Chapter 36

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Finally.......FINALLY THE NEXT CHAPTER IS DONE!!! I am SO sorry about the long wait. I need to kick myself for not updating in such a long time. Gosh, I hope you guys like this one. I've been feeling sick lately and stayed home today. So I watched some MHA and had a burst of creativity. Thank you for all the love and support!! I love you guys!!

I felt numb, hollow....cold...

All Might had just dropped me off in my dorm, so I was alone with my thoughts. My fingers traced the picture frame of my family repeatedly as I sat in my desk chair, just staring. When I first moved in here, it was warm, almost like a new start. But now....everything I was trying to hide was out, and I felt very cold.

I kept thinking about my mom, how her memories were gone, what a blank slate she's become. Dad was trying his best to help her as much as he could. But he's a hero, and heroes are always busy.

She's probably alone right now... 


My head shot up and stared wide eyed at the door. The fingers that were tracing the picture now gripped the frame, slightly digging my nails into the wood.

Izuku?... The voice might've been muffled a bit, but I could still tell it was him.

"I'm sorry......I'm sorry that I couldn't see that you were feeling so much guilt sooner.....I should've seen it....helped you...comforted you....I wish-"

Before Izuku could get out another word, I had rushed to the door and flung it open. The freckled boy standing in front of me had froze for a second, before his eyes widened seeing my tear stained face.

"Don't....don't apologise, I'm the one that lied and said I was okay." My voice had cracked and I covered my eyes with my hand, already feeling tears starting to rise up again. "I-I didn't want you to worry about me. The Kamino Ward incident already had you worrying so much. I don't want to be a burden to you..." I cried quietly, tears rolling down my cheeks in streams.

"You'll never be a burden to me!" Izuku had grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. I buried my face into his shoulder and cried even more. "I love you so much, (Y/N). I want to help you anyway I can, so that you can be happy." He said, keeping a firm but comforting grip around my body.

My hands slowly rose to grip the back of his shirt. "I-I'm sorry....I should've told you...I'm sorry." I cried, staining his shirt with my tears. But he ignored it and placed one of his scarred hands on the back of my head and kissed my forehead.

"I'm here for you (Y/N). Whatever you need." He replied as my cries turned into small sniffles.

Izuku was patient, very patient. He kept his comforting hold on me as I wiped my tears away and held him silently.

"Please...stay with me tonight..." I said, making Izuku tense up for a moment. It was a pretty intimate thing to ask of him, depending on who's listening. But I simply want him to hold me, make me feel safe and comforted, while I sleep.

"S-Sure, anything to help you feel better." He replied, his voice a bit shaky. But it was even worse inside his head. Izuku was panicking, he just got used to kissing you alone and infront of others. Now he has to get used to things like this.

Of course, he's thought about cuddling you, brushing a loose strand of hair out of your face as you slept. Being able to hold your plush body close to his own. It was something VERY intimate to him. Especialy since you're the only girl he ever planned on doing that with.

"O-Okay...well..please come in." My voice came out in almost a whisper as I detached from the hug to softly pull Izuku into the room. My cat ears had flattened against my head once I closed the door behind us and let go of his hand to crawl onto my bed.

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