Chapter 29

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"Just don't go out by yourself for a while you two."

"Yes sir."

"Alright, we have already contacted your parents. We'll have you wait in the lobby until they arrive to pick you up."

I nodded my head slowly and rose from my chair. It feels like Bakugou and I were right in the battle field a few minutes ago. But it's been at least an hour or so since then. The police officer led us to the lobby of the police station and sat us in some chairs near the front.

Izuku, Shouto, Kirishima, Iida, and Yayourozu brought Katsuki and I to the police once we were all together. I'm pretty sure they've gone home now. Hopefully with no trouble too.

"Hey, alley cat." My head perked up at Katsuki's voice, he hasn't said much since we arrived at the station, and it seems like he reverted back to calling me by 'alley cat' again.

"Yeah, Bakugou." I responded, my tone sounding tired.

"I'm.....glad your shitty ass is alright." He said making my eyes widen in shock. I turned to look at the side of his face but he was looking at the ground with a frown on his lips.

"I'm glad you're alright too, Bakugou." I replied, smiling softly. We were both silent after that, just looking forward or looking at the ground. Finally......we're safe.....

"(Y/N)!!" My head shot up and there at the entrance was my father. His brown eyes held worry as he ran towards me. I just got up out of my chair when he pulled my body into a hug. It didnt last long though.

"Thank god you're safe." He mumbled.

"Dad! I'm so happy to see you!" My arms held him tightly as my smile brightened. "Where's mom?" I asked, pulling away to look up at him.

My smile instantly vanished once I got a good look at his face. His eyes were red, swollen and tear filled. He was visibly trembling, like he just saw his worst nightmare. 

"Dad?" I felt my cat ears flatten against my head as he continued to look at me.

"It's your mom.....something happened."


My legs kept running down the long white halls of the hospital. My eyes tear filled and red from the many times I've cried on the way here. I left my dad in the lobby so he could check us in. I needed to see for myself, I need to know that my mom is still herself and okay.

There was a nurse in front of the door I needed to open and get through. 

"U-uh, ma'am! You can't come in, the patient is still asleep!" She exclaimed when I tried to get past her.

"Please! Let me through! She's my mom!" I yelled, more tears falling from my eyes in desperation. 

The nurses eyes widened seeing my expression. Hiccups left my mouth the more I cried and I tried wiping my tears away with the palm of my hand.

".....please......please let me see her...." I begged, completely desperate at this point. The nurse slowly moved to the side and nodded.

"O-okay, but she is asleep. The medicine we gave for her injuries put her to sleep a while ago. She might wake up, but still, I suggest being quiet." She explained. Making me nod violently.

"T-thank you! Thank you..." I cried, giving her a bow and sliding the door open quietly. I gave the nurse one last bow before closing the door and turning around. There, laying on the medical bed was my mom. Bandages covered her arms and face, the rest covered by her medical gown and the blanket she's using for warmth. 

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