Chapter 28

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I tightly held the mallet in my hands and crouched down in a squatting position. My tail slowly swished behind me as my cat ears twitched every time All Might and All for One tried hitting each other.

My legs and arms are burning, I feel exhausted. Katsuki and I won't last long fighting these guys-

"Young Bakugou! Young Chieko! Don't!" All Mights yell diverted my attention from the villains to him. 

I watched as All for One delivered a blow onto All Mights body before he disappeared into a huge smoke cloud.

He doesn't want us to fight.......but.... 

Katsuki and I took a good look at the villains surrounding us. My eyes narrowed into a glare as I grit my teeth in aggravation.

I don't think we have a choice... 

That's when Toga launched herself at me, causing Bakugou and I to separate.

"FUCK! (Y/N)!!!" Katsuki yelled as I back flipped to dodge the psychotic blonde.

"I'm okay! I'll come back quick!!" I yelled back before my eyes set themselves on the girl in front of me.

"Ah! So you're Izuku's lover! You two are so adorable together, I am really jealous!! He's so cute covered in blood! I bet you'd look cuter too!!" She yelled, throwing a knife in my direction.

I quickly dropped my mallet, turned my body, caught the knife with my dominate arm, and chucked the sharp object back at Toga. She yelped loudly before jumping out of the way, letting the woman who was standing next to All for One earlier take her place. A beam of light emitted from her right palm. It would've cremated me if I didn't dodge, and rolled a little bit closer to Katsuki.

"I was hoping this wouldn't end with a fight. Things could've been easier." The woman said, her voice muffled thanks to the guard wrapped around her mouth.

"You really think I would've come willingly with you?" I asked, standing up from my kneeling position and realizing I dropped my mallet when I dodged Toga's attack. I cursed under my breath and couched a bit so I was ready to avoid another attack.

"Well, not willingly. I would've put you back to sleep and taken you somewhere else." She replied, smoothing back some stray grey hair away from her goggles. "So, enough talking. I'm taking you with me, (Y/N) Chieko."

My eyes narrowed, but they quickly widened when a burst of light came hurdling towards me from her palm. I quickly dodged, flipping over the beam of light, and some rubble so I can reach Bakugou.

"KATSUKI!!" I yelled, once I was a few feet away from him. When I got close enough, he grabbed me and used his quirk to blast us away from Mr. Compress.

"Idiot! You can't fucking do that! If that bitch gets a hold of you I can't help!! We know what these assholes want from me! But we don't know what she wants from you!!" Katsuki yelled before I clung onto his back, so he could dodge again.

He landed and hoisted my legs over his hips so it looked like I was getting a piggy back ride. 

"Don't fucking move, you hear me Chieko!" He yelled again, letting go of my legs to flex his fingers.

H-He's.....right....I'll make the situation worse if I'm taken somewhere else.... 

I held onto Katsuki's shoulders tightly as he avoided more of the villains attacks. My tail wrapped around his torso once he landed and I looked at the villains surrounding us once again. 

We were really stuck. All for One was keeping All Might busy. And All Might couldn't use his quirk properly until Bakugou and I escaped. My eyes screwed shut thinking about how fucked we really were.

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