Chapter 32

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"Ugh, I'm getting kind of nervous." I heard Jiro groan from my right.

"I wonder what they're gonna make us do. Ugh what if I can't get my license?" Mineta also groaned, catching Mr. Aizawas attention. He bent down to his height and stared him down.

"Mineta. Don't ask if you can. Say you will." He said making the grape head nod.

"Right. Sure. I've so got this!" 

Aizawa stood upright again and placed his hands into his pockets. "If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will hatch into chicks. You'll be semi-pros. I expect your best." He said, his expression unwavering.

Kaminari smiled and pumped his fist. "All right. I can't wait to be a heroic chicken."

"Let's call out the usual, you guys!" Kirishima added making me smile. "On my mark! Go Plus--"

"Ultra!!" My surprised eyes looked over to my right, spotting a student from a different school standing behind Kirishima.

"Y'know, it's pretty rude to barge into other peoples huddles like that, Inasa." A student with purple hair said from behind him.

"What? Pardon me. I am so... Very... Extremely... Sorry!!" This Inasa character glued his arms to his sides and slammed his head into the ground. Doing a very over dramatic bow.

"Who is this guy? I do not trust his enthusiasm." Kaminari said with a disturbed look on his face.

"Hey look at their uniforms." I said, finally noticing their outfits.

Don't they go to that other famous school? 

"U.A. in the east. Shiketsu in the west." Bakugou said, confirming my suspicion.

Yep, the school that rivals U.A.... This should be fun. 

"I wanted to say it just once!! Plus Ultra!! See, I really love U.A. High School!! I am extremely honored to compete against such incredible students!!! I'm so looking forward to it!!" Inasa yelled, making me shiver at his outburst.

This guy.....why? He's even bleeding and isn't affected by it...


"Let's go." The two other students that were standing behind Inasa said making the excited boy nod his head and grab his hat off the floor. The group of Shiketsu students then started walking away making me sigh in relief.

That was....weird... 

"Eraser!" Mr. Aizawa froze when he heard his name get called. "I'd know that scowl anywhere!!"

I looked over to my right to see a hero with light green hair walking towards us. She had a bright smile on her face as she talked to Mr. Aizawa. "I saw you on TV and at the sports festival. But it's been a while since we were this close in person." She said stopping right in front of our teacher

"She looks familiar." Izuku said.

"Let's get married." The hero said making me giggle.

"No." Aizawa immediately replied with a blank look on his face.

"Ha, ha! You're a real laugh-riot buddy!"

"As usual, you're impossible, Joke."

That's when Izuku smiled and his eyes started to sparkle. "Oh, that's Ms. Joke! The smile hero!! Her quirk is Outburst!! She forces people around her to laugh, which affects their ability to think and keeps them from being able to move!! Her fights against villains are always full of insanity!!" He exclaimed making me smile.

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