Chapter 27

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It was painfully quiet for Haia and Akio Chieko. They were currently walking to the hospital Izuku was recovering in. The cat mother was able to get out of the press conference that was currently going on because she wasn't an official U.A. teacher. She sighed for the 100th time that day as her husband squeezed her hand.

The two were both hurting. Their daughter got kidnapped two days ago and all they could do was wait for the call that informed them of a successful rescue.

"We'll get her back." Akio said, determination burning in his brown eyes. Haia nodded firmly at his words and looked up at the hospital they were approaching.

"We will........huh?" Her fluffy cat ears caught voices close by, they sounded like some of the students from the training camp. Haia let go of Akio's hand and jogged forward to see Todoroki, Kirishima, Iida, Izuku, and Yaoyorozu. All who had looked like they just saw a ghost, she couldn't blame them for what she heard they were going to do. The benefits of having amazing hearing.

"You students are crazy!" She exclaimed making the group jump. They all turned to her just as Akio was joining her side.

"M-Mrs. Chieko!" Izuku said, his lips quivering slightly at the sight of both of the hero parents who raised you.

"After all of your injuries, you're going to run into danger?!" She continued, seeming more angry at the fact that Izuku was doing something crazy after just being released from the hospital rather than going to save both Bakugou and her daughter.

"Cat-Attack! Please, we have to do this! We can't sit around and do nothing!" Kirishima said, stepping up to face her.

Haia stopped her advance and took a good look at the group of U.A. students. All of them were hurting from losing their classmates, Izuku probably hurting the most. He grew up with you and cared for you, she couldn't even imagine what he was feeling.

The hero shut her eyes and clenched her fists to the point where she thought her hands would bleed. She then felt her husbands hand on her shoulder, calming her nerves a bit.

"We....both know how you feel. We want to be out there looking for (Y/N) and Bakugou. But we can't because most of the pros and police said that our emotional state isn't stable enough for us to go....." Akio looked away from the kids. At this, Haia took a deep breath in before looking back up at the students.

"But.....all of you are going...." The mother held her hand to her chest, keeping back a sob. "So please........please bring our daughter back......bring (Y/N) back! Please!"

Kirishima, Iida, and Yaoyorozu all gasped seeing your mother start crying. But Shouto and Izuku both knew that this was tough on your parents. Izuku stepped forward as the cat mother continued to sob.

"Please.....bring both of them back. We won't say anything about all of you going....I promise-"

"I'm sorry!" Izuku cut Mrs. Chieko off with a bow and a loud apology. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect (Y/N). I made a promise that I would but......I still couldn't reach her.....I know I was just discharged, but if I can move, I will go. We will get both of them back!" The greenette declared, standing upright again to face your mom.

She stared at Izuku with wide (E/C) cat eyes before running forward to pull the boy into a hug. Izuku gasped softly as Haia hugged him like his own mother would.

"Thank you......thank you...." She said, more tears streaming down her cheeks, tinting her cheeks red. Akio sighed and looked over at Iida.

"Watch over them please. I know you're the class rep, we're counting on you to make sure everyone comes back safe and sound." He said making Iida nod firmly.

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