Chapter 19

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I stared at Izuku's blushing face, my own quickly turning red as well

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I stared at Izuku's blushing face, my own quickly turning red as well.

"Last night, when you were bleeding said you loved me...." Izuku's hands were shaking and I looked down at my feet. There's no backing down now.

"Yeah...I did say that. I said it because....I thought I would never get another chance to."

I heard Izuku gasp softly at my words but I continued.

"We've known each other for a long time, and I've always admired you. Your dream to become a hero....even when everyone would try to bring you down. You never lost that spark.....or your bright smile." A soft smile made its way to my lips as I looked back up at Izuku. "When we were in that alley....I thought I was going to die. I didn't want to go, there are so many things I want to do with you, say to you, show you. But, if I died back there...I wouldn't have been able to do anything, the only thing I could do at that time was say I love you." 

Izuku's mouth was wide open in shock. You were confessing your feelings for him, right here, right now.

"You probably don't feel the same way, but I had--"

Warmth enveloped my body as I was pulled into a hug. I gasped softly at the unexpected contact as Izuku started to speak.

"No! Y-you're wrong! I've always loved you!" He exclaimed making my eyes go wide. "You were there for me ever since we were kids. You believed I could be a hero even though I was quirkless. I can never repay that kindness....." His arms held me a bit tighter, like he never wanted to let me go. "I can never imagine life without you......I was so scared that you were going to die. I would never see you smile or laugh ever again if you did...." Izuku then grabbed my shoulders and pushed me away softly so he can look at my blushing face. "I......I would never be able to see your bright (E/C) eyes open again......"

"Izuku......." I slowly placed my good hand on Izuku's bright, blushing, freckled cheek and he leaned into my touch. His eyes closed as he softly put his scarred hand on my small one. It looked like he wanted to imprint the soft feeling of your hands into his brain. When he did open his eyes again, they were half-lidded and a bit hazy.

"(Y/N)......can I......kiss you?" He asked softly making my blush darken. I nodded slowly and he leaned in. I met him halfway and my lips met his. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds, but to us, it felt like hours. When we did pull away from each other, Izuku's entire face burst into a massive blush and his eyes went wide.

"W-what d-does this m-make us n-now." He stuttered out making me laugh and pull him into a hug. I heard his rapid heartbeat and my smile softened. 

"Well, now that we've both established the fact that we love each other as more than friends. I'm hoping you'll have me as your girlfriend." I said making him rapidly nod his head up and down repeatedly. 

"Y-YEAH!! Of course!!" He exclaimed, carefully wrapping his arms around me.

"So, we're now officially the power couple of class 1-A." I stated, my tail swishing from side to side as Izuku let out a surprised squeak. 

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