Chapter 18

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My eyes looked around the train station our entire class was in

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My eyes looked around the train station our entire class was in. I held the case that had my hero outfit tightly.

Today's the day, time to go to our chosen agencies.

"Everyone has their costumes, right? Remember, you don't have permission to wear them out in public yet, and don't lose them or anything." Mr. Aizawa said in his bored tone.


"Speak properly! It's "yes sir", Ashido."

"Yes sir......"

"Make sure you mind your manners with the other heroes during your internships. Now get to it."

"Yes sir!"

I smiled and looked over to my left. Izuku was standing there with his famous nervous smile.

"I guess I'll see you after this is over." I said making his face erupt into a blush.

"Y-yeah! Train hard at your internship!" He replied shaking slightly.

"You too Izuku." My arms wrapped around his torso and I pulled the greenette into a hug. "Have fun." 

I then pulled away, smiled at him one more time, before jogging to catch up with my duel haired friend. "Shouto!! Wait for me!!"

Izuku watched you walk away with Todoroki. He felt a small pinch of pain in his chest seeing you with him. A small sigh escaped his lips and he turned around to catch up with a departing Iida.


"I've been waiting for you Shouto, (Y/N). You're both finally ready to walk down the path of the mighty." A frown settled on my face at Endeavor's words and I clutched my hero case tightly.

I'm starting to think choosing this agency was a bad idea.

"We have no intention of following any path you've created. Only we can decide our futures." Shouto stated, his expression unwavering.

"Heh. Is that so? You should both go get ready. We're going out." Endeavor replied with a smirk on his lips.

"Where to?" I asked, trying my best to not sound irritated or angered.

"It's about time I got to show the two of you what it means to be a hero. So, if the Hero Killer is following his pattern we know where he'll show up next, and we'll be there to stop him. We're taking a work trip to Hosu."

I'm pretty sure your definition of a hero is stupid...... 

Once the fire hero left the room, I let out a huff of irritation catching Shouto's attention.

"Are you alright, (Y/N)?"

"....Yeah, just thinking..." My mind drifted to my parents. They were both very against me going to Endeavors agency, but once they heard my reasoning for coming here, they left me alone for a while so I can prepare myself. 

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