First Day on the Job

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Juices POV

Loss and running is how I would sum up my life at this point. My family is basically non-existent, and the crew I was running with in New York ended badly to say the least. So I ran. I ran away from my problems and I ran away from the pathetic situation you could call a home life. I had my sights set on California and had planned to travel up and down the coast. See the sights and figure out where to land next. I started in San Francisco because I had dreamt about driving my bike across the Golden Gate Bridge. Checked that one off my bucket list. Then I found myself reading my map and noticed a smaller looking town called Charming. Charming eh, I wonder what's so 'chraming' about it? So I decided to check it out.

The small town didn't really live up to the name, but it was somewhere to land for a few days until I figured out where I wanted to go next. The first night here I noticed a small bar with some Harleys parked out front and decided to check it out. The bar was surprisingly crowded considering the look of it from the outside. Inside I immediately saw who the group of Harleys out front belonged too; a group of men all wearing Kuttes. I knew about motor cycle clubs and envied the brotherhood that came along with them. Keep dreaming, you're not cut out for that life. I approached the bar and ordered my favorite, Captain and Coke.

I spent most of the night alone until a man wearing a Kutte came outside while I was leaning against my Dyna smoking a Cigarette. He introduced himself to me as Jax and struck a conversation about motorcycles. I don't know if it was the alcohol or the fact that I was entirely intrigued by his Kutte and his MC, but by the end of our conversation I had revealed to him about my hacking and technical abilities.

"So you staying here in town long?" he asked.

"Not really sure. I have nowhere else to be in particular".

"How about I offer you a job at our garage? We could use an extra set of hands who knows what he is doing with a bike."

I hadn't planned to stay in town. Everything about this town is opposite from what I am used to in New York. Maybe that was part of the draw, or maybe it's because the thought of being even close to this motorcycle club intrigued me.

"Yea man, that would be great"

"Cool. Why don't you stop by on Monday and we will get you started?"

"Okay, see you then" I agreed as I snuffed out the cigarette I had been smoking and hopped on my bike.

So here I am, pulling up to the Teller-Morrow garage lot. I notice a line of bikes on one side of the lot and a few empty parking spots on the other. I take an empty spot and remove my helmet. On one end of the lot there is a large building with Sons of Anarchy written across the top and a picture depicting a reaper on one wall. On the other side of the lot was the garage with Teller Morrow Automotive Repair written across the top and a small office attached. Here goes nothing I think as I approach the office.

As I entered a girl was standing on her tip toes attempting to get to a box that was just above her reach. I should have offered to help her right away but hell, I wanted a minute to take her in. She was dressed in light colored jeans that shaped around her ass perfectly. On the top was loose fitting white tank top that showed off a small tattoo on her right shoulder that looked like two sets of initials. Her auburn hair flowed easily around her shoulders in small waves. I couldn't help but smile as she tip toed in her laced sandals, cute.

My thoughts were interrupted by the thud of a book on the floor and the girl exclaiming "Shit" out loud. Finally, I decided to step in and say something.

"Let me help you with that" I said and saw her jump a little before turning around. She stopped as she turned, and I could tell that she was examining me a bit, but honestly I was doing the same to her. She was even more beautiful as she faced me, breathtaking really. Her skin was tanned and she had bright green eyes that stood out among her soft features. In the front, her white tank hung loosely off her body, revealing the very top edge of a black lacy bra. God damn is she beautiful.

"Um thanks" she half mumbled as I picked up the book and extended it to her. I saw her blush a bit. "Thank you" she said more confidently as she took the book from my hand.

"Yea no problem. I am actually here to meet with Jax?" I replied with a grin. The smile gets em' every time. I couldn't stop staring into her eyes though, they were almost mesmerizing.

"Oh yea! The new guy right" she exclaimed. I couldn't help but laugh a bit about her sudden excitement.

"Yea I guess. Juice" I replied simply and held out my hand as an introduction. I hadn't used my real name in so long that I didn't even hesitate to introduce myself as Juice. She didn't question it though.

"Nice to meet you Juice" she said with a smile that seemed sincere, "I'm Brooke". As she reached for my hand I swear I felt my whole body tingle. There was something about this girl that was special, I could already tell. I barely know her for Christ sakes, but something about her was captivating.

"I'll go get Jax" she said as she turned and left the office with a hint of blush spreading across her face. I bet she felt it too. I hope she felt it too. Working in this garage may prove to be better than I expected.

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