her personality.

"Fuck yea she does. She's been helping us with stakeouts for years now. Best we've got for the job. You ready for tonight?" He asks.

This will be the first real thing I have done for the club and the last thing I want to do is fuck it up. "Yea I am." I say trying to sound confident.

"Okay good. Catch up with you before we head out later" he says as he walks out of the Clubhouse.

By myself now I have some more time to think about the day. Brooke had really opened up to me which I was thankful for. I remember how shocked I was when she told me that we were going on a stakeout. I honestly hadn't realized how involved with the club she is and to see how excited she was about the stakeout was fucking awesome. Her enthusiasm with hearing about my adventures across country was also amusing and it showed me a side of her that I don't think a lot of these guys see. She seemed like she has a bit of wanderlust that the rest of the MC and Gemma don't. I felt special knowing that she may be giving me a piece of her that others don't get. I sound like a pussy, Jesus.

I roll my eyes and take a sip of my beer. I can't get her out of my mind though and that may be problematic considering she told me she was off limits for another year. I wonder if she would sneak around with me... I ponder but quickly dismiss the idea because she doesn't seem like to type to go against the MC's rules. Also, she is currently spending most nights with Jax, local stud and VP of our charter, so who am I to compare to that? But I can't deny that I feel the connection between us and I am sure that she does too. Plus, she basically taunted me with the whole "one year" thing so I am choosing to keep my hopes up.

My internal back and forth is interrupted when Chibs approaches me and takes a seat at the bar.

"Aye Juicy. Good job today"

"Thanks, brotha" I say. The word brotha standing out to me as a phrase I have never used before but feel confident using now.

We sit and shoot the shit back and forth, talking a bit about club history and bikes. I really like Chibs, probably the most of anyone so far. He seems down to earth which is cool, and he doesn't feel the need to treat me like a dick most of the time.

Finally, the time has come to leave for the set up. I dress in street clothes and enter the dingy building with my hood on. Best to keep the head tats covered for this I had thought to myself before entering. I was approached by two guys asking what I wanted. I told them and they gave me the drugs. I quickly walked out of the building, nodding to where Clay, Jax, Tig, and Chibs were waiting, causing them to walk briskly past me and into the building. My next job was to grab the van and bring it running to the front door for an easy exit.

It was a matter of moments before the crew exited the building, jumped into the running van, and I was taking off, speeding back to TM. The rush is amazing and being here with my new brothers makes me feel a sense of home. I also find myself thinking of Brooke and wanting her to be impressed by my first initiation into the MC. I send a text once we are back at the Clubhouse,

To Brooke: Just finished at the spot from earlier today. Thank you for your help with everything.

The message is vague, but I know she will understand. I want to tell her more, tell her how amazing this feeling is and tell her how happy I am to have found a place where I might belong. But I keep it simple for now, just letting her know that the job is complete and to show her she has stayed on my mind.

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